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Patrick Mahomes Sr pulled up to his ex wife's house with their two kids Patrick and Jackson, he was dropping them off after his weekend with them.

He was sad that he couldn't take their little half sister with him but he understood that her father wanted to spend time with her after being off on a vacation.

Only that's what he thought and that's what Randi told him.

That was until Patrick told him something that really got him thinking.

Because unknowingly as he was pulling there was the younger girl sitting and waiting for her dad to show up.

"He didn't show." Patrick told his dad with a sad smile, hating this for his sister.

"What do you? How do already know?" The older Mahomes asked his son with his eyebrows raised in question.

"He never shows up, he'll call and make these promises about what they'll do but is a no show. Rosie, she keeps hope and denies it. But I know she understands what he's doing. She just doesn't want to admit it."

"He doesn't call?"

"No, he just doesn't show up. Once he messed up and sent her photo of him on a cruise with women. He'd rather be with random women than his daughter." Patrick told his father with a frown. "There's many times that she'll cry on my shoulder about it." He added.

"That fucking asshole." Patrick Sr mumbles to him after hearing what his son had to say.

He was lost on how one could treat there kid like that.

But also it didn't surprise him considering what his sons have told him about Colten Brooks.

He know he wasn't a good husband or father but he never knew he was just this much of a dead beat.

"Next time we'll bring her with us." The older mahomes told his son with a small smile, fully ready to give the sister of his sons a dad figure that wasn't Colten, that was someone that wouldn't abandon her at the last minute.

"Really?" Patrick asked his father in shock.

"Yes, no matter what, we'll take her with us."

"Thank you dad, it'll mean a lot to her."


"He's here." Rosalie mumbled to Brittany as she glanced over to the other of the bleachers with a frown.

She know today wasn't going to go on without an issue she could feel it through out the weekend and could only guess that's why she's anxious all week.

Because why wouldn't he be at an big event like this when there's a possibility of getting a good party and possibly a famous hook up?

"And looking straight at us." She added with a sad sigh, officially ready to move from the area before Colten fully ruined the day for her.

"That fucker." Brittany mumbled.

"It's fine, it's a public event, it's not like we could've stopped him sadly." Rosalie told her with a small smile.

"You're right we can't stop him, but that doesn't mean that we can't move somewhere else." Brittany told her softly. "The guys should be back soon and we can move." She added.

"It's fine, he odds likely won't do anything with the fact that Patrick and Travis are around." She told Brittany.

Or at least she hoped.

But the thought of him not coming up to them didn't relax her nerves.

And they probably won't settle until the guys came back, which she was hoping would be soon.

"They should be back soon." Brittany told her soon to be sister in law while wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "Just focus on the race." She added.

"Okay." She said with a nod and focused on the race that was going on.


"Shall we go to the paddock?" Travis asked after race was finished wanting to get the girl that was considering one of his best friends away from the area as fast as possible.

He didn't want to be in the grand stands any longer than need.

He could feel the stares coming from the man that no one wanted near them.

"Yeah, let's go." Patrick said while getting up, also feeling the stares coming from Colten.

"Lead the way big bro." Rosalie told him with a chuckle getting up with Brittany, the two of them immediately warping their arms around each others shoulders with big smiles on their faces.

"Who do you want to meet first?" Patrick asked his sister with a smile as he watched his soon to be wife and his sister walk together attached to the hip.

Like they normally were.

"Lewis." She told him with a smile.

"You should've known that Patrick." Travis laughed following the group.

"It's who she ever talks about." Brittany teased her with a smile, laughing at the younger Mahomes siblings blush that she was trying to hide.

"Is not, I talk about Pierre, Fernando, and Max." Rosalie told them. "And occasionally Lance." She added.

"Yeah, talk about them, but you talk about Lewis like he's your dream guy." Travis told her with a smile.

He couldn't help but get in on the teasing of the girl and her crush on the Mercedes driver.

"I do not." Rosalie said blushing harder.

"Yes you do." All three of them told her with a laugh.

"How much are we betting that she chickens out?" Travis asked Brittany and Patrick.

"100 dollars." Brittany told him with a smile.

She didn't doubt that her friend couldn't meet the man she had a crush on, it was more she knew how her friend was.

She knew that Rosalie would rather chicken out than have a possibility of getting along with him and it leading to something more.

It wasn't her fault that she was like this, she was just a girl that had a fucked childhood that pushed her even believing in love.

She wants to simply protect her heart no matter how miserable she was deep down.

But it was something that Patrick wanted her overcome and she and Travis where all for helping him.

Because they wanted their girl to be happy and treated well.

"Rosie? You okay?" Brittany asked as she noticed her friend freeze up.

"I see Lewis." She mumbled frozen in her place.

"Well yes, we're going to go meet him right now." Brittany chuckled lightly.

"I'm going to make a fool of myself." She whispered to her.

"No you aren't Scout." She tell her reassuringly. "You'll have me, Patrick and Travis here, we won't let you humiliate yourself in front of any of the drivers." She added again with a smoothing voice as her soon to be sister in law starts to shake.

She knew if she didn't get her calmed down quickly that she would most likely go into a full anxiety attack.

"I'm not very good at talking with people other than the guys."

"Rosa, I promise you, you'll be fine, you'll kick ass meeting him and you'll have us every step of the way. I would never leave your side at environment like this."

"I know." She whispers softly knowing that she wouldn't.

"Ready?" Brittany asked softly holding out her hand, willing to go at her own pace.

"Yeah." Rosalie told her while taking her hand and squeezing softly.

"Okay, let's do this." She told her with a small smile, leading her soon to be sister towards the group up ahead, where the guys are already talking to a certain Mercedes that the girl wanted to meet.

She had not doubt that the two guys that love the girl next her would be updating the driver about her, and giving him a heads up that she might be a little awkward meeting him.

They would do anything to make this easier for her and less humiliating.

"Here she is." Patrick smiled as they got walked up to them. "This is my sister, Rosalie Brooks." He added with a bigger smile taking his spot next to her on her other side, knowing that she most likely relax more with him there.

"Hello, it's nice to meet you Rosalie, I'm Lewis which I'm sure you might know?" He asked with a warm smile.

"I'm a big fan." Rosalie told him with a small smile.

"Nice too hear, I'm always glad to meet a fan of me." Lewis told her with a smile. "Can I show you around the garage?" He added nodding toward his teams garage. 

"I'd loved too." She said with a smile as Patrick and Brittany gently pushed her forward.

They were glad that she was at least talking to him and interacting like a fan.


Hello lovely Readers,

It's been awhile since I last updated.

A lot is happening in this chapter.

Rosalie has met Lewis, I know there wasn't a lot of him if any in this chapter but I promise we'll see more of him as time goes on.

Colten, well there's not must to say about him.

I wanted to give you guys and out look at how Patrick dads feels about Rosalie, their relationship will soon be an important one.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. 

Let me know what you think.

Enjoy~ Jackie

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