Wow this is part 23
Kenny's point of view
(Y/n) mother left with (b/n) and Karen ..
Kyle and Stan stood on the other side of the room talking to Tweek and Craig ... tweek couldn't make up bus mind if he wanted to go see her yet.. I got up and walked left the waiting room.. I couldn't make up my mind as well.. I just walked .. Around .. I ended up at her room I stood out side the door for a while.. before I slowly opened it..
Thee she was just laying there. Hook up to Machines cuts of her face .. I walked over.
"H-hey there " I sat in a chair near the bad " still sleeping huh?... you know umm.. I .. I didn't even sleep this much maybe you should think about weakening up soon okay?. Your mom is really worried .." I hold her hand " I'm kinda worried as well you know it's not like you to sleep this much.. but you'll wake up right.. .. " tears fall down my face " I'm so sorry (y/n) I should have woke up.. I should have been there with you. I should have been the one who got hit.. everything would be okay then . I looked at her face " this is where you say you don't want to see me die anymore you know. " I got up and place my hand on her face . The lend over and kisses her lips.. nothing happened " t- that always works in fairy. Tales right?.. but then it's the prince kissing the princess right.. " i say back down and cries in to my hands there was really nothing I could do to help her. I'm so useless ..
(Y/n) mom walked in.. she walked next to me and placed her hand on my shoulder
I looked up at her .. she had tears in her eyes she was looking at (y/n) I looked at her to
(Y/'n) " she'll wake up Kenny. She a strong girl. "
I didn't know what to say .. " y-yeah "
Mom" Kenny you look tired. Why don't you go home with b/n and get some sleep it would really help me out knowing someone was there with him
I didn't want to leave (y/n).but part of me knew she would want me to watch him so I got up " o-okay "
" thanks Kenny " she hugged me
I hugged her back then left .. I went to the waiting room . Kyles mom have is a ride back to (y/n) house.. we went inside .. her brother was not happy I was there but he would have go get over it... he went right to his room when we go inside I went and sat in there living room. I sat on the floor with my back against the couch... I could her (y/n) in my head
" Kenny you need to get some sleep. You look so tired .. ".
I am tired but there is no way I can sleep..
" Kenny you have to try.."
Fine .. I grabbed a pillow of the couch and laid on the floor
" Kenny you could lay in my bed "
No.. it remind me your not here
" Kenny.. "
Stop please just stop ..
I put the pillow of my head .. like
That was going to help.. I was going crazy and hear her on my head .. I guess I stated to cry.. till I just passed out.. I had nothing but nightmares but none was a bad as the one I was going to wake up to...
B/m p.o.v
Why did mom have to send him with me. Dose she not know how much I hate him. I sat on my bed .. I could just hear my sister .. she would say something like
" don't be Hurd on Kenny .."
Yeah right his an ass
" !b/n you may be my brother but thats my best friend and I will keep you butt if you say one more bad thing nabout them "
That's what as would say.. but she didn't understand.. he is not a good guy.. I mean what kind of brother levels there sister alone if they don't have too. And gets drink and then has like 20 girlfriends while (y/n) was gone.. if you could even call them that..ugh.. she has no idea .. "
It felt as odd the room went cold
" oh maybe you are the one who doesn't understand (b/n) "
I looked around .. it felt like she was there .. I laid in bed and covered up " yeah maybe. Hey if I be nice to Kenny will you wake up?..." I closed my eyes and tired to get some sleep
Time skip 2 month. Later
Kenny and (b/n) had got to the hospital. (Y/n) has. To Choice but to go back to work or they would get there house taken so they stayed of a day.. they went to (y/n) room and sat down ..
kenny's p.o.v
B/n" hey sis we're back.. " he sat down ..
I stood by the window and looked out.. it was snowing... " hey brat.. it's snowing "
" so what's your point "
" I don't have a point... "
" ugh what did you see in that guy sis .."
What did she see in me." to hell if I know kid. She is way to good for me. "
He looked over at me I guess he didn't except that
" she has always been to good. I knew I'm just this dumb poor dirt brat have always been."
" ken."
" I mean look at me .. my parents are in jail. My sister in a new house with new people and I couldn't stop drinking to go see her .. " I looked down" she too good for me .. but without her I'm just no good at all.. "
" look Kenny I didn't mean.. uh.. "
" no Brat your right."
He looked well I don't know like he wanted to say something but didn't know what to say.. " (y
) would probably hit you in the face for saying that"
For some reason that made me smiled " yeah your problem right kid" I walked over and at by the bed and held her hand " I wish she would slap me right now.."
(B/n) sighs and looked at her " she would be mad at me right now.. you know she said if I said one more bad thing about you she ways going to kick my ass .. "
" she did? "
" yeah.. and I hate to say it but she really dose love you. And I guess you love her back. I mean you've changed a lot right. You don't flirt with everyone you see anymore"
Is the bart saying something nice about me?
" hey b/n why don't you go see Karen.. I know she most be missing you "
" huh? You want me to go see her?.. I can't I should stay with sis "
" there no need for us both to stay.. look if anything happens I'll call okay. You should go have fun"
I could tell he wanted to go
" your sure.. I mean I could stay and you could go.. "
" na lets be honest Karen would have more fine with you "
"well alright but you call me of anything happens "
" I will."
He got up said good bye to (y/n) then left ..
Now I sat there alone with her. The cuts oh her face were almost all gone now .. she looked like my Beautiful (Y/n) again.
" so umm.. your brothers gone now.. it's just you and me .. now would be a great time to wake up.. Still tired huh?... well that's okay I guess as long as you wake up soon.. I really miss you. So do the others even Fatass misses you .. so wake up soon okay.. life sucks with out you .. " I looked at the tv in the room" you want to watch tv.. I think you favorite show is on now .. let's see " I turned the tv on and Flip through the channels till I found her favorite show " see I knew it was on .." it was a marathon today .. i sat there for hours watching it. To be honest I was not a big fan of the show we never watched it together.. but I would watching it none stop with her if she would just wake up ...
Kyle's p.o.v
We all met up at Tweeks bro coffee .. Stan. Cartman. Craig. Myself and of course tweek .. we sat at a table
Kyel" she still hasn't woken up yet?
Tweek" no not yet.. it's been so long
Stan " is she ever going to wake up?
Tweek" she has to. I mean we all miss her and Kenny needs her. You know how he was with out her "
Stan: I'm surprised his doing as well as he is now it's been months now..
Kyel: yeah.. it has been
Cartman he's just going go back to drinking till he kills himself when she dies
Craig: dude
Kyle: Cartman shut your mouth she not going to die
Tweek " yeah how could you even say that "
Cartman she been in a comma for mouths not it's unlikely she will make up so sooner or later she'll die .. and Kenny will go back to the way his was that's is just what's going to happen
Kyle: no one asked for your opinion fatass "
Cartman has his point thought I mean. What if she doesn't wake up ever if just plan dies. Kenny would not do go.. probably go after her dad what the car drive.. and those 3 guys as well and just kill them.. then he'd be sent to jail. God (y/n) you have to wake up "
Tweek" she will be fine. She knows how much we all need her.. so in the end she'll wake up I know it "
Kyel " I hope your right tweek I really hope
Stan" who's with her now
Tweek " Kenny and her brother I believe..
Craig don't they hate each other.?
Kyle: yeah pretty much ..
Tweet I'm aye they won't fight around her ..
Kyle yeah ..
Craig is anyone going to go see today
Tweek : I plan on going tomorrow I have to work today
Kyle " I might go later on today "
Stan" same "
Cart man. What's the point in going to see her not like she knows
Craig " I'll go with you tomorrow tweek if that's okay "
Tweek of course
We all just ignore cartman at this pony..
Kyle: well I better go mom wanted me to go by the store and get some food to take to (y/n)'a mom to eat while they are there .. bye guys
I left and went to the store
Y/n'a mom p.o.v
I got off work and went to get some for then went right back to the hospital. I wanted in (y/n)'a room Kenny was there he had fallen a sleep .. he had his head rested on the bed next to her . That can't be very complicated. The tv was on her favorite tv show he most have turned it on for her how sweet I walked over to him and and taped his shoulder " Kenny sweetie hey "
He slowly opened his eyes and looked at me " hmm... " he jumped up " is (y/n) okay?.. " he looked at her
" Whoa she's fine Kenny. I just thought you might like something to eat .. " I handed home a bag " I got b/n food as well but I guess they are not here "
Kenny rubbed his eyes " oh no I told him to go see Karen for a little I think he needed so flash air "
A" oh that was nice of you."
Kenny opened the food bag" I guess thanks for the food " he grabbed a fry's out and eat it
" your welcome "
We ate our food it was quite nice Kenny and I talked a lot the most we ever have . Kenny is a sweet boy I see why she likes him so much .. Kenny yawned a few Time poor boy most be very tired
" hey I'm here now Kenny if you want you can go home "
" home.. oh I don't really
" I mean my house. You can go sleep there Kenny "
" well I.."
" your tired Kenny. I need you in ten Morning again"
" well alright " Kenny got up and led over (y/n) and kissed her forehead " see you in the morning (y/n) " he said good bye and left
I looked over at (y/n) .. i thought I saw something I got up and walked over " (y/n)?
Her eye lids moved
"(Y/n) ?"
She slowly opened her eyes "
" oh my god (y/n)? "
She looked at me " m-mom..?
My eyes teared up " oh my god your awake.. i have to let the doctors know "
Kenny's p.o.v
I left (y/n)'s room .. just as I was about to head down the hall the alarm went off by her room and nurses and doctors ran in. I ran back I couldn't get in.. I could hear peoples talking.. I turned to make out her there were saying.. but then I Heard a voice I knew... (y/n) I pushed my way in .. there was she .. awake..
she looked at me.
She was awake ..
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