Nepgear's POV
After leaving the basilicom, we headed towards the dungeon called World Labyrinth where the mascot is located, but i got to admit i'm sad after hearing Kazuma's story, the war that almost plunged the world in darkness, the resurrection of an entity of pure evil named The Reaper and the Keyblade Graveyard, this is way worst than expected, once the ASIC and the Deity of Sin are down, i will help Kazuma in return. i love him and i'm not the only one.
Nepgear: .......
Uni: you okay Nepgear ? you seems pretty down after hearing Kazuma's story.
Nepgear: yeah, i just can't believe about what we just heard.
Uni: me too, the fact that he participate in the war at the Keyblade Graveyard and trying to stop an entity similar the Deity of Sin to plunge the world into darkness, i understand the pain he's been through.
Nepgear: so what will you do once we took down the Deity of Sin ?
Uni: i'll help Kazuma. He did so much for us and he also promised to save Gamindustri from ASIC and the Deity of Sin.
Nepgear: i see, so you also willing to help him in return.
Uni: yes beside you and me love him so much that our heart won't stop beating so fast.
Nepgear: yeah, you right.
Kazuma was calling out for us as he want to know where the dungeon know as World Maze would be.
Kazuma: Nepgear, Uni, you okay ?
Nepgear & Uni: yes we are fine.
Kazuma: okay, then i want to ask, where exactly is located the dungeon known a World Labyrinth ?
Nepgear: i think according to Mina's words, it is located to the north-west of Lowee, not far from the forest.
Kazuma: i see, that's good to know.
Ram: you okay Kazuma, i know it is not easy for you to tell us about your past.
Kazuma: i know it's not easy, but i'm okay, i hope that we won't have bad surprise after this.
Rom: i hope so.
Several minutes later we arrival at the World Labyrinth and the dungeon was like a level of Super Mario World with some of the monsters being pummels.
Kazuma: so this is the dungeon you called World Labyrinth.
Ram: yes, it is also in this place that Lowee's mascot is located.
RED: it must be in the deepest part of the dungeon.
Kazuma: so we better get going, i've got a feeling that ASIC will be here soon.
Girls: okay.
We begin to investigate the dungeon all the while beating the monsters that reside in it, i saw Kazuma's strong more and more as he face monsters with his powers, it was incredible before, but i think i fall in love with him. Uni also fall under his charm after witnesses how strong his will is.
Nepgear: he is so awesome and strong, i think i have fall even more in love in him.
Uni: and you not the only one Nepgear, not only he is strong, but he is also intelligent, brave and possess a strong will to life, like you i have fall in love with him.
Nepgear: hehehe, you right.
Uni: but still, what he said about his memories worries me a lot.
Nepgear: yeah, if that happen we will be here to make sure his heart doesn't break because of the pain those memories hold.
Uni: right. beside if that enemy he mention, The Reaper, if he revive then Kazuma won't be alone fighting against him, we will be by his side until the very end.
Nepgear: yeah, and i guess his resurrection will happen in the Keyblade Graveyard, the place were all the warriors lost their lives.
Uni: that nightmare he's been through has tainted his heart for too long, i guess we will be the one who will purified his heart with light and love.
Nepgear: just like his master once said.
Uni: yeah, now let's concentrate on what comes first, shall we ?
Nepgear: okay Uni-chan.
After several hours, we finally found the mascot at the said location, it notice us and ask who's there and recognize me as Neptune's sister.
RED: dude ! mascot sighted !
Compa: we made it first !
White disc: who's there ?
Nepgear: hello, sorry to intrude, but we'd like to ask for help. Could you please lend us your aid ?
White Disc: is that..... Neptune ? No, no.... You resemble her, but your aura is unmistakably different....
Nepgear: you know my sister ?
White Disc: your sister, huh ? i see.... You're her younger sister.... i know Neptune very well. She was the one who asked me to stay here, after all.
IF: What ? Why would Planeptune's CPU give orders to Lowee's Mascot ?
White Disc: Lowee has no mascot, ASIC made sure of that.
Compa: then you are.... ?
White Disc: i was originally one of Planeptune's Mascots, until i came here on Neptune's behest. She asked that i ensure prosperity for Lowee, a Lowee that had lost all it's Mascots.
Nepgear: Neptune......
White Disc: that said, i cannot help you. it would go against the order that your own sister gave me or do you wish to ignore your sister's commands and force me to come along with you ?
Nepgear "panicking": th-that's..... But Neptune's being held captive, so.... Um, well, i mean, we should.....
White Disc: sorry, perhaps my words were a bit harsh. But that's not the only reason why i must remain here. The Oracle of Lowee gave me a very important mission, i cannot abandon this duty, no matter what.
IF: i guess i recall the Oracle saying something about that. What exactly is this important mission ?
White Disc: well.....
At this moment, Warechu who managed to set himself free from the ice arrival at where we are and set his sight on the mascot.
Warechu: found you ! you're mine, Mascot, chu
Compa: mister mouse ! how did he get free ?
Kazuma: looks like the little rat free himself from the glaciation.
Warechu: you again ! no matter where i go, you always in my way, chu.
Uni: it doesn't matter, now that we are here, you won't touch the Mascot.
Warechu: you broads are too naive. why'd you think i took so long ? i came prepared this time, especially you Ice Demon king.
Warechu summon a lot of monsters, to fight us either way we won't let them get close to the mascot, chu.
Compa: uh-oh ! look at all the mister monsters !
Warechu: have fun with that. in the meantime.... chu.
Before Warechu could do anything, Kazuma unleash a slash to pull him away from the mascot, and rush at him trying to take him down.
Warechu: whoa ! that was a close one, chu.
Kazuma: i won't let you go any further.
Warechu: ohhhh, i have a feeling you tried to stop me, so i have brought this for you, chu.
Warechu summon a giant creature with yellow eyes, i look at him and remind me of the demons that my master once fought, but i can't let him get to the Mascot.
Kazuma: no matter what, your monsters won't be a match for me.
Warechu: we'll see about that.
Uni's POV
We were surrounded by monsters summoned that that rat who got free from Kazuma's glaciation, we were determinate to not let them get close to the mascot.
Uni: those monsters won't let themselves beaten so easily.
IF: this could be is bad. Let's get rid of them, quick !
Nepgear: right, Kazuma is busy fighting a giant monster by himself.
Ram: he will be alright.
Rom: Ram look at his hand.
At that moment, they all watch Kazuma as particles of light appear and a sword in the form of a key appear in his hands, they were shocked to realize that Kazuma was in fact a Keyblade Wielder.
Nepgear: that's impossible !
RED: Kazuma is a Keyblade wielder ! but how ?
Compa: remember what he said before we came here ?
Uni: yeah, he was part of the war that happened at the Keyblade Graveyard and the Keyblade itself must have chosen him as it's wielder.
IF: that mean a part of his memories returned to him ?
Ram: this is most possible theory we had, but for now let's get rid of these monsters.
Both icy hedgehog jump at us and tried to attack us with their claws, we dodge and attack them in return with one of our special ability.
Uni: take this, Venom Shot.
I shot a bullet that has a high concentrate poison in it at the icy hedgehog, as the monster jump at her, it was push back by Nepgear.
Nepgear: oh no you don't, Panzer Blade.
Her attack was strong to defeat one of the icy hedgehog, as for the second he was quickly taken down by IF, Rom and Ram.
IF: that was easy.
Ram: yeah, but Kazuma is still fighting that creature.
Rom: don't worry about him, he is strong after all.
At the same time, Kazuma strike down the giant monster with the help of the Keyblade, the monster use the power of darkness against him, but it blocked in the neck of time before it reach him.
Kazuma: time for you monster to disappear, 13 Hikari bīmu ("13 light beam")
Kazuma sends out his thirteen light shields to attack the monsters who upon hit vanished without a trace.
Kazuma: i did it.
Nepgear: you did it Kazuma.
Uni: how come you are so skilled with your Keyblade ?
Kazuma: because i'll train a lot, now let's go see if the Mascot is okay.
Compa: i.... i think the Mascot disappeared !
Warechu: hahahahahahaha ! Disappeared is right ! i destroyed it while you were busy fighting my minions ! chu.
RED: we weren't fast enough.....
Nepgear: this..... is the disc that housed the Mascot..... it's in pieces....
IF: i hope you realize what you've done. We won't let you run away this time !
Warechu: Oh ? are you sure you have the time to waste on me ? With the Mascot gone, it's gonna be released..... chu.
Kazuma "gasp": the Killachine !
Warechu: yeah, those machines were sealed away in another dimension by the Mascot, now that it gone they are back, chu !
At this moment we notice a robot coming out of the sealed dimension as it reactivate itself.
IF: so the mission the Mascot was assigned was to keep this thing from being reactivated.
Warechu: here it comes ! if we can release a ton of these at once, Lowee will surrender to us overnight, chu !
Kazuma: like we will let this happen.......
We notice Kazuma's energy rise up, before crossing both his Keyblade and Ice demon sword as he said an incantation that will make him transform into another form that we don't know.
Kazuma: by the power of light and ice, give me strength to enlighten our world from darkness and freeze those who threaten it, arise, Tengoku no tenshi Kōri no Hikari ("Heavenly angel of ice and light")
Both light and ice begin to surround Kazuma's body and when it dissipate, it show him in a new form that we find incredible, in this form, he wield both his Ice Demon sword and his Keyblade transformed into oath keeper, his only change in his appearance is that his torso is now exposed, his eyes become bright blue, a pair of white wings on his back and a blue aura surrounding his body.
Warechu "scared": wh-wh-what is this form ? chu.
Nepgear: this is Kazuma ? whoa he look handsome.
Uni: this is his second form ! i didn't know he has white wings similar to that of a angel, he is so cute.
IF & Compa: Kazuma, go !
RED: our hubby has become an angel ! that's awesome.
Rom: i never thought he has a form like this. Maybe it was influenced by his master.
Ram: yeah, he is the true successor of Fuyu Dragneel.
Warechu: no matter, it won't change kill him Killachine.
Before the Killachine couldn't move at all, Kazuma move at the speed of light and quickly destroy it in one shot much to our surprise and to Warechu's horror.
Killachine: !!!
Kazuma: begone.
"Sound of explosion"
Nepgear: how ! he already destroy it !
Uni: he did it so fast that we didn't even see it coming.
IF & Compa: amazing.
RED: he has so much strength under this form.
Rom & Ram: way to go Kazuma.
Warechu "shocked": no way ! destroyed in one shot ! chu.
Kazuma: i know that this Killachine isn't the only one, there are others, right rat ?
Warechu: that's right, chu.
Kazuma: i see, girls let's get out of here.
Rom: why Kazuma ?
Kazuma: the Killachines maybe be released from the seal, but they aren't reactivated yet, let's use this to get out of here and think of a strategy.
Uni: he's right.
Nepgear: yeah, everyone let's get out of here.
Warechu: that's right you better run. now time to reactivating the others robots.
After we get away from the Killachines, Kazuma explain to us that since the robots were sealed for so long, they aren't reactivated yet and that we should find a way to fix the broken disc before they begin to move.
Kazuma: is everyone okay ?
Ram: yes, thank you for warning us.
Kazuma: no problem, huh ? Nepgear ? Uni ? why you both look at me like that ?
Nepgear: your appearance back there, your wings, they were so beautiful like those of an angel.
Uni: yeah, people can think that you are coming from the sky with this appearance, still i find you quite handsome.
Kazuma "blushing": really ?
Nepgear & Uni: really.
Kazuma was blushed so hard that he kiss both Nepgear and Uni, both of them were happy and surprise as we saw them blushing hard.
Kazuma "blushing": thank you both.
Uni & Nepgear "blushing": hehehehehe, you welcome.
Compa: Kazuma, what should we do now ?
Kazuma: first let's go back to the basilicom and report to Mina about the situation and then find a way fix the broken disc that housed the Mascot.
RED: understand, let's go back to the basilicom, maybe Mina know something about those robot.
We then return to the basilicom and report to Mina about what happened and was shocked that the Killachine is back and tell her the detail about who created them.
Mina: i see. The Killachine is back.
IF: can you tell us about the Killachine. Kazuma managed to destroy one of those, but normal attack could hardly dent it.
Mina: Arfoire created it as a tool of destruction, it's power...... Well, you saw that much firsthand. Also, there are far more than one of them. Hundreds must be sealed away all over Lowee.
IF: hundreds ? Oh, give me a break.
Kazuma: so there's hundreds of those things sealed away all over Lowee and now that the mascot is gone, all of them are going to reappear, am i right ?
Mina: you are correct, still i can't believe you actually destroy one of the Killachine in your new form.
Kazuma: that form i used back at the Dungeon, well.....
Nepgear: did some of your memories return ?
Kazuma: yeah, i remember that Fuyu's wife, Asuka possessed a similar form to the one i have used earlier. i think it was called "Angelic Form"
Girls: Angelic form !
Mina: it is a state that Fuyu and his family attained after years of training ?
Kazuma: yes, or you can say, you can attain this form if the user have a strong will, in my case when i transform into my Angelic Form, i use the combined strength of my Ice Demon Slayer power and my Keyblade's power.
Mina: so, you use both Ice and Light as your powers.
Kazuma: yes, ma'am. now what should we do, i guess making them explode isn't a good idea.
Mina: such a course of action isn't realistic. That's why we used the Mascot to seal them away, but...
Nepgear: the disc shattered. The Mascot.....
Mina: still, this situation must be addressed. Fortunately ASIC is not one to take hasty action.
IF: which could also mean they're taking their time to make a through game plan.
Mina: indeed. But their hesitation does change the options available to us. It is a selfish request, but may i ask for your aid in protecting the city and gathering information ?
Kazuma: that won't be a problem at all Mina, what's done can't be undone, however we'll do all we can to help you and Lowee.
Mina: thank you Kazuma, i'm sure you're all tired after today's ordeal. Please rest here for the night.
Kazuma "smile": thank you, you are really kind woman.
Mina blushed at the compliment made by Kazuma, even Ram and Rom notice that Mina blushed in his presence.
Mina "blushing": it's-it's nothing.
Ram's POV
Later that night, i tried to sleep but i can't because of what we just saw, that form of Kazuma who remind me of those of the angels, i get up to have something to drink, Nepgear and Uni were also up until we saw Kazuma.
Ram: Kazuma !
Kazuma: oh ! Rom, Ram, Nepgear, Uni.
Uni: hey are you up ?
Kazuma: i wanted to have fresh air, i can't sleep at all.
Uni: it is because of your memories ?
Kazuma: yeah and that form i have taken back at the World Labyrinth dungeon, while using it, a part of my memory return.
Nepgear: a memory of when you were under Fuyu's tutelage ?
Kazuma: yes, not only him but under his wife as well.
Uni: can you call us, how both trained you ?
Kazuma: Fuyu teached me more about swords skill and Asuka about the powers that resided within me, the two of us have so many duel and win everytime.
Ram: Asuka must be really strong, didn't you said that she used to possess a Angelic Form ?
Kazuma: yes she used to possess that form, since they want me to be their successor, i guess Asuka passed down some of her powers to me.
Ram: that's awesome, we wished to have powers like you have.
Uni: an Angelic Form, combined with our powers it could make use stronger.
Nepgear: yeah, but only Kazuma can use it.
Kazuma: oh ! but you too can unlocked the Angelic form. if you have a strong will and a desire to protect what's dear to you. in my case my feelings for you were so strong that the power deep within me awaken.
Nepgear and Uni blushed so hard that they couldn't hide their feelings for him, even Mina and Rom started to take a liking to Kazuma, i know deep down that he is a good person.
Nepgear "blushed": you have feelings for us !
Uni "blushed": Kazuma....... hehehehe
Kazuma: yeah, i do have feelings for you all, you represent everything for me, if you wasn't been here for me, my heart would have been swallowed by the darkness.
Nepgear "blushed": Kazuma.......
Uni: so tomorrow, you said that we gonna fix the disc right ?
Kazuma: yeah, but we need materials in order to do that and i wonder if there's someone in Lowee who could help us ?
Rom: i wonder.....
Nepgear: Kazuma: i wanted to ask, once the Deity of Sin gone, what are you gonna do ?
Kazuma: i'll go to the Keyblade Graveyard, but if you want you can go with me.
Uni: really ? Nepgear do you want us to accompanied him there ?
Nepgear: yes Uni, he did everything he can to save our world, we love him so much and there's no way the same thing that happened to Fuyu happen to him as well.
Uni: you right, our feelings for him are so strong that we want to help him.
Rom: i think the same thing right Ram ?
Ram: yeah, he is very kind and cute.
Kazuma: so what's your choice ?
Uni: we decide to go with you at the Keyblade Graveyard once this crisis is over and ending the nightmare you have been through for so long, so you can live a happy life with all of us.
Nepgear: the entity that put you through so much pain, The Reaper's revival must be stopped.
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