Chapter 10: Scared

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I was back in the Zen Garden.

I go down the path to find Amanda.

I find her by the river in a rowboat.

"Hello, Y/N. I thought you might enjoy a little cruise."

I step into the boat and pick up the oars and start rowing.

"I love this place. Everything is so clam and peaceful. Far from the noise of the world." I stop rowing and just look off into the distance as she is talking.

"Tell me, what have you discovered?" I think back on the previous events. "I found two deviants at the Eden Club. I hoped to learn something, but...they managed to escape." I softly spoke looking down slightly at the ground. "That's too bad."

Amanda v

"You seemed so close to stopping them." I continue to row the boat as it starts to slow down.

"You seem...lost, Y/N. Lost and perturbed."

"I thought I knew what I had to do. But now I realize it's not that simple."

Amanda v

"You had your gun trained on those deviants at the Eden Club." That moment quickly flashes in my mind. "Why didn't you shoot?"

There was a moment of silence.

"I don't know..." I looked her in the eye. "I don't know."

"If your investigation doesn't make progress soon, I may have to replace you, Y/N."

I felt conflicted. I didn't really know what to say besides...

"I understand."

Software Instability

Then there was a faint sound of distant thunder. "Something's happening. Something serious." She gives me a serious look. "Hurry, Y/N. Time is running out."


We were in the elevator on the way to the building where a broadcast was held by some deviants that broke in.

Connor was watching me do coin tricks to press the time. It seemed to upset the lieutenant though as he grabbed the coin while in mid-air. "Your starting to p*ss me off with that coin, Y/N." "Sorry, Lieutenant." (At this point Hank has a soft spot for us so he gives it back 😊)

"Your just upset that you can't do it, dad." Connor chuckled. "Shut up. No, I'm not." He grumbled.

We arrive at out designated floor and step out to see many police officers and FBI agents.

"Sh*t, what's going on here? There was a party and nobody told me about it?" Lieutenant said jokingly. A nearby officer chuckles. "Yeah, it's all over the news, so everybody's butting their nose in. Even the FBI wants a piece of the action." "Ah Christ, now we got the feds on our back. I knew this was going to be a sh*tty day. So what do we got?"

The officer starts of explain everything as we follow him down the hall.

"A group of four androids. They knew the building, and they were very well organized. I'm still trying to figure out how they got this far without being noticed."

We overhear two men talking about the roof and how it hadn't been checked yet.

"They attacked two guards in the hallway. They probably thought the androids were coming to do maintenance. They got taken down before they could react."

We continue walking while also looking around the area the guards were attacked. "One of the station employees managed to get away. He's in shock, not sure when we'll be able to talk to him." "How many people were working here?" "Just two employees and three androids. The deviants took the humans hostage and broadcast their massage live. They made their getaway from the roof."

"The roof?" "Yeah, they jumped with parachutes. We're still trying to figure out where they landed, but the weather isn't helping. If you want to take a look at the video broadcast by the deviants, it's on that screen over there."

We follow him into the broadcasting room.

"Oh, Lieutenant, this is Special Agent Perkins from the FBI. Lieutenant Anderson is in charge of investigation for Detroit Police along with his partner, Detective Connor Anderson."

Agent Perkins brings his gaze towards me. "What's that?" He asked with a bored tone.

"My name is Y/N. I'm the android sent by Cyberlife." He scoffs. "Androids investigating androids, huh? You sure you want an android around? After everything that happened."

I notice both Connor and the lieutenant glare at him. Connor takes a step to stand slightly in front of me.

"There is nothing wrong with it. Besides, none of this is no different from humans investigating humans."

Agent Perkins looked at him funny for a moment but shrugs it off. "Whatever, the FBI will take over the investigation, you'll soon be off the case."

"Pleasure meeting you. Have a nice day." The lieutenant barley lets him finish before turning his back on  him.

"And you watch your step. Don't f**k up my crime scene." He and the officer from before walks away.

"What a f**kin' prick!" "Couldn't agree more." "Uh, let's have a look around. Let me know if you find anything. "Ok." We said in unison (Gotta love when that happens😊)

I started off by looking at the camera footage. It showed the four androids, only two of them with the android employee uniforms, at the entrance to the room. But they just walked right in.

"They didn't break in?" I ask a nearby officer. "No signs of forced entry." "There are cameras in the hallway. The staff would have seen what was happening. Why did they let them in?" The lieutenant just shrugs. "Maybe they didn't check the cameras."

I look back at the cameras, then at the chair. I turned it around and saw the word 'android' on the back. The officer seemed to notice.

"We stored the station androids in the kitchen. There's no evidence that they were involved but we didn't know what else to do with them."

I was about to walk over to where the broadcast was shot until someone called my name.


I look over and see the police officer that was on the terrace back when that deviant took that little girl hostage.

He walked up to me. "You remember me? I was on that terrace. The android that took that little girl hostage? I was shot, you saved me." I tilt my head slightly as that moment flashes through my mind.

"I remember you." "I could've died on that terrace. But you saved my life, I never thought I'd say this to an android, but...thank you." He spoke sincerely. I give him a small smile and a nod. "Your welcome." He returns the smile and nod before walking back to his post.

I get back to the task at hand, but not without noticing Connor and the lieutenant looking at me with what seems to be...proud smiles.

I can't help but return it before going over to the planell and playing the message. A android with its skin removed, wearing the uniform of an android employee.

"We ask that you recognize our dignity, our hopes, and out rights. Together, we can live in peace and build a better future, for humans and androids. This message is the hope of a people. You gave us life. And now it is time for you to give us freedom."

"Think that's RA9?" "Deviants say that RA9 will set them free." I started. "This android seems to have that objective." Connor continued.

I take the time to analyze the android.

OPTICAL UNIT #80879 - Blue Iris; spare part

PUPIL REFLECTION Recorded at 13:39:54; Deviant had accomplices

RK-SERIES PROTOTYPE RK200-Registered as 'Markus' gift from Elijah Kamski to Carl Manfred.

"D'you see something?" The Lieutenant asked. "I identified its model and serial number." "Anything else we should know?" Connor chimed in.

I thought about my response. "No...nothing." I could tell they were not convinced as I looked back at the screen, still able to feel their stares.

Th set decided to head to the roof and I followed. "They made their way up here through the whole building, past all the guards, and jumped off the roof with parachutes." Connor explained. "Pretty f**kin' impressive I'd say."

I scanned the lock on the door. It had been hacked. One of the deviants must have hacked it to block it.

I also scanned the blue blood that was in front of the door. It was fresh. This all happened 13 hours ago. Did one of them get left behind? (fnaf fans?)

I look at the big long black bag on the ground. "How'd they manage to smuggle in a big bag like that?" Connor came over. "They didn't. Someone brought it in for them." "Hmm. They planned a perfect operation but got the number of parachutes wrong?"

That made me think back on the fresh blue blood. "Unless one of them was left behind."

I follow the trial of blue footprints on the ground to the ledge, but there were only 3 pairs.

I walk back over to where I found the blue blood and went to a door that was on the side.

I opened it but was immediately shot by the fourth deviant.

I fell to the floor as it tried to limp away. Fortunately the bullet didn't hit any bio components.

Connor hurries and rushes over to me and helped me up as they all started to try to shoot the deviant.

He brings me to one of the (air conditioning things? Idk what they're called🤷🏽‍♀️) to take cover, the Lieutenant right beside us.

"You have to stop them! If they destroy it, we won't learn anything!" "We can't save it! It's too late! Well just get ourselves killed!"

I ignore what that Lieutenant said and break away from Connor's grip on my arm and charge at the deviant. I hear them yell my name but I ignore it and focus on dodging the bullets being fired at me.

When I reach it, I grab its arms and pinned it against the wall and probed it memory. All I was able to see was a sign that had the word "Jericho" on it before the deviant shot himself.

My vision goes dark for a moment and my systems went down. Like I was being forcefully shut down. (sorry I couldn't describe this better I just can't imagine what Connor felt at this moment of the game😔). I let go of the deviant and back away as it falls limp on the floor.

Software Instability ^

"Y/N! Y/N, are you alright?! Y/N" Connor came running and grabed my shoulders, shaking me a little when I didn't respond.


"Are you hurt?" The lieutenant also ran up.

"I'm okay..." I mumble a little louder, my eyes never leaving the deviant laying limp on the floor.

"Jesus! You scared the sh*t outta me. For f**ks sake, I tole you not to move! Why do you never do what I say?!" He yelled angrily. This time Connor didn't step in because he knew where his anger was coming from.

"I was connected to its memory. When it fired...I felt it die. Like I was dying." I spoke with a shaky voice, my eyes wandering everywhere but their faces.

"I was scared."

Connor pulled me into a hug despite the weird and confused looks from everyone else around us. He rubbed my back to try to soothe me.

"I saw something, in its memory." He released me and looked at me. "A word, painted on a piece of rusty metal.


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