You basted

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It was a rainy day you were in the hospital.. your had a cloudy bury mess.. and everything hurt you couldn't remember what had happen really. You remembered you father was in town. Then you left Kyle house your father found you and best you.. your remember him fire and blood.. did I shot him .. " you looked around the room your mother was a sleep in a chair with your brother on top of here .. there was a get well card for Karen you smiled at it .. you tired to Sit up but you let out a moan of pain and your mom opened her eyes

" y/n? Are you awake " she got up and out (b/n) down here she was siting " you need to sit up let me help you sweetie " she helped you sit up and you looked at her

" mom.. what are we doing here " she looked at you confused..

" sweetie your father .. he .. he found you and really hurt you ..then you shot him and called for help.. "

" oh.. but that doesn't seem right.. "

" It's okay sweetie the doctors say your head well be a little cloudy for a while you'll be okay .." she kisses your head

" thanks mom.. "

" your friends will be here later "

" my friends. "You smiled " they are going to be mad at me mom.. "

" why is that?"

" they just are .. " I looked around.. " what time is it mom? "

" it's 5 in the morning "

" oh I'm going back to sleep then..if that's okay "

" of course. Sleep all you need "

I closed my eyes  and fall right to sleep I dreamed Kenny Kyle. Stan and myself were walking around town Kenny saw an old abandon shop ..

" Kenny" hey let go look inside maybe we'll find some stuff "

Stan " sounds good to me "

Kyle : we're not going to take anything are we that wouldn't be stealing guy "

" oh I don't know I mean this place looks abandoned " you say and the other walk in the you ..

When you look in you see Kyle and Stan looked at the ground.. " what are you guys looking at " you look down to see Kenny on the ground blood everywhere" when you look up there is your father pointing the guy.. " KENNY! " you wake up and screaming

You mother runs over " sweetie what's wrong .. " a nurse runs in" is everyone okay  "

"K-Kenny where's Kenny.. "

" sweetie they are on there why kyles mother is bring them right now "

"B-but his o-okay ?"

The nurse walked over " miss you need to clam down "

"I-I'm sorry I'll try.. i .. I just had a really really bad dream "

Mom sat on the best next to you  " it's okay sweetie. Your okay here " she smiled

Just then there was a knock on the door

" come in " mom said

Stan Kyle .. and Kenny walked in they all ran up to the bed mom got up so the could get close

" hey guys"

Stan " man your dad really beat you up huh.. "

You nod

Kyle" stan man now not the time to ask that kind of stuff "

Kenny sat in the bed never to you " you alright dose anything hurt?"

" na I'm fine . " you look at Kenny " are you okay? "

Kenny looks at you surprised " me? Why are you asking me I wasn't the one who got beat up by my father "

" I.. I just had a really bad dream.. it was awful.." you grab Kenny's hand " your sure your okay "

" yeah I'm fine .. "

Mom" sweetie I'm going to take your brother to get some food since you have your friends here okay.. if you need me just have the nurse get me okay "

"Okay mom " you smiled and she leaves with your brother e

Kyle" dude why did you leave my house yesterday .. you could have die "

Stan " yeah we had a plan go keep you self and you blow it now look at you "

You look down " I know "

Kenny looks at them and they back away

Kyle: ah.. stan didn't you say you were hungry

Stan I think I did yeah ..

Kyle I.ill go with you " they ran out leaving you alone with Kenny

Kenny looked at you and smiled " hey so your really not hurting anywhere ?"

" well my arms hurts a little but it's okay.. " you rub your head " my head kinda hurts as well"

Kenny moved closer and started to rub your head you blush " Kenny.. " kenny looks down at you blushing face his face blush the moves his heads away " y-yes ? "

" I.. I had a really really bad dream .. "

" really w-what about .."

" you.. "

" wow.. thanks (y/n) "

" you died in it.. "

Kenny looks away " I did how ?"

" my father shut you.." you start to cry " i was awful " you pull you lags up in to your chest and wipe your arms around them " I hated myself because it was my fault you died "

" hey you didn't shot me you father did .. and anyway I'm fine see.. alive and living "

" I need more proof "

" like what ? "

You move to one said on the bed and pat next to you on the bed " come sit" kenny moved next to you .. you lay your head in his chest and listen to his heart beat

"(Y-y/n ) what are you doing @ you couldn't see Kenny face but it was as red and a tomato..

" I wanted to hear your heart beat " you sit up " it make me feel better "

" oh so that's why you laid on my chest yesterday at my house?"

You nod

" well then that's okay you can listen anytime you like " Kenny winked

It made you laugh " thanks Kenny " you kiss his cheek" your to kind .. "

"Y-yeah. Umm want to watch tv?"

"Sure "

The two of you watched tv in your bed for an hour before the others came back in.. stan and Kyle brought you some muffins and chocolate milk.. yummy..

Your mom got you a small big full of candy for the gift shop and your brother got you a Teddy bear dressed up like a super hear . It looked a lot like Mysterion he handed it to you and looked At Kenny like what the hell are you doing in bed with My sister I will kick you butt Kenny .. he crown up and got in between the two of you

" thanks everyone " you smiled

(B/n) I got you head bear he looks like Mysterion ^u^ hell keep you safe so the bad man never hurts you again sissy "

You smiled " thanks I feel really safe now bro"

He smiled

Kenny looks at him " you really like Mysterion that much ?"

(B/n) yeah his a super head and save me and sissy... and Karen says his her garden angel "

" she dose ?" you ask " well he really is something then .. " you smile" maybe you should give them to her instead of me "

B/n " no it's your sissy "

" I was hopping you'd say that " you hug the bear "

Kenny got up " I should go get Karen she would want to see you "

" oh .. okay Kenny.. be careful okay "

" I'll do my best " wink then he left

B/n" I don't know him .."

" hey that's my best friend "

Stan and Kyle "hey!"

" oh come on you two knew that "

Stan" yes but hearing it be said ah right though the heart " everyone laughed

You open your muffin and start to eat .. it was pretty good .. you drink you milk.. and talk with your friends

Kenny": p.o.v

I left Y/n's room and headed to pick up Karen from school.. " crap crap chap" she remembered me dyeing and her father killing me ..the one time I don't want someone to remember they do dam it. The look on her face.. at least she thinks it a dream that's good just let her keep thinking that

on my way home I past by tweeks bro coffee tweek and Craig were in there so I went in

Craig" ho Kenny !"

I walked over " hey guys did you hear (y/n) is in the hospital I'm just going to pick up Karen and head aback there "

Tweek" w-what are they okay!?"

Craig "what happed! "

Y/n was very popular everyone like her

" there dad came back and well you know how he was .. she'll be okay you can go see her if you want Kyle and Stan are already there "

Tweek" thanks for letting us know Kenny "

Craig yeah thanks

" no problem well I should go.. oh tweek you should take her some coco she loves that shit " I ran out the door and headed to pick up Karen ..

When Karen was me she waved her hand " Kenny!!.. huh where y/n.. she always with you she not sick is she "

" no she not sick but she is in the hospital and got hurt but she's okay do you want to go see her "

" she's hurt.. yeah I want to go see her .... isn('b/n) okay "

Ugh why most you like him" yeah he wasn't there his fine .. "

" good "

I toke hold oh Karen's hand and we walk back to the hospital

Your p.o.v
I sat in my bed talking to stan and Kyle about some show they really liked

My brother lid next to me looking through I book..

Mom was talking to someone on the phone

Karen and Kenny walked in Karen ran over to the bed I brother but his book down and got down .. they hugged it was to cute they both got back up in the bed Karen hugged me " Mysterion didn't save you did he "

"Not this time he was saving someone else "

Kenny's p.o.v

No I was saving your ass just not as Mysterion I guess ..

Your p.o.v

" but I'm okay .. just a little sore is all.. "

Karen" you sure ?"

" yep"

B/n" Karen want to help make a get well card for sissy " I looked over at my self " didn't you two already make one ?"

B/n" no sissy we didn't Karen just got here sissy .. " I looked over at the card.. then what's that..  I lad my head back for some reason looking at it made key head hurt

Kenny walked over " your head hurting again.. "

" just a little"

Mom " I'll see if we can get you something for it " she left the room

Stan: well Kyle and I better got he has to help me with home work

Kyle I what.. ? Oh whatever Stan's right we better go.. see you tomorrow (y/n)

" oh okay bye guys ."

They left not it was just you kenny Karen and (b/n)

Kenny looked at me " what's wrong .."

Most have looks lost of confusion because I was i knew they made that care .. my head started to hurt and I had a flash back to the whiting room I put my hands on my head it was like I was trying to remember something that I wasn't allowed to.. kenny sat on the bed and put his hands on mine " hey are okay ?"

"I-. I don't known.. "

"Karen why don't you and (b/n) go get there mom "

They got up b

B/n: is sissy okay" kenny looked at then " yeah just go get your mom okay " they left

" Kenny it really hurts "

" you need to stop trying to remember okay " Kenny placed his forehead in mine " it's okay to forget it okay "

"W-what are you ahh" another flashes back .. of father pointing a gun at Kenny .. I bite father arm the gun wen g off "

" k-Kenny." I cried " w-what's happening "

" y/n .. your remember something everyone forgot.. everyone always for gets but me .. you have to stop trying to remember or you head won't stop hurting .."

" b-but I was father point a gun and ahh" flash back again the gun went off and your father throw you to the ground .. you look up at him another shot he falls to the ground .. you look at Kenny he falls to the ground end of that flash back.

"(Y:n) look at me " you look at him " I'm fine remember I'm fine and right here okay .." flashback your over Kenny his bleeding bad you try and stop it but it's no use you run and take the phone off your father and call for help "end flash back

" y-you were b-bleeding everywhere .. why.. I.. I don't understand flash back your in the waiting room (b/n ) was daring a get well card with Karen when the doctors came in Kenny mother crying .. his father said someone what was it.. " that baster lives and my son died" no" end of flash backs

I looked Kenny in the eyes " y-you died Kenny you died.. " I cried kenny pulled me close

" I know .. I know but I'm okay now see you can hear my heart beat right.. "

I listened yes I could hear it " I d/don't understand how come your alive "

It's a long start I'll have to tell you another time you need to clam down " kenny rubbed my head my mother and a nurse ran in they made Kenny go wait outside ..

Kenny's p.o.v

after about 30 minutes (y/n) mother came out and sat next to me" she said she saw you die Kenny.."

I looked at her mother " she what?"

"It seems she's been having nightmares about her father killing you and the other boys for sometime..and last night she has a bad once that got mix up in what really happened .. the nurse said you holding her he'll (y/n) from raising her blood pressure to much .. so thank you.. "

I looked away " oh .. "

"(Y/n) really cares about you. And the others as well but I think your her favorite.. you may have an awful mouth and look at everyone like
They are made of candy or something but she likes yours " she got up " but you know hurt her and you have to answer to me and such .. " she smiled " she wants you to come back in for a little bit come on ken dear " she opened the door and walked back in ..

(Y/n) looked at me and made room for me on the bed I want and sat next to her she lad her head on my chest and went to sleep good she need rest .. but now I was alone with her mother and brother.. well and Karen but she was going to interrogate me like them I knew it ..

Mom" so who do you feel about (y/n)

" huh umm well I umm. .. " shit

To be continued in next part..
home sweet home ?

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