Chapter 3: Gaara Rescue Mission: Team 7 Arrives!

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Aika jumps awake to see Deidara in front of her.

"huh what?" She looks around

"You slept through the ceremony!" Deidara shouts annoyed

"Did we get the One Tails?" Aika yawns

"Of course" Sasori was in his puppet

"...are we about to fight someone?" Aika asks

"Really?!" Deidara shouts "Of course we are! Did you really think they wouldn't send someone after the Kazekage?!"

"heh" Aika stands up "their's no way those weakling sand nin could beat us, besides.. Gaara's already dead"

As Deidara sits on Gaara's body, Aika felt a disturbance in the barrier and she turns towards the entrance.

"Finally they're here" Deidara smirks "some more action"

"Don't loose your focus you two" Sasori looks at them "they wouldn't just send anyone after us"

The barrier crumbles and in runs team 7. Kakashi, Naruto, Haruto, Sakura, and an old women.

"One of them is a Jinchuriki" Aika speaks

"hm" Deidara looks at the group "oh, so which one of you is it?"

Naruto's eyes trembled and turned red with slits; his teeth turning into fangs. "You bastards! I'll kill the three of you!"

"The one who bursts in and starts barking. That would be him then.." Sasori guesses

"What told you that? The whiskers or the eyes?" Aika questions sarcastically

"No need to act like that Red" Deidara whining

"Stop your whining" Sasori orders annoyed

Naruto snarled at them. "You bastard! Where the hell do you think you're sitting?!"

"Hm?" Deidara looks down at Gaara's body which he's sitting on "i'm comfy"

"Gaara! Gaara! What the hell are you doing, why are just lying there?!" Naruto shouts "Get up! Gaara, answer me! What are you, deaf?! Come on, knock it off-"

"Enough, Naruto!" Kakashi stops him "You know full well that.."

"Aw the poor kid" Aika taunts "he still thinks his friend's alive"

"when he's been dead for awhile" Deidara adds

"Give him back! Give him back!" Naruto charges at them

Aika's Fenikkusu activates, Kakashi quickly grabs onto Naruto and pulls him back as a wall of black fire appears where he was.

"So close" Aika puts her arms behind her head

"B-Black fire" Naruto stares at it

"Naruto don't just go rushing in! Now isn't the time to lose your head!" Kakashi scolds him "I understand how you feel but listen, if you don't think, we could all die. These are Akatsuki members."

"I doubt you two want to hear this but I'll say it anyways. I think I'll take care of the Jinchuriki." Deidara states, smirking

"Aw no fair" Aika whines as her kekkei genkai deactivates "he should be mine"

"Don't push your luck Deidara" Sasori glances at him

"An artist must always seek greater stimulation" Deidara replies "Rumor has it, the Nine Tailed Jinchuriki is pretty powerful. A canvas truly worthy of my artistry"

"Fuck your artistry!" Aika shouts at him "I wanna fight him!"

"No way!" Deidara argues

"Deidara art is a work of beauty captured, left for posterity" Sasori looks at him "Art is eternal beauty"

"What no it's not?!" Deidara shouts

"I completely agree with Sasori" Aika crosses her arms

"Excuse me!" Deidara throws his hands up in anger

"...what exactly are they fighting about?" Sakura sweat drops

"Eternal beauty? Are you kidding me? Look, don't get me wrong, as a fellow artist, I respect your point of view but true art is fleeting; a flashing beauty burning brightly and then vanishing in a heartbeat. Like Red's fire!"

"Oh good point"

"Don't switch on me now little girl"

"See Red's getting the point now! My explosion and her fire burns so bright and can be gone in an instant! True beauty!"

"But beauty is everlasting, like a fire that never goes out"

"Ooooo Like when I set the sand village on fire!"


"No no, your flames can still go out, the beauty in it is when it's at it's best"


"Enough is enough!" Naruto bellows

Naruto pulls out a scroll and opens it up, summoning a windmill shuriken. He chucked it at Sasori but without a thought, his puppet's tail easily deflected it while he was completely ignoring Naruto. 

"Are you trying to make me angry?" Sasori asks Deidara

"Easy, I told you that you wouldn't want to hear it, didn't I?" Deidara replies

"Art sounds so complicated" Aika whines

"I don't have to remind you what happens when I get angry, do I?" Sasori points his tail at Deidara, speaking to him in a threatening tone. "Why don't you explain it to me again, Deidara?"

Deidara scoffs and stood up. "Art is one thing and one thing only... An explosion itself!"

He threw a clay bird into the air, exploding and forming a cloud of smoke. Two wings popped out before revealing the giant bird that scooped Gaara into its mouth. Deidara jumped onto the creature.

"You comin Red?!" He shouts irritated "you said you wanted him too!"

Aika looks at Sasori

"Go" Sasori orders

"right" Aika jumps onto the bird

The bird soars into the air and leaves the cave. Naruto and Kakashi follow after them.

"Aren't you and that Jinchuriki twins hm?" Deidara looks at Aika "I can see the resemblance now that you're close together"

Aika clicks her tongue in annoyance as a response.

"He seems like an idiot" Deidara looks ahead "to not even recognize you"

"I'm sure he's too focused on Gaara to think about it right now" Aika looks down at the two ninja following them closely

Deidara drops exploding clay down, Kakashi dodges but it knocks Naruto back.

"You're quite the unusual Jinchuriki" Deidara comments "I thought you were all sullen loners that didn't care about anyone. To date, we've destroyed two Jinchruki, not including him of course." 

"No one has ever tried to save them before. Not a single friend or neighbor, not a soul came to their aid" Aika adds "In fact, it seemed like most people were happy to finally to get rid of them. You can't forsake one of your own kind, can you?"

"You feel connected to this pathetic creature, such a shame" Deidara smirks "Gaara died when the one tails was extracted from him. Very soon now, the very same thing will happen to you"

Aika looks down at Gaara before sighing

"Having second thoughts hm?" Deidara asks her

"of course not" Aika replies honestly "these tailed beasts make this world unfair, it gives power to those possessed with them.. and I intend to change that"

"If Gaara's dead, you're gonna pay!" Naruto declares "I've had it, hand over Gaara right now!"

"Go" Aika commands

Deidara smiles and his bird turns to fly away. 

"You bastards! Hold it right there!" Naruto took off after them

"He's faster then I remember" Aika comments glancing behind them "he's trained hard"

"There's no chance I'm letting you get away!" Naruto jumped onto some branches "Where do you think you're going?!"

Deidara pulled out three clay birds and tossed them towards Naruto. They enlarged and exploded right near him. Luckily, before he fell, he hung onto the branch and jumped right back up. Dodging another bird, Naruto shifted his gaze to behind of him just when the bird exploded right by Kakashi.

"they're not slowing down!" Aika shouts "try to separate Naruto and Kakashi"

"You could help you know!" Deidara shouts annoyed

"I don't wanna give myself away.." Aika looks down at them "but I guess I have no choice"

"Whatever you do make sure it keeps him busy" Deidara says

" it" Aika puts her fingers in an 'X' "Fire Clone Jutsu!"

A single fire clone was made and jumps down, attacking Kakashi. Naruto keeps following after them believing that Kakashi could handle whatever happened.

"Hm, he doesn't even notice his own little sister's jutsu" Deidara chuckles

"I told you he's too focused on Gaara you idiot!" Aika shouts "the 9 tails is starting to take over, get a little further away before we face him"

After a bit Deidara suddenly stopped in front of Naruto. 

"At last, he's out of the way. Aww, don't scowl like that and here I was about to let you see your friend." Deidara's bird opened up it's mouth, revealing Gaara. "Oh, that's right. You're a jinchuriki too. I bet seeing him like this drives you crazy." 

Deidara places his hand into the pouch by his side. Naruto was ready to attack but his shoulder was gripped by Kakashi

"Damn it" Aika curses "one clone wasn't enough"

"Sorry but that wasn't the real me that got stopped back there" Kakashi says "you should pay more attention"

Aika glares at him angrily.

"Naruto, it'll be alright. We will get Gaara back so calm down" Kakashi says "Listen, you aren't use to fighting an opponent like this. You're a close combat fighter, he excels at long range, that makes him your worst enemy. There is only two ways to beat this kind of foe. One is to force him to fight up close and personal. Your only other option is to beat him at his own game."

Naruto stares at him confused "What? How are we suppose to do that?"

'why are they talking about this where we can hear them..'

"Depending on which strategy is chosen, you'll either need a long range specialist or someone on your team that can use long range ninjutsu to support that kind of distance combat." Kakashi explains "If you don't have one or the other, then there's no way you can beat him, but I'm a jonin and can sustain a long range battle."

"Then let's hurry up and get to it!" Naruto shouts

"It's not as easy as it sounds, we can't just chase after him. His partner looks like a close ranged figher, she'll cover him. Remember they infiltrated the Sand village and took down Gaara. And even more dangerous, they're part of the Akatsuki." Kakashi says "It's a tough challenge, all we can do is punch a hole in their defenses. We're going to have to work as a team and I've got a plan."

Aika yawns and looks at Deidara "Deidei this is getting boring"

"I agree hm" Deidara says boredly

"alright let's go!" Kakashi activates his Mangekyou Sharingan

Deidara and Aika smirk "Bring it!"

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