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In the dining room, the air was strangely quiet.

Aunt Chen, who happened to come out of the kitchen with the soup, stood at the door, neither entering nor retreating.

After eating two more chopsticks, Gu Wei frowned slightly, put the bowl down, and said, "Clean up."

After speaking, he also got up on the second floor.

Aunt Chen quickly put away the unfinished food, and brought the soup that was just brought back intact.

Regarding the wealthy, as an outsider, she certainly didn't know anything, she didn't dare to say anything, she didn't dare to ask anything.

At the other end, Yue Fei returned to the room, feeling depressed that he hadn't had for a long time.

Gu Wei's arrangements for him seemed to be like arranging normal work, calm and efficient.

Standing on the small balcony in the room, Yue Fei looked at the lights on the road as if a silver dragon wandered around, in a daze.

The night was as cool as water, and the breeze slowly eased Yue Fei's irritability.

What is he frustrating? The relationship between them was originally like a subordinate and a partner, and changing an assistant was not a big deal. Gu Wei really didn't need to ask him for his opinion.

Gu Wei didn't do anything wrong, it was his own thinking.

He actually lost his temper to Gu Wei just now, but it is actually unnecessary.

"What are you doing?" After staying here for a long time, because some people feel happy and warm about something, do you really think of yourself as Yue Fei in the book?

Back to the room, Yue Fei sent a message to Gu Wei acknowledging the mistake.

Yue Fei: I'm sorry, but I'm not in a good mood today.

Gu Wei may be busy and did not reply to him immediately.

Although the two lived only upstairs and downstairs, Yue Fei didn't want to go upstairs to find Gu Wei at all.

At the moment, Gu Wei was in the study room on the second floor, looking at the information sent by Yue Fei, frowned for a moment, flipped through the chat list, and clicked on the dialog with the eldest brother Gu Wei.

Gu Wei is an omega and has been married, living overseas with his alpha for a long time.

Gu Wei: If Wesley loses temper with you because of other omegas, what do you do?

Gu Wei: Wesley cheated?

Gu Wei: No.

Gu Wei: Oh no, why do you suddenly ask this? Xiao Fei lost her temper at you?

Gu Wei: No, I have a friend.

Gu Wei: Tell me clearly what's going on.

Gu Wei: My friend changed his partner's assistant without the consent of his partner.

Gu Wei: Oh, although it's not a big deal, it should be said. But there is no need to be angry about this, unless your friend’s partner and assistant...

Gu Wei:

Gu Wei: It's not necessarily true. It also needs to combine the two people's usual mode of getting along. It may not be angry because of such a trivial matter. Each conflict between the partners is usually the accumulation of countless previous dissatisfaction.

Gu Wei: My friend is very good, and his partner cannot be dissatisfied with him.

Gu Wei: Your excellent friend is really not yourself?

Gu Wei: No, it's late, take a break early.


Gu Wei didn't reply to the message until late at night, before Yue Fei fell asleep.

Gu Wei: I was busy just now. If I am hungry, I have food in the kitchen.

Not to mention it's okay, when I said it, Yue Fei felt that his stomach began to growl.

Getting up from the bed, Yue Fei dragged his steps to open the door and went to the kitchen.

As soon as I took out the soup that hadn't been moved for dinner from the refrigerator, Yue Fei heard the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs.

Soon, the person who had just sent a message with him appeared at the door of the kitchen.

"Are you hungry too?" Yue Fei broke the silence with her back to the door.

Gu Wei's voice was a little low: "Well, there are some."

"I'll warm up the soup, and drink some later." Yue Fei said while warming the soup.

For a long time, he didn't hear the response from the people behind him, and Yue Fei turned his head to see Gu Wei wearing those familiar gold-rimmed glasses, looking at him intently.

Seeing Yue Fei turning around, Gu Wei said, "Alright?"

Yue Fei paused, then turned around and turned his back to him: "Immediately."

When the soup was hot, the two sat on the dining table again.

Yue Fei watched Gu Wei take off his glasses, and after taking a sip of the soup, he seemed to ask unconsciously, "Do you have myopia?"

Gu Wei: "No."

With alpha physical quality, the possibility of myopia is extremely small.

"Then why are you wearing glasses?" Yue Fei was puzzled.

Between anti-blue light and anti-radiation and knowing that you like it so you wear it, Gu Wei chose the former.

When he wore glasses in front of Yue Fei for the first time, Yue Fei looked at him in a state of absent-mindedness too obvious, and Gu Wei wanted to pretend that he didn't know what he thought of him.

Who will let this beta not hide his mind at all.

Yue Fei, who didn't know that he was in the "beauty trick", was a little surprised when he heard that: "That's it."

In this way, the unhappiness during dinner was gently revealed by the two of them tacitly.

Yue Fei adjusted his tone and asked him again: "Can I ask you why you replaced Tang Yue? The real reason."

Gu Wei stopped drinking the soup and met his gaze.

"Of course, you don't have to answer." Yue Fei lowered his eyes, and his tone was flat.

"Because he is alpha." Gu Wei said.

Yue Fei: "Huh?"

Gu Wei said half-truth and half-truth: "Although we are just agreement partners, you know that Alpha’s nature cannot bear the slightest provocation. He is by your side. My pheromone may attack him out of control. For his safety, I can only Arrange for him to do other tasks."

As for the physiological knowledge of abo, Yue Fei actually knows very little. At this moment, listening to Gu Wei said this, thinking that it is Alpha’s desire to win and lose again, so he nodded and said: "This way, I understand."

Gu Wei was not sure, and asked him: "Do you really understand?"

Yue Fei: "I understand the pheromone problem." It should be the same as endocrine disorders.

Gu Wei was still not sure whether he really understood it or not, so he could only nod his head: "It's fine if you can understand."

After drinking the soup, Yue Fei consciously took the bowls and chopsticks back into the kitchen, but suddenly a pair of well-knotted hands stretched out in front of him and took away his empty bowl.

"I'll be fine." Yue Fei got up.

Gu Wei ignored him, put the dishes and chopsticks of the two into the kitchen, put them in the dishwasher, and then walked out again.

Yue Fei touched the back of his neck with some embarrassment.

"Do you have any other dissatisfaction with me?" Gu Wei said suddenly.

Yue Fei raised his eyes: "Huh?"

Gu Wei: "I have something to say." He didn't say it, and he didn't know.

"There is no dissatisfaction." Yue Fei was surprised, wondering why he thought so.

Gu Wei pursed her lower lip, and the corners of her mouth curled up: "I think so."

Yue Fei: "?"


Next week, there will be a full line of exams.

Yue Fei was tortured to death by various problems for five days.

In order to save time, he told Gu Wei in advance that he would not go back to live in an off-campus house this week, but instead live in a nearby dormitory.

Gu Wei returned him with an [OK] expression, and the two of them did not contact each other for five days.

Yue Fei really has no time, Gu Wei, Yue Fei would not know.

On the way back to Nanwan Xiang County, Yue Fei sent a message to Gu Wei, saying that he had finally finished the exam and would return to Nanwan Xiang County on the weekend.

Gu Wei may be busy and has not returned to him.

Yue Fei thought for a while and sent a message to Qiao Si.

Yue Fei: Assistant Qiao, are you busy lately?

It was not until Yue Fei returned to Nanwan Xiang County that he received Qiao Si's reply.

Qiao Si: Is there something urgent for Mr. Yue to call Mr. Gu? Mr. Gu was invited to take part in a cruise trip that lasted three days and two nights. There is no time for the time being, and he won’t be free until tomorrow afternoon at the earliest.

Yue Fei: No thanks, no urgent matter.

Joss: [Smile]

So I went to play. Yue Fei grabbed his hair and turned off the phone.

After returning to Nanwan Xiang County, Yue Fei lay on the sofa in the living room after dinner and watched a movie.

The room where he was alone at night seemed too empty.

In fact, at the beginning, he was often the only one to stay here, Gu Wei often came back late.

Later, I don’t know when, Gu Wei, who has never eaten here, started eating at the same table with him in the morning and evening, although Gu Wei would be busy in the study on the second floor until late every night, and occasionally when Yue Fei was lying in bed and brewing sleepiness. Hearing the sound of the chairs upstairs, but the feeling that there is another person in the house can always give people inexplicable peace of mind.

Because of this, Yue Fei felt that the night was a bit difficult.

Knowing that Gu Wei would not return, he will stay in the dormitory this week.

The movie that Yue Fei chose at random was called Cohabitation and Love. When she saw the plot of the protagonist who was looking for a new house to move out after the expiration of the co-rental period, Yue Fei suddenly remembered that he and Gu Wei had lived together for two months when they received their marriage certificate. It's due.

I don't know what Gu Wei has plans over there.

Thinking of this, Yue Fei suddenly felt that the movie could not stand.

He turned on his phone and wanted to talk to his roommate about the exam, but at a glance he saw an entertainment news pop up on the screen that looked like social news.

[Today, on the Bowan Shenyang cruise ship, the star Chu Ran unexpectedly went into estrus and was marked by the president of the Gu Group. 】

In the beginning, Yue Fei didn't know who the protagonist of the news was. It was just a ghost who almost went in. It wasn't until he saw Gu Wei occupying half of the page that he realized that he might have been cheated again.

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