It's Happening

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Sarah found her parents. Paul immediately noticed the signs of her beginning to phase. Lizzy noticed them too, so they left as quickly as they could without being suspicious.

As they drove home, Lizzy was on the phone with Sam while Paul was on the phone with his father. In the background of both calls, Sarah's groans of discomfort could be heard. They were coming for her, perhaps with some backup.
The teen clutched her stomach as she held back a scream of pain. Her eyes kept flickering from blue to brown.

After what felt like an eternity, Paul pulled into the driveway, immediately shutting off the vehicle and getting Sarah out of the back. "Get her up to her room. Sam said to keep her cold, which means AC, open window, ice packs, and cold rags. Should be enough time to hold off the shift until they get here.. Hopefully..." Lizzy said. She wasn't sure, but she was hopeful.

Paul listened to his wife and took her upstairs. The AC kicked on as the man laid her on the bed. This pain Sarah was experiencing was worse than any period cramp she could imagine.
Lizzy entered the room with anything that cold that could help. For her, it was quick. Strong sadness turned to pure rage in seconds, pushing her shift along by several hours. Not to mention, Victoria played a part in it too.

Paul left the room so Lizzy could swap Sarah's hoodie and sweats, with a tank top and sleep shorts. He came back in when it was okay and they began layering her with anything cold.

It was nearly useless, the ice kept melting every few minutes. However, eventually Sarah fell asleep from exhaustion.
She whimpered in her sleep from the pain, and all her parents could do was watch sadly as they added more ice packs and rags.


It was 11 am the next morning when there was a knock at the front door. Paul left his wife and daughter in the room while he went down to answer the door.

On the other side stood Jensen, Sam, Embry, and Leah.

The man didn't hesitate to let them in. "How's she doing?" Jensen asked his son as they walked up the stairs. "She's in pain... passed out from exhaustion around midnight."

The adults walked into the teenagers bedroom to see her soaked with sweat, despite the cold temperature in the room. Sarah opened her eyes and smiled at her family through the pain.

"Hey sunflower" Jensen said as he sat down on the edge of his granddaughters bed. "Hey pops." She whispered, though they could all hear it.
"How are you feeling?" He asked. It was a dumb question, but he didn't know what else to ask. "Like I got hit by a bus." Sarah responded.

"It's gonna be alright, Sarah." Sam said. Leah turned to Lizzy. "Maybe we should call one of them?" She suggested.

Lizzy sighed and stood up. "We might have to... I don't want to push it along, but I can't stand to see my baby in pain." She bit her lip, it was one of the little things Lizzy did when she was anxious.

"Why don't I get lunch going for everyone while they visit? You need to get some rest, sunshine." Paul said to his wife. She smiled at the nickname she was given 30 years ago.

"Fine, I'll go rest. You might have to call Carlisle or Rosalie to help Sarah along." She said. The man nodded and kissed her. "We'll do it if we have to."


It was 2 days later. Sarah had been in pain for days and the sweating had finally gone down, however now it was time to bring in a bloodsucker they actually kinda trusted.

They hoped they wouldn't have to, that the shift would happen with no issues. But the longer it took, the more pain she'd be in. None of them could take it even though Sarah was being strong.

Just after dark on the 3rd night, Sam got the message and relayed it to the group of adult shifters. "Carlisle is in the woods, with Rosalie and Emmett. It's time." They all looked at eachother with grim expressions.

They didn't want their children to shift, but with their lives being calm for nearly 18 years, something was bound to happen. Sam and Jared's eldest daughters even began showing the early signs of shifting as well, due to nomads passing through. They were 16.
Leah didn't have to worry about her children shifting, they didn't carry the tribes DNA, however she still loved them and kept them in the loop.

"I'll stay inside with the precious cargo." She absentmindedly rubbed her stomach and Embry smiled at his sister. "Adding another one to the bunch, huh?" He teased. She rolled her eyes and plucked him in the forehead. "Yes. Which means Katie won't be the youngest in the family anymore... anywho.. you guys need to get her outside."

"We're on it." Jensen said as he, Paul, Embry, and Sam went upstairs. They came down a few minutes later and got her outside just in time for a bone to snap with a sickening noise.
Sarah whimpered in pain as another snapped. Then another. It was silent for a few minutes as she attempted to catch her breath.

Sweat dripped from her copper skin onto the dying grass. Bones continued snapping and rearranging, and with one final break....

A huge wolf exploded from the Sarah's body. She was absolutely beautiful in this form. Her fur was primarily white with accents of dark silver and black around the chest, neck, and face.
She looked as if they had mixed Sam's wolf with Lizzy's, and Paul's. Of all of them, Leah shifted the most, so she was the one to jump off the deck and shift mid-air.

The smallish gray wolf landed beside Sarah, nudging her with her snout. The teenage shifter turned towards her aunt and gave a wolf grin. Paul let out a laugh as he made his way down to where Sarah and Leah were. Clothes were handed to them. "Go behind those trees and do what Leah tells you to."

The wolf nodded and trotted over behind the trees with Leah on her tail.

Think of yourself in human form. Imagine what it feels like to be on 2 legs.

Is it really that simple? Sarah asked in disbelief. She didn't even think to ask how she could hear Leah in her head.

It is. Though it could take a few minutes because you just phased for the first time.

The young wolf nodded her head and began thinking of everything that could help. The sand on the beach. The wind in her hair. Sleepovers with her friends. Events she's dragged to, but secretly loves going to.

Slowly, Sarah felt herself shift back. She immediately grabbed the clothes off the ground and put them on.
Leah shifted back and did the same. "Welcome to the pack, little one." The woman congratulated her, with a clap on the shoulder as they headed back towards the house. "I'm not that little anymore."

"To us, you'll always be little." Paul said. Sarah rolled her eyes with a smile. This would take some getting used to. Especially the shifting back naked thing. She thougt it was weird.


A/N- Soooooo it happened :)

Sarah shifted. I was gonna drag it out for another 3 chapters, but I decided not to because I'm skipping some episodes anyway.

Hope this was okay.

- A

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