Chapter 4 | Just a Foster Child

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"I did not mean that, you pervert dirty minds." Elsa laughed and laughed with Emma.

"Well I'm sure Jefferson wouldn't mind it."

She had finally learnt the guy's name. Jefferson. The guy who kept tickling Elsa and flirting with her. And from the way Elsa's cheeks blushed at his mentioning, she seemed to like him too.

She was spending such a great time with Will, Killian, Elsa and Anna. She couldn't even eat with fear that some dirty joke would unexpectedly come and make her gasp her sandwich.

Anna got up to go to the garbage.

"Gosh! I'm so sore." She was referring to the 85 turns she had ran this morning.

"Of course you are." Killian teased her. Of course, referring to something completely different.

"Ha ha very funny." Anna said with sarcasm.

"Yeah Emma where did you learn to run that much?" Will told her.

"I used to run a lot when I was younger." She used to run with her old adoptive father every morning, she meant.

"Yeah congrats on 100 beeps Emma." Killian said, a warm smile on his face.

"You should be proud." Elsa said.

"I am." She turned her head to Anna. "Congrats to you too Anna. 85 is a lot."

"Well now compared to you, it's nothing." She laughed.

"Don't say that. It's a lot. If we keep comparing ourselves with the others we'll never be good right?"

"Yeah you're right. Thanks, Emma."

"So... Tomorrow's the party." Killian changed the topic, raising his eyebrow and giving her a look that she was sure was just to tease her.

"Yeah, I'm excited. Will, just be careful with drinks. We don't want last year to happen all over again."

"I'll make sure not to get that drunk again."

"He started break-dancing in the middle of the garden. The next morning, he didn't remember anything." Anna explained to Emma.

"I'll make sure Will makes it again so you can see it." Killian said tapping Will's shoulder. "But," - he looked at her and there it came the smirk again - "that will only be possible if you actually go to the party."

"You're not going?" Elsa asked.

"Ah? Oh- no... I have to stay at home. It's my brother's birthday."

It was not.

"But isn't Olivia going?" Anna asked.


"I-I just..."

"Oh, Emma. You know you could come, stay with us. I know you don't know everyone. But it would be fun with us, I promise."

"That's what I've been bloody trying to tell her." Killian warmly smiled at her.

"Oh come on, Emms. You don't wanna miss my break-dance, now do ya?"

Of course not, she laughed to herself.

"Yeah okay. I'll go."

She was really enjoying their company. They were just so nice. They cared about her, tried to include her.


Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

This was absurd. She was so so stupid. She was just so blind and lost in the moment. She had enjoyed that lunch so much, she actually got carried away with her excitement to go to the party.

It all broke down when she got home and realized she had no dress.

Of course, she had one from her sweet sixteen, a summer dress made of soft cloth, white flowers spread on the skirt.

Clearly a no to the party.

She sat on the edge of the bed and sighed.
The party was tomorrow night. She was free from school tomorrow in the afternoon.

She could buy a new one.

She had to ask Regina.

She walked down the stairs, finding her preparing dinner.
Olivia was in the living room with Neal.
It couldn't be better for what she had planned.

"Mrs Nolan."

"Yeah? Oh Emma it's you."

"Yeah I just- tomorrow... There's a party at night."

"The one Olivia's going right?" She sighed like she already knew what this was all about.

"Yeah I just decided to go... I mean, why not right? Make new friends and so-" she tried to lighen up the tension but was quickly cut off.

"Emma I'm sorry but I won't let you go to the party."

"It's just a dres- you won't?" She looked at her, frowning her eyebrows in confusion.

"I'm sorry Emma. I can't let you just go alone at night."

"But-but I thought Olivia was going?" She sounded desperate now.

"Emma, she's my daughter. You're my foster child." She couldn't believe she was saying this in her face. This was the only thing every foster child wished not to hear in their lives. "How can I know you won't get drunk and make a scandal? Or accept the drugs they offer you? Or just take this chance to run away, like I know you did back when you were 8?"

"Why would I run now?! I-I was being abused by my own father at that time! That's not fair!"

"Emma, I'm sorry, but you're not going."

"I'd never do anything wrong Mrs No-"

"Emma." She gave her a warning look that made her close her mouth.

Emma couldn't stop thinking how much she wanted to slap her in the face. The anger, the madness, all expressed on her closed hand, fingernails pressing on her own skin.

"Give it some time, dear. It's too early for me to trust you."

"Of course, Mrs Nolan."


That night she didn't talk. She didn't say anything. She didn't look. She just battled the urge to yell at the woman.


"I'll see you guys later at the party." Anna said before her mother arrived and took her home.

"Swan." He came sitting next to her on the bust stop bench like he did every day. "At what time shall I come pick you up?"

"Oh- my dad said he'd give me a ride, you don't have to worry about that."

She had already decided. Telling him now that she wasn't going would make no use. He'd ask her why.
So supposedly, she was going to the party. But then she wouldn't appear.
Then it wouldn't matter anymore and she'd just find an excuse in the next monday.

But then suddenly a familiar car parked right next to the bus stop. David's car.

She saw the car door opening and David stepping out, sunglasses still on.

Why was he here? He worked until late. Whenever he'd get home she was already there waiting.

"Emma." He called for her.

"David? What are you doing here." She got up from her sit and walked to him.

"Emma, we're going shopping now."

"What?" She frowned her eyebrows.

"Regina told me about you wanting to go to the party. I trust you perfectly to go. She also told me she knew that you were about to ask for a dress. Shall we go?"

"Wait... Really?" She asked in desbelief.

"Emma, Regina's attitude was wrong towards you. You deserve to be happy and do what life offers you. You're no different than the others."

She smiled at him, growing wider with the thought.

She heard the bus stopping, and she looked back at Killian.

"I'll see you later, Killian."

He gave her a knowing smile and walked in as she got in David's car.

| You might find it hard Emma calling Regina Mrs Nolan but I just wanted to explain that Regina had made her clear that she wanted it that way.
You'll soon find out why Regina is like this with her. Great plot twists coming.

Xoxo, your only satan|

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