chapter 7

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The Wedding Ends

The wedding festivities had finally come to an end. The guests, including Akira's family, bid farewell to the newlyweds. The tension between Jeh and Vasco was palpable, with neither brother-in-law harboring warm feelings for the other. Mansi hugged Akira tightly, whispering, "You can do it, but please don't forget me. I'm not as strong as you, and I need my best friend." This warmed Akira's heart; Mansi had always been an unconditional friend, offering her new horizons to look for.Kourosh, Akira's 21-year-old brother, was clearly sad.

Though an adult, Akira had been a mother figure to him, especially during their parents' divorce. She had been an anchor for both him and their mother. Hugging him, she said, "I'll always be there for you. You're my first child, and don't hesitate to come to me. This physical distance doesn't mean I'm far." This made Kourosh emotional, but he held back his tears in front of Jeh and their father.

Vasco's brothers were hesitant to approach him or Akira to congratulate them.

Vasco's intimidating presence didn't help, as he always maintained a distance that made him unapproachable.

Noticing this, Akira waved at them, inviting them over.

"Hello, baba. I hope I don't look cruel enough to be ignored by such fine young boys," Akira said warmly.

Naval, the youngest, responded, "You're very pretty." He wanted to say more but was scared by Vasco's stern expression.Akira smiled.

"What a fine young gentleman you are. May I know your name?

"Naval hesitated but finally said, "My name is Naval, and this is Advi and Adar."Akira greeted the other two boys. "Hi Advi, hello Adar.

Could we all take a family picture before we all leave? "They nodded, albeit nervously.

The photographer asked them to say "cheese" and come closer, but the boys were reluctant to get too close to Vasco. Sensing this, Akira positioned herself near them, providing a buffer.Vasco, visibly annoyed, went along with it. After a while, he shouted, "Let's conclude this, Hiten," addressing the wedding planner.

The Evening AfterOnce everyone left and Vasco's family moved to their mansion 50 meters away, Akira found herself sitting on the sofa in the living room. Vasco received a call and left without saying anything, leaving Akira alone to process the day's events.

ReflectionAkira took a deep breath, reflecting on the day's whirlwind. The tension between her family and Vasco was a challenge she anticipated but hoped to manage better. She thought about the vulnerability of Vasco's brothers and the warmth of her own siblings.

Her heart ached for Kourosh, knowing he would miss her deeply.Settling InAs she sat there, Akira decided she needed to set the tone for her new life.

She wouldn't let the circumstances dictate her happiness. She rose from the sofa and began to explore her new home, familiarizing herself with its layout and trying to make it feel like her own.

Vasco returned, his expression unreadable. He paused, looking at her. "We need to discuss our roles in this arrangement," he said, his tone businesslike.

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