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A/N- I'm incorporating Avengers analogies from here on out, if I can remember. I feel with her training, it would make much more sense with references.

This chapter takes place during 1×06. Next one will probably be 1×07. At this point, I can be referred to as a marvel slut. Would it really be one of my books without references?

This is also kinda a short filler chapter, because why the hell not.


The summer season quickly turned to fall. It was getting cooler by the day. Tank tops were replaced with hoodies and sweaters. Shorts and dresses were replaced with jeans and leggings.

For Sarah, the season change made no difference. She had to practice her powers. And so she did. By herself. On most occasions, she'd go to ask her mother for guidance and she'd be asleep.

That in itself was mildly concerning to the teenager. She'd never seen her mother sleep so much. But maybe Lizzy was just tired. Having a teenage daughter and a working husband had to be exhausting, especially when it came to work around the house.

However it never stopped Sarah from learning about her powers. She discovered she could do alot with her mind. Meaning move stuff and read other people's minds.
She never read her parents minds. She didn't need to know what they were thinking, especially if it was what she thought it was. Just the thought made her throw up in her mouth.

Sapphire blue balls of light rose to her hands as she stared down her target. Sarah tilted her head to the side, aimed, and fired the balls towards the human shaped target.

2 large holes were burned into the paper. She smirked, and with a wave of her hand, it was engulfed in blue. Repairing itself. Practice but on a budget.

Paul joked about how she was training like she was recruited by Nick Fury. But he was right. She was training as if she was about to become an Avenger. Whenever Sarah wasn't at school, she was in the garage or back yard, practicing. Or in her room resting.

There was radio silence from Elena and Stefan, however Sarah didn't mind. She knew Elena knew. And she was keeping her distance from the Salvatore's until she knew she could protect herself.

Sarah knew the powers went deeper. Like a hidden magic. She wondered if the rest of it would show up eventually. She knew she couldn't force it to come out.
Sarah repeated firing and repairing until her mother came out and sat on the back deck with a blanket and a mug of steaming tea. Solid llusions appeared as moving targets. Mostly vampires. Lizzy knew that was the whole reason Sarah was training this hard. She wanted to be able to kill one. Or even temporarily disable one.

"You're doing great, honey!" Lizzy called out as she watched her daughter take down illusion after illusion. Energy balls, kicking, punching, throwing knives, and her favorite move of all— Black Widow's thighs of betrayal.

As Sarah snapped the last illusions neck with her thighs, she landed in a superhero pose. "Such a poser!" Paul yelled from the back deck.
The dark haired teenager laughed and stood up, wiping her sweaty hands off on her leggings as she walked towards her parents.

"You didn't see that coming?" Sarah asked, faking a Sokovian accent. Her parents chuckled and they all sat around the table on the deck, where 3 separate pizza boxes laid.
It was a nice day. The sky was blue, the leaves were turning colors and falling, the air was cool- but not cold, the golden sun shined on the back of the house, giving the family a glow that was borderline Supernatural.

Sarah grabbed the baby wipes and hand sanitizer she brought out, and used both to clean her hands. It wasn't the most sanitary, however it was good enough. It was better than most of her cousins would've done.

"So how was training so far today?" Paul asked Sarah. "It was good, I think I'm getting better." She responded through a mouth full of pepperoni pizza.
"From what I saw, you're definitely improving." The man praised his daughter. She smiled and they continued to eat in silence as the sun sunk lower and the lights around the yard came on.

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