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soalazne ✓ 1h

The sun hung high in the sky, casting a warm glow over the football field. I arrived at the practice a little early, my heart racing with anticipation.

It was my son Ashton's first season in Pee Wee football, and I was excited to see him in action. I glanced around, taking in the sight of other parents settling into their folding chairs, kids in vibrant uniforms warming up, and the smell of fresh grass mingling with the faint hint of sunscreen.

I felt a little anxious about being here with Jonathan aka Jon, Joshua's twin brother. Joshua was on the road for work today, leaving me with Jon, who offered to keep me company.

At first, the idea made me nervous—spending time with someone who I barely hung out with before without my boyfriend around felt odd. But Jon had always been easy to talk to. He had that easygoing charm, and I knew he wanted to support both Ashton and me.

"Hey, Alazne!" Jon called out as he approached, a wide smile on his face. He wore a red baseball cap that matched the team colors, and I couldn't help but notice the way he looked at me—his expression was genuine and friendly.

"Hey, Jon!" I replied, returning his smile. "Thanks for coming out here today."

"No problem at all. I wouldn't miss it. Ready to see Ashton tackle some kids?" He laughed, his voice warm and inviting.

I chuckled, appreciating his enthusiasm. "He's definitely excited about it. I think he's more interested in the snacks afterward, though."

Jon chuckled. "Like uncle, like nephew," Jon said.

We settled into our chairs along the sidelines, and I watched as the other kids gathered for practice. The sight of them, helmets askew and laughter filling the air, brought a smile to my face. Jon leaned back, taking in the scene just as I was.

"Look at them," he said, nodding towards the field. "It's like herding cats. Half of them are more interested in each other than the game."

I laughed again, feeling the tension ease between us. "You're right! They're just out here having fun, and that's all that matters."

Ashton ran onto the field, his little legs moving fast, a blur of excitement in his bright red jersey. I felt a surge of pride. He spotted us and waved, a grin spreading across his face when he saw Jon. The boys shared a special bond, and I loved seeing how excited Ashton got around him.

"Look at him go!" Jon pointed out, his eyes sparkling. "He's got some serious energy."

"Yeah, he does," I said, my heart swelling. "He's been talking about this all week. It's like the Super Bowl for him."

Jon chuckled and leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "I can see why. This is such a great age—everything feels like an adventure."

We continued watching, chatting about everything from football to our favorite childhood memories. I found it surprisingly easy to be with Jon. He had a way of making conversations feel effortless, and I soon realized that being here with him wasn't awkward at all; it was refreshing.

"Did I ever tell you about the time Joshua and I got into trouble at school?" Jon asked, his expression turning mischievous.

I shook my head, intrigued. "No, what happened?"

"Okay, so we were about eight years old, and we decided to start a 'secret club' in our backyard," he began, his eyes sparkling with nostalgia. "We charged our friends a quarter to join. The only rule was that you had to wear a ridiculous hat."

I laughed, picturing two little boys with oversized hats running around. "That sounds like something Joshua would do. How did it end?"

"Let's just say the club was short-lived after our mom found out we were charging the neighborhood kids. She was not impressed," he said, shaking his head.

Ashton ran past us, and I couldn't help but cheer for him, my voice mixing with the other parents' encouragement. "Go, Ashton! You've got this!"

Jon joined in, shouting supportive phrases, and I felt a surge of warmth. It was nice having someone there to share in the excitement.

After a while, the coach gathered the kids for a water break. Ashton's face was flushed with exertion, and I could see him laughing and joking with his friends. I turned to Jon, feeling a sense of camaraderie. "Do you think he'll stick with football?"

"I think he will. Kids love sports because they get to be part of something bigger than themselves," Jon replied. "Plus, he's got you cheering him on."

"That's what I hope," I said softly. "I want him to find his passion, whatever it is."

We watched as the kids gulped down water and wiped the sweat from their foreheads. I noticed how engaged Jon was, leaning forward, completely invested in the moment. There was something comforting about sharing this experience with him.

"So, what do you do when you're not cheering on your son?" Jon asked, breaking my train of thought.

I hesitated for a moment, contemplating my response. "Well, between work and being a mom, not much. I try to find little moments to relax, but it's mostly about keeping up with Ashton."

"I get that. Being a parent is a full-time job," he said, nodding thoughtfully. "But it's cool to see how much you care about him. You're doing a great job."

His compliment caught me off guard. It felt genuine and sincere, and I appreciated it more than I expected. "Thank you. It's a challenge, but I wouldn't trade it for anything."

Jon looked over at me, and for a moment, our eyes met. There was a spark of understanding, a shared connection amid the chaos. The weight of the world felt lighter with him here.

"Hey, if you ever need a break, let me know. I can hang out with Ashton sometime," Jon suggested casually. "I know he'd love that."

"Really?" I asked, surprised. "You'd want to?"

"Absolutely. I've got a soft spot for the little guy," he said, grinning. "Plus, it'd give you a chance to breathe."

I felt a mix of gratitude and apprehension. "That might be nice, actually. Sometimes it feels overwhelming."

Ashton sprinted back onto the field, his energy infectious. I clapped and cheered, feeling the joy of the moment wash over me. Jon joined in, and together we encouraged him, shouting his name as he tackled the drills.

The rest of the practice flew by, filled with laughter and shouts. As the session wrapped up, Ashton jogged over, sweaty and smiling.

"Did you see me, Mom?" he exclaimed, bouncing on his toes. "I did the best tackle!"

"I did! You were amazing!" I praised, pulling him into a hug. "I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks!" he beamed, glancing at Jon. "Did you see me, Uncle Jon?"

"Absolutely! You're going to be a star," Jon replied, tousling Ashton's hair.

Ashton grinned wider, clearly thrilled to have both of us there. The sun began to set, casting a golden hue over the field. I felt a warmth not just from the fading sunlight but from the bond forming between us all.

As we packed up to leave, Jon and I shared a look, both of us aware of the ease and comfort that had developed between us. It was more than just spending time together; it felt like a moment of connection—a brief respite from the complexities of life.

"I guess we make a good team," I said lightly, feeling hopeful.

"Yeah, we do," Jon replied, his smile genuine. "Anytime you want to hang out, just let me know."

As we walked away, Ashton chattering excitedly about his practice, I felt a sense of contentment settle within me. Life has a funny way of surprising you, and today has been one of those delightful surprises.

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