Ever since the doctor's disappearance, Stone hasn't been feeling absolutely well. He had gotten a lot worse than when the doctor was at the mushroom planet. This was more different than that. When the doctor disappeared to go to the mushroom planet and hadn't been contacting Stone, he still had some hope that the doctor would come back.
But now? He had seen the doctor's last livestream, it was all confirmed. He watched the doctor's live stream then the sky blazes up lighting the whole sky, an explosion from the eclipse cannon blooming up in the sky that looked like stars, making everyone close their eyes and back away due to the brightness and fear whilst he just looked up at the sky, not blinking his eyes even once. He didn't care about his safety when the doctor was about to leave his life. there's a high chance the doctor would be permanently gone from his life, that sounds impossible because the doctor always came back. Always came back for him after leaving.
But this time, he'll never come back, that fact made Stone go insane. It took him a few days or even a week to realize that his doctor, Ivo, isn't by his side anymore. He had lost his doctor. His whole world and everything.
Every night, he lacked his rest because he remembered Ivo's last livestream, every single word that Ivo said went to his mind and it made him more under pressure.
'Agent stone. You were more than a sycophant to me.. You were... A syco-friend.'
The words lingered in his mind, making him feel sick.
'I'll miss your latte with steamed austrian goat milk.."
The words made him grimace slightly, only to be replaced with a frown again.
Once in a while, he forces himself to step out of his base, only to end up at the same location where he witnessed the last livestream, standing beside a statue. It was also the statue of Anteros - The God of selfless love. What a coincidence. He just stands there beside the statue, looking up at the sky, looking for hope but the negativity didn't let a slight bit of hope get into his mind, the determination already turning into failure.
This all could've been avoided if he knew earlier. This all could've been avoided if that... That fucking old man didn't get in the way. But it's inevitable and he understands the doctor for wanting to stay with that old man. After all, the doctor never had any family or relatives to be with him. He also had never had any relatives, he was an orphan. He thought that being relatives means you can fully trust your relative, but now he probably doesn't even think he could trust anyone anymore - except for the doctor of course.he'll trust him with all his life, no matter if he leaves him for the thousand times.
Oh, the dedication. He'll always recall when he admired the doctor's rambles about his work, listening to every bit of it, sometimes he doesn't listen to every bit because he would accidentally zone out, looking at the doctor's face. He was always looking forward to the doctor's compliment on how he did his latte too, always liking the compliments the doctor gave. Some mean insults with a hint of softness, some just nice compliments with a hint of rudeness. That's what he liked about the doctor.
When he felt like he already stood in the position for too long, he went back to the crab, opening the door to be only met with silence again; it felt unusual. Every night, he steps into the doctor's lab with his latte made just the way he likes it, hoping when he looks inside the lab, he'll see him busy working on inventions
But all he managed to see was an empty space with unfinished inventions all over that he didn't even risk to brush his fingers against because he's scared he'll remove all his touch on the hardworks the doctor made. He puts down the latte on the desk full of blueprints. He looked through all of them with longing in his eyes.
It was all perfect. After all, it was made by the most intelligent person in history. He remembered when he got concerned for the doctor's well being because he wouldn't take a rest even after a few days because he had to complete his inventions. "I miss you, doctor." The agent mutters softly while picking up one of the inventions.
He would look around the lab, seeing some unfinished, some broken and needed to be fixed, finished but unuseful. Then, he catches a glimpse on one particular invention. It looked like some kind of travelling thing. He then tries to make out the blueprint, "A supposed to be a multiverse travelling machine?" He chuckled softly to himself of how dumb that sounds. But, if he were to be convinced in the multiverse, maybe in another universe, there is a universe where they're both happy.
But why not this one? Why couldn't they be happy in this universe? The thought made him feel dejected.
He would put some parts that were missing from the machine inside the invention, hoping that when Robotnik 'comes back' He'll be satisfied.. The inventions were probably from before Robotnik when to the mushroom planet and didn't have time to finish it because he was busy fighting with the 'blue rat' - That's what Robotnik calls Sonic apparently, Stone just agrees with that title for Sonic, it's just pretty funny to think about or say the name.
His fingers brushed against the buttons of the machine, thinking whether to go or not. - 'What if the doctor comes back suddenly?' He pondered to himself, he then muttered 'No, that's impossible.' His thoughts were full of chaos, thinking of a lot of possibilities on what could happen.
Maybe he can go to an universe, where his doctor is alive and they could be happy together. But that thought guilts him. That would count as 'betraying' the doctor wouldn't it? Even if he just wants to find another version of him. It wouldn't be him, that would be another person with the doctor's look and blood. Wait, that sounds like that damned grandpa.
"I might as well do this." Stone considers, deciding to change his clothes. How long has it been since he changed out of these dirty clothes ever since the doctor's death? Doesn't matter anyways. He has an adventure to do, just to test out if the machine works, after all, he has been depressed for months now.
Stone changed out of his dirty clothes, slipped into another clothes and threw them into a basket that he had filled with water - He's not gonna spend his money on a washing machine. It's just him and Robotnik. Well for him only now. Then, he put in some soap and started washing the clothes. He put in some work into the clothes, who knows if he gets out of one of those universes alive or dead.
He would also leave the crab looking spotless and immaculate, just in case the doctor comes back, well from the dead? And finds his way back to the crab. Somehow. He would probably have broken bones and punctured organs from the explosion. Plus it's impossible he'll land back on earth considering he literally exploded in space. That would be absurd.
When he finished doing all his business, carrying a briefcase with bits of clothes in case he got ambushed and his clothes got all stained. He was overthinking way too much. Plus, a briefcase can make someone look like they just came to do business, it works as a disguise.
Then he brushed his finger against the button of the creation and turned on the machine watching as it shot out a portal on the wall. He took the machine then brought it with him, if he forgot, he wouldn't be back from that universe at all.
His left foot takes a step first, his arms already trembling, his heart racing, he knew he wasn't ready, but he wanted to do this for himself. He paused for a moment, then, he walked in the portal. Hope blooms from the abyss.
"I'll find you, my dear Ivy." Stone promises to himself as he walks into the portal that leads to another dimension.
Creator notes 💜
haha get why I chose Ivy because it sounds like ivo (i planned for another name with deeper meaning but I thought Ivy is the best) and yes, this all happened after sonic movie 3
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