What The Fuck Are You Wearing?

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I woke up to someone shaking me.  I groaned and punched where I thought their face should be.  I heard a grunt and smiled.  I opened my eyes and seen Jullian standing there, the smile dropped off my face and I screamed on the top of my lungs.  All the boys ran to my room some with their shirts off and others with toothpaste on their mouths.

" WHAT?!?!" They all said at once. I pointed to Jullian who was leaning against my wall.

" WHY THE FUCK IS HE IN MY FUCKING ROOM?!" I yelled at them.

'Language Elexus' My dad said in my head. I rolled my eyes

'Dad, my language is English' I said using that line from that movie, what's it's name.... oh well I'll think of it later.

I popped back into the situation in front of me.  All the guys were looking guilty again.  " We kind of told him to wake you up for us" Raymond said.

" AHHHHHHHHHH, I fucking HATE you guys, all of you get out of my room, NOW!!!!" All the guys, except for Hector, left with their heads hung in shame.  I turned to Hector, and hugged him. " Your seriously my favorite right now and probably, forever" I said and kissed his forehead. " I'm going to take a shower, go get ready for school and eat.  I'll meet you downstairs when I'm done" I said and got up and went to my bathroom. 

I walked in my bathroom and started stripping. I turned on the water and hopped in the shower.  The hot water soothed me and I started feeling rebelious.  If they can't follow my rules, why should I follow theirs? I smiled and started singing my favorite rock song. Ignorance by Paramore

If I'm a bad person, you don't like me
Well I guess I'll make my own way
It's a circle
A mean cycle
I can't excite you anymore
Where's your gavel? Your jury?
What's my offense this time?
You're not a judge but if you're gonna judge me
Well sentence me to another life

Don't wanna hear your sad songs
I don't wanna feel your pain
When you swear it's all my fault
Cause you know we're not the same (no)
We're not the same (no)
Oh we're not the same
Yeah the friends who stuck together
We wrote our names in blood
But I guess you can't accept that the change is good (hey)
It's good (hey)
It's good

Well you treat me just like another stranger
Well it's nice to meet you sir
I guess I'll go
I best be on my way out
You treat me just like another stranger
Well it's nice to meet you sir
I guess I'll go
I best be on my way out

Ignorance is your new best friend
Ignorance is your new best friend

This is the best thing that could've happened
Any longer and I wouldn't have made it
It's not a war no, it's not a rapture
I'm just a person but you can't take it
The same tricks that, that once fooled me
They won't get you anywhere
I'm not the same kid from your memory
Well now I can fend for myself

Don't wanna hear your sad songs
I don't wanna feel your pain
When you swear it's all my fault
Cause you know we're not the same (no)
We're not the same (no)
Oh we're not the same
Yeah we used to stick together
We wrote our names in blood
But I guess you can't accept that the change is good (hey)
It's good (hey)
It's good

Well you treat me just like another stranger
Well it's nice to meet you sir
I guess I'll go
I best be on my way out
You treat me just like another stranger
Well it's nice to meet you sir
I guess I'll go
I best be on my way out

Ignorance is your new best friend
Ignorance is your new best friend
Ignorance is your new best friend
Ignorance is your new best friend

Well you treat me just like another stranger
Well it's nice to meet you sir
I guess I'll go
I best be on my way out
You treat me just like another stranger
Well it's nice to meet you sir
I guess I'll go
I best be on my way out

I turned off the shower when I finished singing.  I hopped out and started dancing.  I brushed my teeth and used mouthwash.  I walked to my closet, pulled out a black leather pants, a white sports bra, and a black leather jacket.  I put on black leather boots and put on my sunglasses.  I put my hair in a pony tail and walked out my room and into the kitchen.  All the guys stopped doing what they were doing and stared at me.

" Sup guys" I said smiling as I walked over to the counter to get fruity pebbles.  I seen Jullian licking his lips as I walked passed him. I got the fruity pebbles, milk, and bowl and sat down at the table between Damari and Jonnell.  I poured my cereal and milk and I took a bite out of it.  I felt eyes on me and I looked up to see the guys still staring at me.  I smiled with my mouth closed, chewed and swallowed. " Do I have something on my face?" I asked wiping my face with my hand.

" What the fuck are you wearing?" Rochell asked.

" Clothes?" I answered as a question

" Barely" He said pointing at my bra.

" I'm 95% covered by clothing" I said back to him.

" Yeah, well that's a new record for you" He said

" What is that supposed to mean?" I asked, finishing my cereal in five spoonfuls.

" YOU"RE DRESSING LIKE A FUCKING SLUT!!" He yelled, that made me sooo mad, furious, angry and all words in that catergory of not happy.

I picked up my empty bowl and threw it at him, he dodged it and smirked at me, that made me even more mad. " DON"T EVER CALL ME A SLUT AGAIN!!!" I growled

" What are you gunna do, slut?" He said in a mocking voice.  I bared my teeth and growled.  I stood up and grabbed a fork from Damari's plate. " Do you think I'm scared because you have a sharp object?" He said rolling his eyes.  I lunged over the table and stabbed him straight in the shoulder.  He screamed and dad ran down the stairs.  He seen Rochell and looked at me.

" What the fuck did you do?" He asked me.

" I stabbed him, I thought it was obvious" I said rolling my eyes.  We seem to do that a lot.

" WHY?!?!" He asked me.  Rochell pulled the fork out of his shoulder and you could see his arm healing already

" He called me a slut, twice" I said holding up 2 fingers.  I picked up my bag and grabbed Hector's hand.  I walked towards the door.

" Where are you going?" Dad said to me.

" I'm walking him to school" I said not turning around. 

" You're grounded when you get home. 2 weeks" He said. I turned around and flipped him off. " A month" He said before I slammed the door.

The walk to Hector's school was quick and quiet.  The walk to my school was short and quiet too.  When I arrived, I seen the guys getting out of the car.  They seen me and started walking towards me. I kept walking and when we met, I acted like they weren't there.

" Why did you stab Rochell?" Sam asked.  I stayed quiet.

" Why are you dressed like that?" Brendon asked.  I stayed quiet.

" Do you really hate us?" Jay asked

" You would answer Jullians questions" Jonnell mumbled.  I stopped and turned to Jonnell who was walking on my left. I grabbed him by the collar and pulled him 2 inches from my face.

" Don't you ever, speak his name to me again.  Or what I did to Rochell would look like a flick on the nose,okay?" I said my voice threatening.  Jonnell nodded. " Good" I said and pushed him away from me.  I dusted my jacket off and walked away.  I seen Leon Penning push a nerd ot of his way and smiled.  Time for my plan to begin.

I walked up to Leon and wrapped my arms around his neck.  " Do I know you?" He asked

" No, but I know you want to" I said looking into his blue eyes.  He smiled and kissed me.  His lips were soft, and he was a great kisser for a human.  We made out for like 2 seconds before I felt someone grab the back of my collar and pull me away.  I choked for like 5 seconds then turned around to see Exaveyour standing there, fury written on his face.  I rolled my eyes at his jealousy.  I seriously need to break that habit.

" What??" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

" Can I talk to you?" He asked his eyes flicking from me to Leon.

" Sure" I said standing there waiting for him to talk

" Alone" He said grabbing my arm and dragging me away from Leon. 

" You wanted to talk??" I asked inspecting my nails.

" Why the fuck are you making out with Leon?" He asked furious

" My lips were lonely and I made out with the first person I could find" I said almost rolling my eyes but catching myself.

" Why didn't you kiss me?" He asked his voice softening.

" Want me to kiss you?" I asked like I was talking to a baby.  He nodded.  I went on my tip toes and whispered in his ear " Not here"

" Let's go somewhere more... private" He said seductively and walked away.  I blew Leon a kiss and followed Exaveyour.  We ended up in his classroom and he locked the door and closed the blinds.  He walked up to me and snaked his arms around my waist.  He looked at me and smirked.  I wrapped my arms around his neck and smashed my lips against his.  He kissed me back and I ran my tongue over his lips.  He opened his mouth and our tongues fought and danced.  He grabbed my legs and wrapped them around his waist.  I pulled back and kissed down his neck.  He moaned and I unbuttoned his shirt and took off his undershirt while kissing down his neck.  He layed me on his desk and took off my jacket.  I was only wearing a bra under it and he raised his eyebrow. 

" Long story" I said and he kept kissing by stomach and neck.  I sat up and started undoing his pants. 

" Someone's in a rush" He said chuckling while I smiled at him.  I pulled down his pants and me wanting it so badly, I pulled his boxers down at the same time.  I took off my pants and since I didn't have underwear on made it easier for us.  I took off my bra and kissed him again.  We had great sex 4 times.  When we were getting dressed, the bell rang.  I kissed him on the lips and ran to my locker.  I seen Jay leaning on the locker with his books in his hands.

" Sup J- izzle" I said when I approached him.  He moved out of the way so I could open my locker

" Nothing, my sister stabbed my brother, flipped off my dad, made out with our enemy and had sex with our teacher.  Nothing really" He said acting like it was the most normalest thing to talk about

" Oh, that's cool, how's your bro?" I asked like I was his close guy friend

" Good, just really angry" He said while we walked away from the locker, to Exaveyour's class.

" That's whats up" I said opening the door and walking in the class.  Leon was at the back of the class and I winked at him and sat down. 

I heard someone burst in and I turned to the door to see the blond chick from yesturday, what was her name? Oh yeah Diane.  With a gun in her hand pointed at me. " Jullian broke up with me because of you" And she pulled the trigger.  Before I could react,  the bullet hit me and I fell to the ground.  I heard screams and cries fill the room.  I didn't know where I got shot, I just knew it hurt.  I went numb, silver bullet.  I seen Exaveyour tackle Diane and Jay ran to my side.

" Elexus, stay with me.  Don't die.  C'mon Elexus"  He said putting pressure on the wound.

" Tell dad, I'm sorry and tell the guys I love them" I said and with that, I blacked out

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