Forgot to mention hehehehehe huge timeskips are here so like
timeline rn:
they finished some exams and tests, got a week of no school and fun 👍
also decided to put a random person called Riley as kaeyas cousin haha
Nobody's pov:
"I can't help but feel jealous."
"I'm sorry but I have to lie to you."
"Hey, where ya going? Don't tell me your leaving!!!" Kaeya questioned the shorter one who was wearing his shoes.
"Out. With a friend. I'll be back in a while. Don't die," he responds, opening the dorm door.
Before Kaeya could whip up some spicy flirt, albedo slammed the door a bit harshly.
"Not even a goodbye kiss? How sad.." Kaeya said to himself, dissappointed Albedo could not hear it.
A few days back,
Kaeya confessed. It was a bit hilarious, really. Kaeya didn't confess his feelings the normal way. Instead, he actually asked Albedo to marry him. Even bought a ring, haha.
Albedo laughed alot, but said they could get married in the future
i̶f̶ h̶e̶ w̶a̶s̶ s̶t̶i̶l̶l̶ a̶l̶i̶v̶e̶ . Now, they are together.
They didn't let anyone at school know about it though. Not even Diluc. At school, lots of people were homophobic.
Kaeya kicked his feet up and down in the air in boredom while scrolling through his phone.
He thought about who Albedo was going out with. He started to frown, thinking about that mysterious person.
Jealousy grew over him, making him wanting to get rid of it faster. He stuffs food in his mouth, still frowning.
Just as he was about to stuff more food, he heard his phone make a notification sound.
A message from his cousin, Riley. Riley was a nice lady. He treated her as a sister.
She knew about his family and always comforted Kaeya, but was also tired of everything, just like his dear cousin.
Her parents were harsh, and pretended to be loving with Riley when people were over. However, they would slap and kick her everytime she did an "unladylike" action.
Kaeya tried comforting her, but could not do much as they lived far apart. For the past few weeks, they have not been talking at all. Kaeya thought her phone was taken away, and hoped she was alright.
However, one look at that message and he started bursting into tears.
Riley ♥️
It seems like the third person Kaeya loved was gone .
"Mr. Albedo. I'm sorry to inform you, but you have ......," The Doctor informed, with a sad look.
"I see.. expected. How long do I have?" Albedo wiped a small tear off his cheek.
"Thankfully, you have quite a while. 2 years, to be exact."
"I'm back..?" Albedo looked around wondering where Kaeya was. His eyes widen after hearing glass shatter from the bathroom.
The blonde haired man could hear quiet sobs in the small room as he knocked loudly, asking if everything was okay. The weeping became louder and louder.
A teacher, who was walking through the hallway, heard the harsh banging and came inside, soon as worried as Albedo.
"Mr Zhongli!! I heard glass shatter inside!" Albedo cried out, making Zhongli drop his clipboard and come closer to the door.
Without hesitation, the taller male kicked the door open. (That ass jiggle when he kicked it 😩)
The mirror was shattered, with blood on the broken pieces. Kaeya was curled into a ball in a corner, both fists with blood. He stabbed his arm with a glass piece continuously, mumbling while sobbing uncontrollably.
Love u all
force to kill themself, shoot, betray and hire someone to kill:
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