Under the wisteria tree

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TYSM FOR THE SUPPORT GUYSSSSS! As my birthday present to you, next chapter will be extra long! I'm thinking about 1500 words! [my birthday's on the 2 of may.]

Tommy POV:

Philza burst in as Wilbur hugged me. I leapt away from him, before running off. I needed to be alone with my thoughts. My trauma filled, bloodstained thoughts. Anything to escape from that room.

I pushed through guards and hero's, protesting as I bumped into them. Thank Prime that I decided to change my clothes so no one would recognise me. Running down a flight of stairs, I entered a place where my mind could cool. The garden.

I had read some blueprints of it before but I never realised that it could be so beautiful.

Every step I took, every type of flowers bloomed at my feet. I ventured deeper into the  massive garden, more flowers trailing after me. Animals soon followed. Butterflies, bees and moths. I found a wisteria tree and sat down , feeling exhausted about the mind probe.

My mind retracted to that place where I fell.  Falling down and down, down and down. A moth landed on my wrist. I winced at the light contact. Dreams favourite place to cut me. I had scars there forever. I stroked the moth carefully, expecting it to fly away. I was surprised it did'nt. I loved moths as a child. Moths, spiders and cows. I had a spider in the Villan tower once. Named him Shroud.

Flowers kept growing at my shoes and the Wisteria tree's flowers kept blooming and falling. I caught one in my hand, before letting it drift out my hand. An Allium grew in front of me. I picked the flower up. Memories ran through my head.

Ranboo picked one up. He was a weird boy. I thought. He tripped and fell, dropping the the flower and I caught it, unconsciously. He looked at me, before standing up and brushing himself off.

'You can have it if you want.'

'Ok. Thanks Booboi.'

'Where did that nickname come from?'

'It's not an nickname, and Tubbo told me that that was your name.'

'Well its not Booboy, its Ranboo.'

'Ok Booboi.'

I laughed al little bit at that memory. Fiddling with the flower, i heard some footsteps behind me. I jumped, using my power do disarm the person of all their weapons. Thousands apon thousands of daggers, axes and potions came flying towards me, landing on next to me.

'Hey.' They grunted.

'What the fuck are you here for? Going to spy on me??'

'No I-.'

'I dont need any explanation from you. Now go away.'

'I know how you feel like.'

Technoblade sat down beside me and I knew it was pointless to oppose him.

'You don't know anything, bitch.'

'I do. I know that you have voices. I know you have scars. I know you wear a mask to make people happy, but inside your crumbling.'

I didnt want to admit that that was true. I didnt realise I was crying until I was. He hugged me and let it all out.

I missed this.

FINE YOU CAUGHT ME. This resembles Tommy not being ok when Techno died. I know its nearly been a year but i still feel sad
:[. If you want to talk about him, or anything, this is my discord username: A_RandomPersonWHo_likesLiFE

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