Nepgear's POV
We leave the city and return back to the Underverse dungeon, where Kazuma sense a presence in the other side of the dungeon, i ask him whose presence might be and he sad that the Mascot is in the area.
Nepgear: are you sure, we will find that rat here ?
Kazuma: i'm sure, since the Underverse dungeon is a ASIC hideout, chances is that he is around with the Mascot.
Uni: yeah, i think so too, seeing how that rat summon those black creatures, chance is are that he hold a portion of The Reaper's dark powers.
Kazuma: that's quite possible.
IF: if that rat is here and have the Mascot, that mean he didn't destroyed yet.
Cave: so this is our chance to defeat the rat and recover it the Mascot at the same time.
Compa: yeah, i'm ready to face Mister Mouse.
Ram: she seems happy.
Rom: uh-oh....
Uni: anyway, we better keep moving the more we wait, the more dangerous the situation will become for us.
Kazuma: okay, girls let's go, we've got a rat to defeat and a Mascot to save.
Girls: yeah !
We being walking in the dungeon to the area where we find Chika, all the while eliminating the monsters that reside in this area, when we came through the door to the second area, we stopped.
Uni: Kazuma ? why did you stop ?
Kazuma: i was thinking, Warechu is here with the Mascot.
Uni: and.... ?
Kazuma: i'm pretty sure that he has done some preparations before coming back here with the Mascot, seeing how many times we have defeated him, it's not surprise that his leader would give him something to make him be stronger.
Nepgear: i see, so what have to do something about this.
Ram: if anyone have a plan, i'm all open.
Kazuma: i have one, here what we gonna do.
Several minutes later after Kazuma explain his plan, we rush at where Warechu is and put our plan in motion.
Warechu: this is bad, not only i have let the broads blown up the imposter identity but they also get the Oracle back, well at least i still have the Mascot.
Green Disc: ...
Warechu: i could destroy it, but it will make me like an amateur, but i know that things cannot be solve with just plain destruction unlike a certain underling, chu.
Nepgear: here, i found you.
IF: you maybe small but, your voice is lourd enough to track you down, rat.
Warechu: oh great ! You dumb broads again ? How in the heel did you find me in this place ?
Cave: we all thanks Kazuma's intelligence for that, he had a feeling that you'll come back here, after we blow up the imposter's identity.
Compa: Mister Mouse, will you please return the Mascot to us ?
Warechu: well my darling angel Compa, if you want to take it back, you will have to fight me.
RED: you make things easy for us, by saying that, either way we came prepared to beat you senseless and take the Mascot back by force !
Cave: you have overstayed your welcome in Leanbox. Prepare yourselves.
Warechu: don't think this is gonna be the same fight as usual ! So you better be the one to be prepared, chu....
Warechu begin to fight against us, despite his small height he is an opponent to not taking lightly.
Warechu: for the Deity of Sin.
He jump and hit me with his tail, i got him off my face and use one of my skills to get back at him.
Nepgear: feel the power of the Starshine
Warechu: chuuuuuu !
Uni: disappear into the light, XMB: Empress
Uni fire a powerful blast from her gun after removing it's limiter, the blast hit Warechu hurting him in the process.
Warechu: take this. Mega Splash.
He jump and fall on us to crush us, we dodge him in time and fight back at him.
Ram & Rom: it's our turn now, Ice Coffin.
Both twins use their magic to freeze the rat on sight, leave an opening for IF and Compa to finish him off.
IF: got you now, La Delphinus
Compa: High compression.
Their attack was enough to defeat Warechu as he fall on his knees nearly defeated, however he smile as he know this would happen.
Warechu: i lost again..... but getting slapped silly by my angelic Compa.... This is a bliss, chu... !
IF: despite what the rat said, it really was the same fight as usual.
Broccoli: they need to gain some perspective about how weak they are, nyu.
Uni's POV
We defeated Warechu and take back the Mascot, but i've got the feeling that the fight was too easy, Nepgear asked the Mascot if she's okay and much to our relief she appear to be safe and sound.
Nepgear: are you okay ? Did he hurt you ?
Green Disc: i'am fine. Thank you. May i ask who you are ?
Nepgear: oh ! Hello, i'm Nepgear. I'm Planeptune's CPU Candidate, and i want your help to save the world.
Compa: um, Ge-Ge ? That's a little too much summarizing....
Green disc: no, that was plenty of information. I sense the other Mascot's powers within her. Save the world, hmm ?
Nepgear: so you got what i was trying to say ? Then... !
Cave: hold. Protocol dictates we must first gain Chika's approval. Let us return to the basilicom, and then...
Before Cave could even finish her words, Warechu get up and was upset because he was ignored after the battle.
Warechu: hey, what the hell, you guys !? Don't ignore me just because the battle ended !
IF: well, this is a new pattern. thought you would've run away by now.
RED: keep bugging us and i'll take you to the cleaners again.
Warechu: Shut it, Squirt ! I still got an ace up my sleeve, chu !
Warechu pick up a disc which the Mascot of Leanbox identified as a Mascot disc and wonder where he get that.
Green disc: that's... a Mascot disc !? Where did you obtain that ?
Warechu: oh, this ? you curious ? it was a gift from my boss. I was told to use it and get rid of you all ! chu.
Kazuma: i don't think so, you rat.
Warechu: huh ?
Kazuma intervene just in time and destroy the disc before Warechu got the chance to use it on him and increase his strength.
Kazuma: got ya.
Green Disc: you prevented that evil being from using the mascot power by destroying it !
Kazuma: well, it's better that then let him use it on himself, all of you could be in trouble if he use it.
Green Disc: i understand, Kazuma Akimoto, heir of the Dragneel Family.
Kazuma: if you know who am'i that mean that Master Fuyu pass through here.
Green Disc: yes and no, he did pass through here, but it was Chika who told me about you.
Kazuma: Chika.....
Warechu: what the hell ! the disc that my boss give it to me..... How dare you !
Nepgear: looks like the tables turn, it's over, Warechu.
Compa: you are completely surrender mister mouse, please give up.
Warechu: not happening, i knew this would happen, so i came with a suprise for you all, chu.
Uni: a surprise ? i bet it's another one of your monsters ?
Warechu: you bet, come forth Guard Armor !
We look above us and we notice that five things that looks like body parts appear and begin to assemble themselves and the head appear last to filled the being known as the Guard Armor.
Cave: looks like a new monster has appear !
Compa: this monster is scary !
Ram: guys, look at his emblem.
Kazuma: it's a heartless, but this one is not like the small fry, it a level above.
Nepgear: can you tell us more about this Heartless ?
Kazuma: this Heartless is called Guard Armor, he is a Emblem Heartless and the boss of the soldiers Heartless. there are four pieces of this monster, a head, body, two arms and two legs.
Uni: which mean, this Guard Armor body part can act independently on their own accord ?
Kazuma: exactly, this Heartless might be strong, but like the other Heartless, he act based on his instincts which leave him full of opening for us to attack.
Ram: i see, i guess it will be easy against that creature and the rat.
Rom: can you tell us what strategy and counterattack we will us against that monster.
Kazuma: yes.
Warechu: enough talking, Guard Armor attack.
The Guard Armor rush at us and begin spinning his arms to attack us, seeing this, Kazuma give us all the strategies we need to elaborated a counterattack against him.
Uni: everyone watch out !
Kazuma: everyone listen up, at the start the Guard Armor will approach to us and start spinning his arms to attack, attack them until he begin to split his body parts, once his body parts separated, they will attack us independently.
Nepgear: okay, so what the strategies against the body parts if they are separated ?
Kazuma: simple, keep attacking until they are destroy, now for the body parts attacks, the legs will tried to stomp us and the arms will do the same spinning attack he did earlier, attacking it or blocking it will make him losing his balance which leave a good opening to attack. However when he is about to jumps into the air and body slams the ground on us, make sure that he did hit us with that attack because this is an attack that can't be blocked.
Ram: okay and for the body ?
Kazuma: after both the arms and legs destroy all that will remain is the body, his attack consist to spin around itself and rush at us to attack, but like the other body parts, it can be stop by attacking it or blocking it's attempt and made him losing his balance.
Everyone including myself was surprise and astonished to see how much Kazuma know about the opponent in front of us, especially me.
Uni: whoa ! when it comes to strategy against enemies, you really have the qualifications for being a commander.
Kazuma "blushing": yeah, hehehehehe you making ma blush Uni.
Nepgear: okay, everyone let's follow Kazuma's strategy.
IF: yeah, with a strategy like that we have high chance of winning.
Compa: yeah, let's show mister mouse and this creature who's boss.
Kazuma: everyone, attack.
We all rush at attack the Guard Armor who being spinning his arms around to attack us, but follow our strategy, we attack him with end until his legs and arms separated themselves from his body.
Cave: Kazuma, the creature's legs and arms have separated themselves.
Kazuma: okay then, IF, Compa and Cave, you take on the Guard Armor's legs, Broccoli, Red, Ram and Rom, you take down the arms, as for me, Nepgear and Uni, we'll take on the Guard Armor's body.
Ram: okay.
Cave: this will be a piece of cake.
Kazuma: alright everyone attack.
We being our attack against the Guard Armor's body parts and the strategy went very well, IF, Compa and Cave unleash their abilities against the monster
IF: La Delphinus
Compa: High Compression
Cave: Malicious Heaven
The combinate attack was enough to destroy the legs, but the Guard Armor tried to crush us by jumps into the air and body slams the ground, but we dodge it and continue to attack him.
Nepgear: Kazuma watch out above you.
Kazuma: whoa !
"Sound of body slam"
Kazuma: man that was close.
Uni: you alright ?
Kazuma: i'm fine Uni, i managed to dodge it right on time.
The Guard Armor's arms begin spinning again and rush at us, but Ram blocked the attack and the arms lost their balance.
Ram: the Guard Armor's arms lost their balance.
Broccoli: great, now time to destroy it, Red Lotus Nyu
Ram & Rom: Ice Coffin
RED: Swift Strike
Their simultaneous attack managed to completely destroy the Guard Armor's arms, seeing this the monster become angry and begin spinning itself around at high speed to attack us.
Uni: Kazuma, here it comes.
Kazuma: okay, Nepgear tried to block his attack.
Nepgear: okay.
Nepgear jump in front of us and block the Guard Armor's spinning attack, by doing so, the creature fall on the ground knock out.
Nepgear: it worked !
Kazuma: great ! now let's finish him off together.
Uni & Nepgear: okay.
We all jump into the air, as Nepgear and me unleash their special attacks, i gather my light energy into his Keyblade to unleash a powerful attack on the Guard Armor.
Uni & Nepgear: take this, M.P.B.L./XMB: Empress
Our attack managed to critically hit the Guard Armor's body as for Kazuma, he was in position to unleash his one of his powerful skills.
Kazuma: this is the end, Ragunaroku ("Ragnarok")
Kazuma fire a cluster of energy shots from his Keyblade at the monster, the hit he took was too much for it to handle and begin to shaking before releasing a heart and vanishing into darkness.
Warechu "scared": no.... no way !
Kazuma: so much for the Guard Armor.
I can't believe what we've seen the way Kazuma finish off the Guard Armor was awesome, all the girls rush at him and embrace him with smile on their faces, my heart begin to beat so fast that i let my emotions taken over, in other words i have fallen in love with him.
Nepgear: we did it Kazuma, we did it.
Uni: that was awesome, with a strategy like we have, that monster didn't know what's coming, you are not only a handsome man but you are also a great tactician when it comes to plans, strategies and counterattack.
Ram "smiling": hehehehehe, this is thank to you that we won.
Rom: thank you Kazuma.
Compa: you were so awesome that i have fallen in love with you all over again.
RED: that's our hubby, putting such a strategy is worthy of a true tactician master
Broccoli: Broccoli is impressed, nyu.
Cave watch all of us with happy look on her face and smile at Kazuma while lost in thought about what she just witness, she know that she was a member of the Leanbox Regal Regiment of Defense, but she never though that Kazuma was such a tactician master when it comes to strategies and counterattacks.
Cave "blushing": "this man is truly amazing, not only he is a good fighter, a master of the Dragneel Family fighting style, but he is also a brilliant tactician, if we had someone like him in Leanbox, the current would never occurred, beside he is so cute and handsome and when i look at him, i feel happiness"
Kazuma: you okay Cave ?
Cave "blushing": yes, i'm okay..... i'm okay.
Ram: oh ! is by any chance, you have fall in love with him.
That question make Cave blushing hard, but she admit that she is indeed in love with him after the rescue of Chika and the protection of 5pb.
Cave "blushing": well...... how can i put this.....
Uni: you love him, right ? come on you don't need to hide your feelings.
Nepgear: we all love Kazuma, you have witnessed how strong he is.
Ram: beside if there's somebody who can rival him in term of strength, agility and endurance, i'm sure he can find the right strategy against whoever his opponent are.
Cave: i see, you all love him because he is not only strong like his master, but he also keep his promise until the very end, right ?
Girls: yes.
Cave "blushing": i see....
Kazuma: okay girls, we may have eliminated the Guard Armor, but there's one more person we need to punish.
Compa: if you talking about mister mouse, he run away a few minutes ago.
Kazuma: figure, he would run away.
At this moment the ground begin shaking and a being appear in front of us, i don't who he is but he possess the same dark energy that of the Reaper which mean one thing.
???: well done Kazuma, i never thought you and your girls would be able to defeat the Guard Armor.
Kazuma: you !
IF: Kazuma: you know him.
Kazuma: only by name, he is one of the four Lords of Death, a group who are the leaders of GRIM REAPER and who bear one of the seven deadly sin, Senbō also know as the one who bear the sin of Envy.
Senbō: oh ! you know my name, great that save me the trouble of introducing myself.
Nepgear: what a lord of death like you doing here ?
Senbō: i'm here to tell you all, that if you want to take us down, it will not be only.
Uni: so there's three others like you who bear one of the seven deadly sin ?
Senbō: correct, those are Ikari who represent the sin of Wrath, Hokori who bear the Sin of Pride and Ōkui who represent the Sin of Gluttony, all four of us are the leaders of GRIM REAPER who seek to revive our lord and master.
Kazuma: you seriously want to revive The Reaper ! a being who only crave destruction and death around those who crossed his path !
Senbō: correct, The Reaper is our master, and we will do anything to revive him.
Uni: not if we have anything to say about it.
Senbō: i see, you are Kazuma's girls and the Goddesses Candidates of Gamindustri , pleasure to meet you, however i'm not here to fight, but to give you a warning.
IF: a warning ?
Senbō: those shaking you felt mean that our lord's revival will happen soon, since he has no physical form, we the Four Lords of death was chosen to be his vessels.
Kazuma "angry": you crazy, no matter what you are planning, we'll put an end to your plan and prevent The Reaper's revival.
Senbō: oh i do not doubt you, i know you are powerful and all, but if you really want to prevent this from happening, then train hard until the fated day you, your girls and us will fight each other.
Kazuma "angry": Master Fuyu, Asuka and Master Genji risked their life to stop The Reaper, so there's no way, we gonna let you revive such a dangerous entity.
Senbō: that's the spirit, for now i take my leave, until we meet again.
Senbō disappear into the ground leaving us astonished to learn that The Reaper's revival will happen soon, this shock Kazuma.
Cave: Kazuma, you okay ?
Kazuma: yeah, i'am shocked to learn that Senbō and GRIM REAPER are trying to revive a being who almost plunged the world into darkness, this is bad.
Uni: this is bad indeed, what should we do ?
Kazuma: we have no choice, we have to train more and more harder if we want to defeat the four Lords of Death that run GRIM REAPER.
Nepgear: we understand, don't worry we are here for you.
Ram: like we said before, we will help you against those monsters, no matter what.
Kazuma: you sure ? Senbō was on a level equal to mine.
Uni: no matter the strength of our opponent, we will find a way to defeat them, i'm sure of it.
Kazuma was happy to heard that the girls was willing to help him against the four lords of death who led GRIM REAPER, i wonder myself what happened for them to take a decision like that ?
Compa: at least the Mascot is saved.
Green disc: yes. i'am grateful to you all. I don't know how i can ever repay you.
Nepgear: don't worry about it. We were just fixing the
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