Nepgear's POV
After saving Lowee from an disaster, we leave the Basilicom, i asked IF where are we going to next and she tell us that our next stop is Leanbox.
Nepgear: so IF, where to go next ?
IF: Leanbox. There aren't any other CPU Candidates there, but they've got to have a mascot.
Broccoli: Leanbox, huh, nyu ?
My N-Gear start ringing and i saw that it was Histy that call me, i answer the call and she ask us how things are progressing before tell us that Leanbox's Oracle Hakozaki Chika wanted to meet us.
"sound of the N-gear ringing"
Kazuma: Nepgear, your N-gear is ringing.
Nepgear: i bet it's Histy who's calling us, hello ?
Histoire: hello Nepgear. How are things progressing ?
Nepgear: we secured the help of Lowee's Mascot and we were just about to head down to Leanbox.
Histoire: excellent timing, i just finished a call with Leanbox's Oracle, Hakozaki Chika. It would appear she's anxious to meet you as soon as possible.
Nepgear: me ? But why ?
Histoire: i do not know, but she did sound to be in great need. I recommend that you make haste to Leanbox.
Nepgear: okay, we're on our way.
I end up the call and ask everyone if they head what Histoire said, IF wonder why the Oracle of Leanbox want us to see her, i guess we would find out once we got there.
Nepgear: so... did everyone hear that ?
IF: hmm... What would the Oracle want ? i guess we'll find out after we arrive.
Nepgear: yep. How do we get to Leanbox from here, though ?
Kazuma: maybe we go there by ships that go between Lastation and Leanbox, right Uni ?
Uni: that's right, if we take one of the ships of my nation, we can get to Leanbox in a jiffy !
Kazuma: alright, before that i need to call Linda, to know what's her progress.
Rom: Linda ? you mean underling from ASIC.
Uni: Rom, Ram, Linda isn't with ASIC anymore, she is more on our side, but she most likely act as a spy for us, she stayed with ASIC as part of the task Kazuma gave to her.
Ram: so if she's a spy, she can tell us some informations about ASIC's moves ?
Uni: that's right.
Kazuma: Linda , it's Kazuma do you heard me ?
Linda "on the phone": i heard you Kazuma, glad you call, i'm actually at the port of Lastation to take a ship to Leanbox.
Kazuma: i see, if you there that mean the rat is there too.
Linda "on the phone": yes, ASIC's next move is Leanbox's Mascot and a singer who goes by the name of 5pb. since Leanbox have no CPU Candidate, ASIC has taking control of the nation.
Kazuma: i see that's quite alarming.
Linda "on the phone": it is, since ASIC plan to destroy the Mascot and that i'm with the rat, if we cross path, i will pretend to be an enemy so that they won't suspect me.
Kazuma: i see, thanks for your hard work.
Linda: "on the phone": thank you, i'll keep going with the investigation, see you.
Nepgear: was that Linda aka underling ?
Kazuma: yes, and she said that Leanbox is under the control of AIC since there's no CPU Candidate there.
Uni: that's terrible, what did she say after that ?
Kazuma: she said that ASIC is targeting Leanbox's Mascot and that if we cross path, she will pretend to be an enemy so that ASIC won't get suspicious of her.
Ram: you really turn her into a good girl, right ?
Kazuma: yeah.
Rom: that's awesome.
Kazuma: in any case, she said that she's with Warechu at Lastation waiting to take a ship to Leanbox, we better hurry.
Girls: okay !
Kazuma's POV
As we move back to Lastation, Uni ask me about ASIC's moves, apart from the Mascot, she asked me who they are targeting there.
Uni: Kazuma, i wanted to ask you a question.
Kazuma: sure Uni dear, what it is you want to know ?
Uni: Linda said on the phone that Leanbox's Mascot isn't their only target, i wonder who they second target.
Kazuma: it is a singer of Leanbox named 5pb. I don't know why they are targeting her, Linda didn't know all the details about that.
Uni: she really do her work as an undercover agent within ASIC.
Kazuma: yes, but if we saw her with the Rat who was at Lowee, she had to pretend to be an enemy to avoid getting suspected by the higher-ups of ASIC.
Uni: i understand, anyway, we arrived at Lastation, let's go to the port.
Kazuma: right.
We run toward the port to get a ship to Leanbox, Linda was there with Warechu waiting to take a ship to go to the same place as us.
Warechu: they want us to go to Leanbox ? dammit, what about the time off request i submitted ? chu.
Linda: no vacation for members who keep failing their missions rat. You should be happy that ASIC hasn't canned you.
Warechu: yeah, yeah, whatever. I don't really care about that, but i'm pissed i gotta to work with a underling like you. chu
Linda: the feeling's mutual. i hate working with rats, but once a rat always a rat.
Warechu: that does it, you underling ! i'm gonna.... !
Linda: what's wrong ?
Warechu: huh ? shhh, i hear a voice... C-Could that be the lovely serenade of my angelic Compa !?
We arrival to the port and see our ship, we run as fast as we can, but unfortunately the ship already took off.
RED: Oh, there's our ship ! Let's go, everyone !
Compa: w-wait for me, please.... i can't run that fast...
Broccoli: Compa, start exercising, nyu.
IF: stop acting whiny. C'mon, if we miss this ship, the tickets we bought are useless.
Kazuma: if you can't run as fast you can then....
i get to Compa's side and carry her in my arms in bridal style, the girls were surprised to see me do something like this, but, as they know me, they understand that it can't be helped as Compa didn't exercise a lot.
Compa: Ka-Kazuma !
Kazuma: in that case Compa allow me to carry you to the ship.
Nepgear "whisper": Uni do you see what i'm seeing ?
Uni "whisper": yes, Kazuma carry Compa like a princess, but i guess it can't be helped since she didn't do more exercise for her body.
Nepgear "whisper": you right.
Kazuma: let's go everyone before the ship set sail.
We rush at full speed to the ship and pass by Warechu and Linda who wonder what was that, they also get on board without noticing that we were in the same ship as them.
Kazuma: we finally made it.
Nepgear: yeah, now we can go to Leanbox without worrying
Uni: we were so fast that we couldn't even stop, IF, Compa, Red, Broccoli, you girls okay ?
IF: we are fine.
Broccoli: no one is injured, nyu.
RED: that was some exercise.
Compa who was still being carried by me, start blushing and ask me to put her down, i realize that she was still in my arms and put her down nicely.
Compa "blushing": Kazuma, can you put me down please ?
Kazuma: oh ! forgive me, i almost forgot that i carry you, here.
Nepgear: you okay Compa, you blushing really hard.
Compa: yeah, being carried by Kazuma is like a dream come true.
Nepgear & Uni "blushing": "it sure is"
Kazuma: so before we arrived at Leanbox, IF can you tell me about the Oracle of that nation ?
IF: off course Kazuma, Chika is a girl who is not only the Oracle of Leanbox, but she also clamed to be Vert's younger sister, after the Goddesses were held captive three years ago, she tried her best to stop ASIC from spreading Arfoire's influence over the nation since Leanbox was the only nation without a CPU Candidate.
Kazuma: i see, but i'm kind of worried about why she wanted to meet Nepgear, i bet it's something very important.
Uni: you bet, once we get to the basilicom, we will see what she want from Nepgear.
Kazuma: okay....
Compa: you thinking about mister mouse ?
Kazuma: yeah, the fact that he summoned a heartless back in Lowee make me think that he will probably do it again here in Leanbox.
Compa: i understand, so we better hurry.
After arrived at Leanbox, we see how beautiful it was as we at the same time headed to the Leanbox's Basilicom to meet with Chika.
Nepgear: hello ? Oh, i see someone. Are you Miss Chika Hakozaki ?
Chika: ....
Nepgear: Miss Chika ? what's wrong ?
Chika: Huh ? What the he..... O-Oh, yeah. sorry i was lost in though, my name's Chika Hakozaki. per chance, are you Nepgear ?
Nepgear: Wow, i'm really happy that i've become so recognizable !
Chika: yeah, i heard quite a lot about your exploits.
Nepgear: that's great, hehehehe.
IF: Nepgear, we have to ask her some questons too, remember ?
Nepgear: o-oh, of course. We came here to request aid from Leanbox's Mascot. Would you be able to help us locate it ?
Chika: off course, but first i want to ask a request.
Kazuma: sure what it is ?
Chika: i wanted you all to help me get rid of a real annoying monster.
IF: you called us all the way here for a simple monster slaying quest.
Chika: well.... Leanbox has no CPU now, so it's a struggle for us to defen against even a doogoo, and the monster in question is a creature with yellow eye.
Kazuma: did you say..... yellow eye ?
Chika: yeah, why do you know something ?
Kazuma: i do in fact.
Seeing my face getting darker, Nepgear and the others girls know what the creature was, i ask her if she will tell us the location of the Mascot if we get rid of the monster.
Kazuma: will you c=give us the location of the Mascot, if we beat that monster ?
Chika: yes, once you done, i will tell you.
Kazuma: good, girls let's go.
As we leave the Basilicom, Chika look at them and never though seeing Kazuma's face becoming darker after the mention of the creature with yellow eye.
Chika: oh boy, i never though i'd see Kazuma's face darken to this point, that creature must one of the heartless spoken in the reports, that rat really know how to piss him off.
Outside the Basilicom, IF ask us if we got the feeling that something was off back at the Basilicom.
IF: Hey. Did anyone else get the feeling that something was off back there ?
Nepgear: Huh ? What do you mean, "off" ?
IF: that Chika girl... She hardly sounded professional, and gave us info without any resistance. something about her attitude doesn't sit right with me....
Compa: do you think ? Iffy, it's very rude to judge Miss Chika by using your own lofty standards.
Broccoli: no, she was really sketchy, nyu.
RED: but an oracle is an oracle. They're not allowed to be bad people, right ?
Nepgear: maybe IF is being too critical of her.
Kazuma: but her behavior it's not like her to be like that, Uni do you remember how Chika used to react in term of personality ?
Uni: yeah, she all serious when it comes to her work as the oracle of Leanbox, but outside of this, she has a big obsession over Vert.
Kazuma: i see, anyway, we better go to the Gapain Field and deal with that monster.
We begin to head to the dungeon, i was lost in though as the heartless begin invading Leanbox, i bet that rat is behind this, i swear i will find him and make him pay.
Uni: Kazuma seems serious about this.
Nepgear: the creature with yellow eye, it must be the heartless.
Uni: no wonder he is so angry, i bet that rat summoned them.
Nepgear: yep, we better take care of this and return to the basilicom.
Uni: you right, we can't stand seeing Kazuma like this.
We arrived at the Gapain Field and when to the depth part of the dungeon where we see the heartless, their presence here confirm my suspicious that the rat is behind their summoning.
Kazuma: they really here.
Compa: i bet mister mouse is behind this.
Ram: in any case we have to deal with them quickly.
All the heartless begin to fuse together to form a Demon Tower, which is a mass of shadows in a twisted formation.
IF: they fused together !
Compa: what should we do against something like this ?
Kazuma: we fight, girls are you with me ?
Girls: yes.
Kazuma: here we go.
We all rush at the Demon Tower as he attack us with ferocity, the shadows that form that thing rush at us as soon as they were separated from the Demon Tower, however for them, i use the power of the Keyblade to take them down.
Nepgear: Kazuma now !
Kazuma: okay.
I gather all of my energy into my Keyblade in which a large amount of energy extend my Keyblade with an aura in order to extend the range of my attacks.
Kazuma: this is over for you demons, Burēdo tantō ("Blade Charge")
I finish off the Demon Tower by swinging my Keyblade above it's head five times and two jumping slashes, the damages caused by my attack was enough for them to vanished completely.
Nepgear & Uni: Kazuma ! you did it !
Rom & Ram: that was awesome !
IF: hehehehe, he is really strong, i never though he can use a technique like this.
Compa: i bet it come from his training by Fuyu.
RED: yeah, it can be only that.
At this moment a woman with red hair appear in front of us and ask us if we are okay, the woman turn his attention at me and her eye widened.
???: hey ! are you girls okay ?
Nepgear: yes, we are fine. thank you.
???: may i ask, who are you ? what brings you all here ?
RED: the oracle asked us to come. She said the monster was annoying to beat.
???: the oracle.... Chika said that ? Was there anything.... amiss about the way she was acting ?
Broccoli: she was 100% sketchy, nyu.
???: i see what's gotten into her, i wonder... huh ! Kazuma ! is that really you !
Kazuma: huh ? you know me ?
Cave: yeah, i've heard of you, my name is Cave of the Leanbox Regal Regiment of Defense, it's a pleasure to meet you.
Kazuma: likewise Cave, but how did you know me ?
Cave: i have received the visit of a your master's spirit and he warned me that you and your friends would come here in Leanbox.
Kazuma: i see, so Master Fuyu guided you to me, even in death he's trying to help me.
Cave: yes, you are his worthy heir, as the wielder of the Ice Demon Slayer powers and the Keyblade chosen one.
Kazuma: i see, anyway, Cave, this is Uni, Rom, Ram, IF, Compa, Broccoli, RED and Nepgear.
Cave: Nepgear.... ? The same Nepgear as the CPU Candidate of Planeptune ?
Nepgear: th-that's me....
IF: sounds like you've got a pretty good information network.
Kazuma: Cave can you tell us about the situation in Leanbox.
Cave: off course Kazuma. As you are surely aware, Leanbox has been without a CPU for three years now. ASIC took advantage of that fact and built a presence here, gaining strong support from the people.
Nepgear: without any kind of CPU...
Cave: Chika has done her best to keep some semblance of control, but... That changed a few days ago.
Broccoli: keep talking, nyu.
Cave: Chika dissolved regulations meant to keep ASIC at bay. Arfoire can now be worshiped without reprimand.
Compa: Huh ? Why would an oracle do something like that ?
Cave: if i were an optimist, i would say it was to improve living conditions in our nation. Place one's faith in ASIC, and one will be assured safety in their day-to-day life.
RED: and if you're a pessimist ?
Cave: insanity, perhaps, I cannot fathom what has come over Chika these past few days.
Kazuma: .....
Cave: what's wrong Kazuma ?
Kazuma: something about that phrase you said "these past few days" is bugging me. but i don't know how to say it.
Cave: i understand, but that is all the information i'am able to share for now, i would rather not report assumption as fact.
IF: that's fine. Thank. You gave us a lot of great info.
Kazuma: cave before you go, i have something to say to you.
Cave: what is it Kazuma ?
Kazuma: you are also the bodyguard of a singer named 5pb right ?
Cave was surprise that i know the name of the singer of Leanbox, she asked me how did i know her.
Cave: how do you know her ?
Kazuma: Linda provided me with informations, she originally was part of ASIC.
Cave: why a low ranking member of ASIC would work for you Kazuma ?
Nepgear: to put it short, Linda witnesses the powers that reside within Kazuma and lost as a result, she saw the truth and changed side, that's why she is still with ASIC but as our spy and acting undercover.
Cave: i see, i never thought he would have the power to change people from bad to good.
Uni: that's what we love about him.
Cave: i see, anyway, i have to return to my post, we will meet again.
Cave leave the Gapain Field and return back to her post, as the rest of us decide to return to Leanbox and report to Chika.
Broccoli: the Oracle seems even more sketchy now. Super sketchy, nyu.
Compa: After hearing that, it's very hard to say that we should continue to trust Miss Chika....
Nepgear: i'd rather not think of any Oracle as being a bad person...
RED: but what if she is ? Do we have to beat her up, too ?
Uni: i don't know, but i guess Kazuma had a plan.
Kazuma: yeah, if Chika start to react weird then we will see who we up against, let's reutrn to the basilicom to report and gather more informations before making our next move.
Girls: okay !
Uni's POV
We return to Leanbox's basilicom to report to Chika, but when we arrival, she was nowhere to be found, which increase our suspicious even more.
Nepgear: miss Chika, we beat the monster. Um, miss Chika... ? Where's she go ?
Kazuma: this is getting more suspicious.... i wonder where she went ?
After leaving the basilicom, everyone gather together to make a point of the situation, without any leads, we can't get more informations.
IF: getting info now would be like a dream come true. How can we learn anything without a single lead ?
Compa: i know, right ? Asking people about miss Chika willy-nilly makes us look super fishy.
RED: do we
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