Let the game begin

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The door to Teresa Lisbon's office was shut and there was no way somebody could look inside the small room. Inside, there were Lisbon herself, sitting in her chair, Rigsby and Cho standing randomly in the room, Van Pelt sitting on the couch and Jane, walking around in the bullpen, explain the whole sitution with such a concern, the whole team didn't believe could be inside of him. "And that's why," he said with emphasis and looked deep into Van Pelt's eyes, "we have to find this guy and make him release that hypnotizion off me, otherwhise I'll kill somebody who means alot to me." Nobody in the room had to mention that this somebody is Teresa. After Patrick ended his enthusiastic speech, there was silence for a while. Grace was the first one who moved and turned her head into the direction of her boss. "So we have to analyse his phone call, right boss?" Lisbon nodded her head and got up. "Van Pelt you will do that, Rigsby and Cho you will talk to the relatives of the four victims, maybe they can remember something. And one more thing: Bertram isn't allowed to notice any of this is that clear? Be careful about that!" Her agents nodded and left the room, rushing to their work. Jane, who placed himself on the couch meanwhile his boss gave instructions, gazed into the air, thinking about what to do next. "Jane?" The voice of the woman let him snap out of his thinking. "Hm?" "What are we going to do now?" Jane got on his feet and rushed out of the bullpen. "We'll catch him Lisbon! with a lot of tricking and a little bit luck." he shouted over his back and left a complete confused Lisbon behind him.


"Boss, I've got something!" Grace called from behind her computer. Her boss stepped besides her desk and looked at her askingly. "I let his voice run through a voice recognition software and I got five hits. Karl Meier, John Hiddle, Taylor Oakyl, Paul Riddings and Fernando Nardez." Lisbon's mood got better in a minute and she praised her. "Very well done! I'll set Cho and Rigsby on them."

Just as she ended her phone call, telling Rigsby to search for these men, Teresa's consultant entered the room, ready to lay down on his loved couch as she stopped him with a shout. "We got something, Jane." The man turned around to her and came closer to her. "Tell me!" Lisbon was surprised. She hadn't expected such a concern in his eyes. "We.. uhm." she started but her voice broke by sight of how upset her partner was. But she gathered herself quickly and started a new try "We found five suspects whilst analysing the call. Rigsby and Cho are on their way to one of them and we'll go and visit Karl Meier now."

Jane didn't react at all. No relief, no being glad about the good news. He grabbed her hand and pulled Teresa to her office. After she stumbled into it, he closed the door and walked up and down the room, staring in the air. "Jane? Jane what's wrong?"

Suddenly Patrick looked up and directly into her eyes. His look was blank, no emotion at all could be seen in his face. "Teresa." his voice was as monotone as it was in the car. Lisbon new immediatly what was going on. "Teresa do you think the death hurts?" Jane's voice scared her and he grabbed his arm. "Jane you need to wake up. That's not you, please wake up!" She snaped her fingers in front of his face a few times but he kept on staring at her with those dead serious eyes. "Jane." Lisbon's voice became pleading and there were tears beginning to from in her eyes.

Just as fast his face got serious, he snapped back into his casual behavior and Patrick looked at the completely resolved Lisbon. "What? Why are you so upset, Lisbon?" his voice was truely concerned and she breathed out loud. "You.. You had this thing again. You know, this thing like the one in the car. You asked me if the death would hurt." Jane started walking up and down the room again, running his hands through his hair. Then he stopped right in front of his boss and looked at her, his eyes now full of fear. "I am scared, Lisbon." Teresa's heart skipped a beat at the sight of her consultant and she stepped closer, laying a hand on his arm. "I am scared, that I will hurt you. That can't happen, Teresa. I wouldn't ever forgive myself if that happens." There was one single tear, running over his right cheek and Lisbon reached up to wipe it away with her thumb. The feeling of his warm skin gave her shivers and she could see that he relaxed too. "We will get him before anything can happen Jane, we'll find him." He looked at her and nodded a little bit. "Thank you." he whispered and placed his hand on hers, which was still lingering on his right cheek. Just for a second, they forget everything and just looked into each others eyes. Patrick could feel the warmth of Teresa's small fingers and grabbed them a little before removing her hand from his cheek and walking out of the room, Lisbon following him. I will find this guy and if I hurt her, he'll pay for it. Let the game begin.

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