Chapter Six

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"Harry, it's time to come inside. You'll catch your death in weather like this."

Sometimes it seemed like Harry was lost in a continuous state of unconsciousness. Compared to his reality, this dream-like trance was almost preferred. He didn't have to deal with adult responsibilities, he didn't have to keep track of his emotions. All he had to do was live and breathe. Liam would cook for him, clean up the house for him - even bathe or dress him if need be. If there was ever a time when Harry actually realized that Liam loved him, it would be during these times. It was the way Harry got his reassurance - from people taking care of him, keeping him alive. Louis used to do that a lot.

In a lot of ways, Harry thrived off of attention - no matter who it came from. In retrospect, that's probably why he found himself longing for Niall. No matter. Thoughts of Niall were ones that Harry didn't have anymore - those thoughts carried with them bad memories. He wished things could have ended differently - he and Niall could have been really good friends. Maybe even something more.

But that was in the past. If there was any bleak hope for improvement, Harry had to stop thinking about that. It would do him no good.

Nevertheless, the night was beautiful, and Harry did feel good. It was the first snow of the winter, but it would not end up sticking - the weather was still a little too warm. So, even with the flakes of snowing falling softly from the sky, they evaporated the second they touched the ground. With the crisp late autumn air, Harry's cheeks and lips were flushing into a deeper pink, and even though his exposed fingers were beginning to lose a little feeling, he was still enjoying the fresh air. He was certain that the snow would look beautiful once built up. Locals would tell Harry that Brighton weather could get horrendous, but so far, he had to disagree.

It was just amazing what the fresh air could do for the human body. He felt like he could finally breathe again. He knew that his skin would crack like a bitch from the cold, but he didn't mind. He felt amazing. He felt alive.

"Harry," Liam spoke again, softer this time. His voice was so pleasing to the ears when he was calm like this. "You've got to get to bed now."

"Have you ever heard of sensory overload, Liam?" Harry asked, without missing a beat. Even with his eyes closed he could tell that Liam still had not moved, and was still standing behind him, by the sliding door. He knew Liam didn't like the cold. "It's probably exactly what it sounds like. Being so overwhelmed that you just want things to be minimal? It feels amazing. I hope you know how good it is to be carefree. To feel free, released from all troubles...a blessing, really."

The crunch of leaves from behind Harry told him that Liam was coming closer, and sure enough, Liam did sit down on the cold, hard ground beside him. He knew better than to touch during these moments, but Harry wanted the touch - so he toppled over, slinging himself across Liam's legs. He was still warm, and he was already in his pajama pants. 

"I love you, Harry," Liam murmured, brushing back a particularly bouncy curl from his boyfriend's face. "I care for you more than anything in the world."

Harry opened his eyes, looking up at Liam and instantly calming further. He really did have a soft, comforting look to him. From the very moment they met, he knew Liam would be someone he could trust and love. It was also the first time Harry ever felt like another human being could love him the way he needed (Louis was always a friend and nothing more, no matter how much the older lad insisted he loved him).

"I love you too," Harry replied,  watching as Liam's lips curled into a soft smile. He was truly beautiful. "I miss Louis. I hope he's okay."

Harry couldn't understand how the depths of his mind worked. He didn't know why he did what he did, why he decided to hurt Louis - he just knew he regretted doing it. The most sensible solution he could think of was that he was afraid of what Louis was going to do. Harry feared that Louis would send him to some sort of hospital and force him to start seeing a doctor again. Harry wasn't ready for that. 

Liam looked at Harry with soft eyes. "I don't know, sweetheart. There's no way to know for sure right now if we want to stay hidden."

Harry knew Liam was right. Everyone back in Bradford probably resented them for running away. They probably thought Harry was trying to really hurt Louis - possibly even kill him. Bradford was a toxic town fully of toxic, shitty people, and Harry didn't want to be associated with their kind any longer. Things were much simpler when he, Louis, and Liam still lived in Doncaster. 

It was high time for Harry to start accepting that things would never be simple in his life again.


By the time Liam finally coaxed Harry into drinking a mug of tea and going to bed, he was no longer tired. He stayed in bed with Harry long enough to hear his breathing deepen, signifying that he was in a deep slumber. The more Liam thought about it, the more he came to realize that Harry hadn't slept properly in a few days now.

Nevertheless, with Harry underneath the thick wool covers, Liam safely made his way out of the room. Since their conversation in the yard, Liam found himself yearning to know about Louis's condition as well. He and Louis had never been spectacularly good friends (Liam felt that this was due to the fact that Louis was obviously infatuated with Harry and didn't want to see him with anyone else), but he was concerned all the same. He knew Harry wouldn't approve, but he had to know what all was happening in Bradford. Not even just with Louis, but with all their other friends, as well. 

Liam still didn't know who to call. 

Josh was immediately out of the question, simply because he and Louis were very good friends. In fact, the four of them hung around together a lot in school, and it was always obvious that Josh preferred Louis over anyone else. Liam would even go so far to say that Josh was in love.

Zayn was a definite "no", as well. Liam wasn't particularly fond of Zayn in light of recent events - not just because of Harry, but because his overall attitude was just horrendous. Sure, he knew (props to the camping trip) that Zayn didn't have the best childhood, but it did not justify the way he treated everyone. Niall was really the only person that Zayn treated with even a sliver of respect (sometimes Ed and Angela, but even that was rare). Not to mention, he was probably still bitter about Harry trying to pull a knife on him.

Ed was another bad option, simply because he didn't really know how to keep his mouth shut. Anything he would say to Ed would surely end up reaching the ears of half the campus. He was a great friend, but sometimes he just spoke on autopilot. 


Niall was probably the only "reasonable" option, because he wouldn't spill anything. Niall wasn't a neutral party by any means, but he really is the closest thing Liam has. Additionally, the two had grown to be pretty good friends in a short period of time, and more than anything, he just seemed supportive and genuinely caring. 

So, the decision would be pretty much made.

...If Niall ever answered his phone.

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