Chapter 9

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Hi! I just wanted to say thanks so much if you've been reading the chapters so far and commenting and stuff like that. It's really cool, and it may seem like it's not a big thing but I'm just glad you're enjoying my work. I'm gonna be writing some more stories on this page if you want to check that out. Enjoy chapter 9!

Jeremy's hand was warm in Michael's palm as he pulled him through the crowded party. They pushed all the way through and got to the front door, pulling it open, taking in the sweet fresh air outside. Jeremy sighed and leaned against Michael. Jeremy was just slightly drunk but Michael could tell he hadn't really drank before, so he was acting like he had downed two buckets of straight vodka. Ok maybe not that much but he was still wobbly. Michael held out his arm and pulled Jeremy in. It felt so nice to finally be able to hug Jeremy like this, to be able to hold him tight and feel his warmth. Michael got lost when he looked at Jeremy, he got lost in his features. His sharp jawline, his freckles and his pink cheeks. His lips were beautiful too. Curved and pale, and he now knew they were soft too. And his eyes. Michael would never describe his eyes like the sea or the sky, that would be an understatement. His eyes were ice cold blue, but they were kind eyes, with hints of  baby blue and teal. His eyes were like gleaming turquoise crystals in the way they shone. "Why are you staring at me?" Jeremy asked curiously. "Because you're beautiful" Michael replied without having to think twice. Michael kissed him quickly and held on to him tightly to keep him warm. Jeremy nuzzled into Michael's neck. Michael smiled widely. I am dating my dream guy! He thought. But wait. Jeremy had kissed him. Were they really dating? Or had Jeremy just done that to get back at his ex? Michael paused. He took his arm away from Jeremy and crossed them over his own chest. Jeremy pulled a face and tried to hug him again but Michael pushed him away. He didn't want to give Jeremy the wrong impression. Michael had dated someone before but they both knew that hey were dating and not just friends. They had met on a dating site after all. Michael sighed. Why was Jeremy so complicated?
Jeremy woke up in a different bedroom from his own. His head was pounding. He sat up and looked at his surroundings. He could see a blurry outline of a boy in a red hoodie. "M-Michael?" Jeremy asked the figure. Michael turned round. He couldn't tell how much Jeremy remembered about last night but he wasn't about to try and kiss Jeremy without him knowing they were kind of dating now. "Morning Jeremy, are you feeling okay?" Michael asked. "I'm feeeling.... ughhh" Jeremy held his head. Cute little alcohol virgin Michael thought. Michael went over to Jeremy and smiled at him. "Where am I anyway?" Jeremy asked, still holding his head. "Oh this is my apartment, you were sorta drunk last night so I thought it would be best just to bring you back here..." Michael looked at Jeremy's face and could tell the exact question he wanted to ask. "No Jeremy I didn't sleep in this bed last night" Michael said. "Oh..." Jeremy didn't say anything else for most of the morning, he just answered questions Michael asked him with nods or shrugs.
Michael had fixed them up a small breakfast, just toast and cereal. "Do you... remember anything that happened last night?" Michael asked. "Not really, how much did I drink?" Jeremy replied. "I don't know honestly... you don't remember anything?" Michael needed to know if he had remembered the kiss. But Jeremy just shrugged and continued eating his toast. Michael sighed and put his empty plate in the dishwasher. He doesn't remember anything? But maybe it was better if he didn't remember the kiss. I mean it wasn't the best first kiss they could have had, with Christine there and everything. Maybe Michael had a second chance on Jeremy, so far this had been messy but maybe he could fix it. He went back to his couch (where they had eaten breakfast as Michael didn't have a table or dining chairs) and sat next to Jeremy. "Jeremy, do you wanna go do something today?" Michael asked. Jeremy looked up from his plate. "What do you mean?" He replied. "I mean... do you wanna hang? Just hang out and have fun? Cause I mean Jeremy, you're really fun and I wanna be better friends" Michael said with a smile. Jeremy smiled too. "What did you have in mind for today then?" He asked. "How about bowling?" Michael suggested. Jeremy nodded and looked into Michael's eyes.
Oh my god. Michael's eyes... his eyes! Jeremy couldn't stop staring at Michael's eyes. They were like deep pools of melted chocolate. He could stare into them all day. Michael had a puzzled look on his face. Jeremy turned away, blushing.
Soooo Jeremy was definitely just looking into my eyes. How do I feel about that... Michael was thinking about the way Jeremy had stared at him earlier. They were now walking towards a bowling complex where they would spend the afternoon. "Ok, confession, I've never been bowling before..." Jeremy said. "WHAT? Oh Jeremy it's so fun, you basically just throw a really heavy ball onto the floor and try and knock down some pins. It's a really great way to get out your anger" Michael explained. "Oohhhhkay then" Jeremy said, and they walked onto the complex. Michael went to the counter whilst Jeremy went to the snack bar and got Michael some Mountain Dew and he got him self some lemonade. "You don't like Mountain Dew?" Michael asked when Jeremy came back with the drinks. "It's not my favourite..." Jeremy trailed off when he saw the disgusted look on Michael's face. "I meaaaan I like it but I was craving lemonade" Jeremy quickly fixed his answer. Michael's expression softened. "Ok so looks like we're ok Lane 10" Michael said. They walked up to lane 10 and started picking out some bowling balls. Jeremy picked out a blue marbled one and Michael picked out a bright red one. "Your turn first!" Michael said looking at the names on the screen. Jeremy walked forward and threw his ball with determination! It went straight in the gutter. Michael laughed and gave him another ball. "Your aiming for the pins!" Michael reminded him. Jeremy gave him an annoyed look and threw the ball again, hitting only one pin. "Uhhhhhhh" he said and sat on a bench. "Michael smiled and picked up his ball. He threw it smoothly and it hit 8 of the pins, leaving two at the side. "Watch this," Michael said as he picked up another ball and knocked the last two pins down easily. "Spareeeee!" He said excitedly. Jeremy sighed and took his turn. A few more shots went by, and Michael got 2 strikes with Jeremy getting only one spare. It was the last go and after Jeremy's gutter incident they had decided to put up the gutter barriers. Jeremy took his turn and Michael turned round, editing a selfie he had just taken of him and Jeremy. "Ummmm Michael..." Jeremy said form behind Michael. "What?" Michael  said as he looked up from his phone. Jeremy pointed to the bowling track, and at first Michael couldn't see anything but he then realised the bowling  ball was stuck in the gutter at the very end of the lane. Michael started laughing hysterically. "HOW DOES THAT EVEN HAPPEN??? HAHAHAHA!" Michael was in a fit of laughter. Jeremy went bright red. "It's not thaaat funny..." Jeremy huffed. Michael continued to laugh.
It was later now and Michael and Jeremy were in a pizza restaurant. "And then she started running a circle around him!" Michael said. Jeremy was laughing at Michael's stupid stories. "I've had a lot of fun you know." Jeremy said, with a sparkle in his eyes. Michael's eyes were wide and gleaming. "I've had fun too" Michael said as he leaned towards Jeremy. Their lips connected and Michael felt a buzz of happiness rush through him. He smiled as he kissed Jeremy, and Jeremy smiled back. They pulled apart, smiling at each other. "Now I've definitely had fun" Michael said, smirking.

Wowwwwww so this took me a long time to write. Sorry about that. But I'm gonna start on chapter 10 literally right now soooooo, see you in the next chapter!

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