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Sarah groaned as her alarm clock went off. Her flight from Seattle to Virginia had been delayed 3 hours, making her get home later than intended. She was hoping with a good night's rest, that waking up would be bearable.

It wasn't.

Just before she hit snooze, a knock sounded on her bedroom door. "Sarah baby, You're gonna be late for your first day of Junior year!" Her mother, Lizzy, called through the closed door. Sarah hit dismiss then proceeded to roll out of her bed and onto the floor, landing with a thud.

Suddenly there was 2 knocks and the door opened. Her father, Paul, chuckled at the sight of his daughter on the floor wrapped in a mass of blankets. "C'mon kiddo. I know you're tired, but your mom would be upset if you were late on your first day he said."

The heap of blankets groaned. "I understand. Mom's making banana pancakes, if you want any." He said then closed the door.
Sarah rolled out of the blankets and walked to the bathroom. It was really her bathroom, but it was connected to the guest bedroom which was rarely filled unless Anthony came to visit.

Sarah brushed out her tangled hair, brushed her teeth, and put minimal makeup on, just enough to look alive. Then she got dressed into a white short sleeve t-shirt with ripped black jeans, a flannel, her leather jacket, and combat boots. So what if it's hot? She's gonna look good.

She ran down the stairs and grabbed a couple pancakes off the plate by the stove, smothering them in butter, then shoving them in her face. Her parents watched amused as she then proceeded to grab a glass of orange juice and make a face when she took a sip of it.

Toothpaste and orange juice. Not a good mix.

Lizzy handed her a piece of gum from the pack on the counter. "Thanks mom.. I gotta go, Love you guys!" She yelled to her parents as she grabbed her bookbag off the couch.
"Love you too!" They yelled back, just before the door closed behind her.

On the way to school, Sarah blasted Metallica through her earbuds. If there's definitely one thing she got from her mother, it was her music taste. It was all over the place. Much like their lives.

As she walked, she scanned the crowd. Same people every year, except the seniors who left and the incoming freshman. She walked past a group of them and one of them growled at her. Literally growled.
Note: Avoid the freshman at all costs. They bite. Sarah noted in her head. As she was about to take a detour through the office, she bumped into someone.

"Uh, sorry." She said awkwardly. This person, she didn't know. Therefore she'd try to be decent. Sarah just wanted to find Caroline and be done with the day.
"It's my fault." The guy said. "No, it's mine. I should've been paying attention." She responded. "It's good. I'm Stefan." Sarah smirked. "Nice to meet you, Stefan." She said turning away. "What's your name?" He asked.

To her, it felt like elementary school all over again. "You'll know my name by the end of the day, Stefan." She winked and disappeared out the other door, and into the sea of students.

Sarah found Caroline by their lockers and they hugged eachother. "You have no idea how happy I am that I found you, Care. This place absolutely reeks of axe body spray." Sarah practically gagged. Caroline nodded with a grimace. "Must be the freshman." She hummed and Sarah nodded.

They watched as Stefan passed. Sarah wiped drool off of the blondes chin, just to get a glare from her. "What? I was helping you out." Sarah defended with a shit eating grin. "Whatever." Caroline pushed her lightly and walked towards her class. Sarah laughed, going towards her own class.

"Lena!" Sarah called out as she jogged down the street to catch up with Elena. The brunette turned and waited for her friend. "Hey, I've been worried about you. How have you been?" Sarah asked, linking their arms. Elena could see in her friends eyes that she really wanted an answer.

"Honestly, I've been better... and worse." Elena admitted as they began walking again. Sarah hummed. "I can't say I understand, because I don't. But if you ever need anything, you know where I live and my parents would love to have you over more." She said suggestively as they entered the cemetery.

"We'll work something out." Elena said, sitting across from her parents graves. Sarah nodded and wandered around the headstones, straightening flowers and removing debris. She eventually sat beside Elena and took out her book.

A crow appeared on Elena's parents grave stone. Sarah grinned when she looked up and saw the bird. "Okay. Hi, bird. That's not creepy or anything. Shoo!" Elena said.
The bird flew off and Sarah pouted, standing up. Something wasn't right. "That's what I thought." The crow reappeared and fog started to ascend around the cemetery.

A man was standing behind a tomb. Elena started to run, dragging Sarah along with her. "What the hell Elena!?" She yelled as they ran. "Ahh!" Elena tripped and fell, letting go of Sarah's hand in the process. She got up and saw Stefan.

"You okay?" Stefan asked. "Were you following us?" Elena asked in response. "No, I-a, uh, I-a just — I saw you fall."
"Uh-huh, and you just happened to be hanging out in a cemetery." Elena retorted. "I'm visiting. I have family here." He said. "Oh. Wow. Tactless. I'm sorry. It's the fog, It's making me foggy. And then back there, there was this - this bird, and it was all very Hitchcock for a second. That is the bird movie, right, the Hitchcock?...I'm Elena."

"I'm Stefan."

"I know. We have History together."
"And English and French."
"Right." Stefan pulled a leaf out of Elena's hair. "Thanks...Nice ring." Elena said. "Oh. Um, It's a family ring, yeah. I'm kinda stuck with it. It's weird, huh?"

"No, no. It's just, I mean, there are rings and then there's that." Sarah awkwardly cleared her throat and looked between them. They looked to her. "Oh, don't mind me." She said.
"Did you hurt yourself?" Stefan asked Elena. "Hmm?"
"Did you hurt yourself?"
"Oh, uh, I don't know." Elena pulled up her pant leg and saw a cut gushing blood. "Oh! Would you look at that. That is not pretty." Sarah turned around so she wouldn't see it anymore. The irony smell of the blood made her nauseous. "Jesus Elena!" She scolded with her back to the girl.

Stefan turned around and his face changed. "Are you okay?" Elena asked. Stefan's eyes started to change. "You should go. Take care of that." Stefan said. "Really, it's nothing." Elena turned around but Stefan had disappeared.

"Where'd he go?" Elena asked. "Don't know. Really don't care. You're coming to my house so my mom can clean your leg." Sarah said finally.
"It'll be fine, Sarah."
"Not if it gets infected."

A/N- Chapter 1 is done! Welcome to book 2 my lovelies!


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