supplies and new "friends

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Authors note. (Yes, the answer was Harry Potter!!! Also, since I haven't updated in a while, I kinda forgot what happened 😅 also I might make ablus and Hermione villains. Tell me in the comments if you want that. Also, as an apology for not updating, this will be a very long chapter!)

Harry's POV
I awoke back in my cupboard, but even more things hurt than before. "Why can't I just leave?" I questioned myself before trying to get up and slamming against the cupboard door. "Ouch!" I hissed to myself before feeling my cat ear bleeding (I can't remember if he has cat ears or not 😅 so bare with me)

Gonna have to clean that up. I thought to myself before slowly limping to the kitchen. While making breakfast, I tried to sneak myself extra pancakes and was caught.

"Why are you stealing OUR food!? Didn't we give you enough scraps on Monday!?" Vermon shouted at me. "B-but sir, it's Thursday!" I told him while trying to be brave and then while slammed into the wall. "Maybe I should start treating you like a dog since you want to be disobedient! You're a freak with those weird cat ears and tail!" Vermon Spat into my eyes

Please, someone save me. I begged to myself. If there were any gods in this world, they must have abandoned me! The next thing I knew, I saw vermon with a hot iron and felt a sizzling pain against my tail and could smell smoke and blood.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door. "UGH, WHAT DO YOU WANT?" Spat vermon as he charged through the house, dropping the hot iron directly on my tail..or what was left of it.

A massive big guy with a scruffy beard walked through the door. "Who are you!?" Questioned Petunia while walking down the stairs.

"Me, eh? Well, I'm er Hagrid!" Say the big guy while barging into the house. "Im here to erm colect hary! W'y of course!" Said Hagrid when he suddenly noticed me.

"EH!? WHAT HAV EH DONE TO YA!?" Shouted Hagrid while looked very mad. "That freak?-" vermon asked but got no further before he was picked up and thrown onto the couch by Hagrid.

"TAK THA BAC YA MUGGLE!" Hagrid shouted at vermon, then Hagrid looked at me and patted my head. "Don't worey ya be safe soon!" Hagrid told me and then looked at vermon.

"But I can't say the same for ya!" Hagrid told vermon before he picked me. Then I blacked out.

"Harry... Harry!" Said a mysterious voice while I kept falling in and out of consciousness. "H-huh..?" I questioned, then started to panic. What if they want to hurt me!? Or worse, kill me!? I started to have a panic attack and started scrambling upwards but was stopped by the sharp pain in my tail and bones.

"Ouch!" I hissed. "Oh sweetie, don't move too much, or you'll only make it worse!" Said who I assumed was the doctor. "Where am I?" I asked her.

"Why boy, you're at my home!" Said the old lady with gray saggy hair. "Hagrid brought you here!" She told me.

"What's your name?" I asked her. "It's not important, but what is important is you getting better!" Said the old lady while scurrying around the room.

"O'y, ya awake?" Questioned Hagrid while he slowly stood up from his chair. "Um, yes, sir." I said a bit panicked. "Alright'y, tell ya this. I'll take ya to get your stuff for hogwarts after you get better, eh?" Said Hagrid while looking at me. I just nodded, yes.

(Time skip brought to you by draco begging to see Harry Potter early or else, hIs fAtHeR wIlL hEaR aBoUt tHiS Also, it's been a while since I've read the books, so some events may take place at different times)

Harry's POV
I was in ollivanders shop when suddenly I accidentally bumped into a blond hair boy, and I quickly apologized. "Oh, I'm sorry!" I said quickly while trying to help the boy up.

"Watch where you're going! Wait, aren't you... Harry Potter?" Asked the blond haired boy halfway through his sentence.

"Um, y-yes," I said while blushing and getting nervous, but I don't know why.

Blond boy's POV
Oh my merlin! I've always had a bit of an obsession with Harry Potter. I've always wanted to meet him! I hope I can be friends with him!

"It's nice to meet the famous Harry Potter! My name is....."

END OF CHAPTER!!! does anyone wanna guess who this mystery character is?????

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