Part 3: Such a pain in the ass.

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Nobody's pov:

The next day, Albedo didn't bother to wake up Kaeya. If he had to be honest, he wanted the blue haired male to learn a lesson. Last night, Kaeya was bragging about not having a alarm clock but still waking up on time, if that's something to brag about. He wanted to see if that was true and left the dorm earlier than usual.

Once he got in the classroom, he saw a certain kid going through Kaeya's desk. However, this kid looked younger than him.  This kid had a hood over her head and was pretty small.

"Hey you! What are you doing, huh?"
Albedo calls out to the smaller one.

The kid flinches and turns around. She had greenish hair and looked tired.

"Sorry.. sorry.. It's just that he wanted to see something from this guy's desk and ordered me to go get it... I would've gotten stuff to make me grow taller! But I guess that failed.." The kid speaks.

"Ehh? Who's "he"?"

"That guy, Childe.." the kid almost fell asleep on the spot but pinched herself to wake up.

"Oh... Now that I think of it, he really likes Kaeya.. Look kid, Childe is a bad man. He'll probably poison your food or something. Try to ignore him."
Albedo replies to the previous statement. He knows what type of man Childe is, due to his old experiences with him. Childe isn't even his real name but he forces people to call him that for some reason.

"Ok.. bye bye..."

"Goodbye, little one."

That Childe... Ugh. How much of a child he is right now ..
Albedo's thoughts ^

After that strange incident, he settled down at his tiny desk, staring at a few words carved on it by other students.

Back then, he would get bullied because students said he looked like a girl. Though Albedo knew how dumb and stupid the reason for this is, he simply ignored it.

Until that one time. Some of his classmates were gossiping right Infront of Albedo when one of them said something. Something, super offensive.

"No wonder he doesn't have parents! They must've abandoned him and his little dumb sister alone!"


"CHILDE, GET THE SCHOOL NURSE! ALBEDO, STOP IT!" The tall man with brown hair shouted.

Albedo was not his usual self. He didn't keep quiet anymore. Well, he did keep quiet with his voice but  not his hands.

His veiny and small hands were swaying from left to right, clenched firmly. On the floor, was that "poor" student getting punched and punched until he couldn't see.

After a lot of swaying, that made Albedo tired. Smirking, he stood up. And started kicking the guy from side to side. Surprisingly, Albedo was giving the biggest smile he could ever give. He looked like a psychopath who had just burnt his family in their sleep and feed their human meat to the neighbors dogs.

After it felt like an hour, someone came to the students aid. Not really the school nurse, but a student that is good in healing. ( How tf am I supposed to say that in a good way)

Albedo was pulled back by Childe. Struggling, the shorter one squirmed around, hoping to get out of the ginger's arms.

"What a pain in the ass..." The ginger whispered.


"Earth to Albedo.?" A voice said, tapping on the blonde's shoulder.

"Eh? Oh sorry... Was thinking of something.."

"Yeah yeah whatever. So, we're switching dorm rooms. Be happy you get to be with a random redhead from another class."

"Hey since when did I agree to that?!"
Albedo was surprised a random student just said that without his consent.

"Since now. Now shut up and remember to pack your things up later, loser." They chuckled, knowing that Albedo won't fight back since he has been more calm and nice to people these days.

"Hey hey! Did someone call my beloved prince a loser? Who shall be punished at this time of the day?!~"
A tall figure walked towards them, with his hands on his hips.

"Oh hey Kaeyaa! How is my prince doing?"

" Eh? 'My Prince'? What a weird nickname YOU have for me there. Those who mess with my beloved Albedo are stupid, dumb, not worthy of anything, and ugly. Move over, bitch." Kaeya glared.

On the other hand, Albedo was literally hiding under his desk. He was too embarrassed to face anyone at this point. Everyone heard Kaeya's statement, leaving both the wannabe main character and Albedo embarrassed.

"What a pain in the ass, right, Albedo?"





Kiss marry kill:

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