Chapter 99: Fight the Drug

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(Y/N) stood frozen in shock from Robin's words. 'Did she just call me 'Ms. Donquixote? She did... oh fuck. I don't think I told them yet.' (Y/N) immediately put her hands up in defense. "Listen, Robin, I can explain. I never told you my family's name because—"

"Because your relative is a Warlord?" Smoker questioned, looking down at (Y/N).

(Y/N) looked up at Smoker in shocked confusion. "Huh? A Warlord? Wait, what?! One of my relatives is a Warlord?"

"You didn't know?" Smoker turned to (Y/N), crossing his arms. "Donquixote Doflamingo. He's a one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. Your family history is quite surprising. Especially, Sengoku being your father."

(Y/N) stepped back against the railing, staring at Smoker in utter shock. 'Doflamingo is a Warlord?! I mean, that's good right? He's a pirate like me. No. He kills pirates like me for the Government.' (Y/N) grabbed her head, shaking in anxious fear. 'I can't. This is too much to process. My family... No, no, no, no. First my father, now my cousin.. I can't do this anymore. I can't face any of them—' Her thoughts were cut off when Luffy placed his hand on her shoulder. "What's up? You look like you've just seen a ghost!" Luffy giggled, happily smiling at (Y/N).

(Y/N) was about to response, but a piercing gaze stuck her like a knife. (Y/N) slowly looked up, locking eyes with Law. His eyes were serious and cold as the winter storm outside the laboratory, but, what surprised (Y/N) with most was the hint of concern hidden deep in his eyes. It was like a fire had set ablaze into (Y/N)'a whole body, her breathing became erratic from the sight. 'Just... like his." (Y/N) immediately turned, placing her right foot on the railing. Right before her could jump, Smoker grabbed her upper arm. "(Y/N), we still need to talk to you—." When (Y/N)'s eyes locked with his, Smoker let go of (Y/N) arm, taken aback by the amount of frustration, disgust and absolute fear mixed within her (e/c) eyes.

(Y/N) took the chance and immediately jumped from the balcony. She held out her hand to Pluto, without saying a word, Pluto flew up and shifted back into her sickle before landing in her hand. (Y/N) landed on the ground, taking off running deeper into the laboratory. She sliced down anyone in her path, marines or island guards. She didn't care if they died or where merely taken aback from her rampage, all she knew was run. 'Why?! Why did he have those eyes? Just like the day at Marineford, after I gave him my speech. Sengoku couldn't even respond before I fled. Why am I fleeing now? That was my crew back there. It's like my body is moving on its own. Why can't I control it anymore?! Please, stop! Please, stop! Please, please, please, STOP RUNNING!' (Y/N) slammed her body into a door.

The door busted open making (Y/N) roughly landed on the ground beneath her. She huffed, allowing the cold tilt to rest upon the side of her face as the door swung shut behind her. After her breathing slowed, (Y/N) groaned a bit as she sat upright. "Where am I? How far did I run? Couldn't have been far." (Y/N) looked up, inspecting the room. It was a cold surgical room, looked as if the room has been unused for years. 'It's empty... that's good. I can't sense anyone either.' (Y/N) sighed in relief, sitting back against a wall. 'I think I need some downtime away from everyone. I can't believe I just ran into a random laboratory on my own, I got lost in here once before too. Ugh! Everything about this is frustrating.' (Y/N) brought her knees to her chest and wrap her arms around them. She looked down, filled with confused sadness. "Why did he have to be a Warlord out of all things? And how does Robin and Smoker even know about him before I did? That look Law gave me too... It was the same as my father's." She deeply sighed, burring her face in her knees.

After a few minutes pasted, (Y/N) heard a knock on the door. 'Who could that be? I thought this room was unused.' (Y/N) immediately shifted into air as the door opened. She watched a green-haired woman with whitish-green feathered wings instead of arms and talons for legs, along with a bird's tail on her backside. 'This must be the bird-woman Usopp spoke of.' The harpy looked out the hall for a seconds before closing the door behind her. She flicked on the light and flew up a bit to sit on the medical bed. "You can come out now. I won't bite." (Y/N) stared at the harpy in slight shock. 'Does she have Haki? No, I'm not sensing any, nor do I feel malicious intent.' (Y/N) stared at the harpy for a few seconds before standing up and revealing herself. The harpy smiled. "Ah. There you are. I've been dying to speak with you, Ms. (L/N)."

"It's (Y/N). Although I appreciate your formality, how do you know my last name? Also, how did you know I was here." (Y/N) questioned, placing her hands on her waist.

"A wild guess for how I discovered your whereabouts. As for your name, I've been tasked to discover every last trance of your existence for the higher up. I know you like '(L/N)' other than your true government name." The harpy hopped off the bed, walking a few steps towards (Y/N). 'She must know who my family is as well, huh?' The harpy held out her right wing. "My name is Monet. It's rude for me to know yours without you knowing mine."

(Y/N) glared Monet down, not showing any signs of returning the handshake. "I've never had a stalker before. So is this 'higher up' a fan of me or something?"

Monet giggled, retracting her wing. "No, no. He's your relative."

"The Doflamingo guy? So I've heard." (Y/N) softly sighed. "And why would my cousin want my life-story. If he really cared, he could have sought me out himself."

"He is quite a busy man, so he had me keep tabs on you whenever I could. You're quite a tricky one, after all." Monet approached (Y/N) even closer. (Y/N) showed no fear. 'I could take her down easily if she tries anything. But.. I am curious what she has to say.' Monet continued. "From my research, you were missing for eight years. Yet, no one could track you down, not even the Government or your father. Turns out, you were captured by pirates, later saved by a man named Cutty Flam and his family. Years later, you chose the path of a bounty hunter and now a pirate. Correct?"

"You seem to have me all figured out." (Y/N) crossed her arms. "Is that why he asked you to dig up information on me? Just 'keeping tabs'?"

"Not necessarily. From what I heard, he wanted to recruit you into his crew, but you were swept away by Straw Hat Luffy before he got the chance. It's quite upsetting, we could have been colleagues." Monet giggled.

(Y/N) rolled her eyes. "Why are you even telling me this? Did you come in hopes to recruit me? I bet you already know my answer."

Monet 'mhm'ed. "It's an obvious 'no', but your mind may change after I tell you this." Monet spread out her wings, wrapping them around (Y/N). (Y/N)'s arms dropped. 'S-She so cold.' Monet leaned close to her ear. "He knows who killed your mother."

(Y/N)'s eyes widened in shock. "Wha—?!" A sharp pain pierced (Y/N)'s upper right arm. (Y/N) immediately pushed off Monet, whipping her head to the right. She watched as a surgical syringe injected a pink colored substance into her body. (Y/N) immediately grabbed the syringe and yanked it out of her arm. She glared back at Monet with anger in her eyes. "What did you just do?"

Monet giggled. "Oh, don't be too afraid. The effect will only last for a half a hour, well, maybe."

"The hell do you mean 'maybe'?! And what effect?! What did you.. inject me.. with..." (Y/N) stumbled towards her left. 'Ugh. I feel so dizzy...' She clutched her head, stumbling backwards into the wall behind her. (Y/N) slid down, sitting on the ground as she groaned in pain.

"It's one of Dr. Vegapunk's failed chemical weapons. You'll get a rush of energy after you wake up. Just don't die on us." Monet smiled down at (Y/N).

"I... need to get... to the crew.." (Y/N) crawled towards the doorway, but fell over before she could make it. The last thing she heard was Monet whispering a few sentences in her ear and soon, she blacked out.

(Y/N) felt dizzy, but she was able to slowly open her eyes. The first thing she heard as clashing of blades and gunfire. 'A fight?' (Y/N) groaned, slowly standing up. She looked out at the sight of marines being taken down left and right by Zoro, Kin'emon and Brook. "Oh, it's just my cre—" (Y/N) was cut off by the sounds of her own heartbeat echoing through her mind. She clutched her chest, but her mind began to go numb. "Kill... Kill.. Kill." She softly spoke as her eyes grew blood shot red. "Straw Hat... Roronoa Zoro... Devil Child Nico Robin... Straw Hat Crew. G-5. Kill. Kill. Kill." (Y/N)'s loud and evil laugh echo'ed in the building causing the marines she stood in front of to turn around.

"What did she say? Woah, you can feel the bloodlust coming off that woman. Isn't she a Straw Hat? Guys, maybe we should just make a run for it. She looks like she's going to go on a murder spree!" The marines grew anxious and began running away from (Y/N) intense bloodlust radiating off her.

"Kill them all. They all must die!" (Y/N) growled, taking out her dual sickles. A wide grin danced a way across her face as she charged at the marines, aiming towards their throats and hearts, places she usually wouldn't aim when dealing with any enemies. Marines were forced run and defend themselves. (Y/N) felt gashes from swords hitting all over her body, bullets grazing her skin, puches from the unarmed, but she fully lost control of her body and couldn't feel a single attack.

"(Y/N)'s back!" Nami happily yelled out. Usopp joined in. "And she's taking out marines from the back! We'll have a path cleared in no time!"

(Y/N)'s eyes widened with lust for death when she heard the Straw Hats' happy shouted. She halted in her tracks, pulling her sickle out of a marine and licked the blood of her blade. She started giggling as she locked eyes with Zoro. Pointing her sickle at her sensei, she spoke with a wide, sickening grin. "You'll be first to go, then it's the rest of your crew. They'll all die, here and now."

"Huh?" Zoro questioned back, cutting down another marine. He looked to Kin'emon beside him. "What did she say—" He was cut off when (Y/N) quickly sprinted through the marines, crashing blades with his.

(Y/N) grinned through her sickles as if she was looking at her prey. "Oh? I like it when they fight back." She evilly chuckled, swiftly flipping over Zoro's body and roughly kicking him to the ground in front of him. Brook and Kin'emon halted in their running, causing Brownbeard to halt as well.

"What's gotten into her?" Usopp questioned.

(Y/N) popped her shoulders, paying no mind to those behind her as smiled down at Zoro. "Oh crap. She really looks like she's trying to kill him." Sanji spoke up in concern before yelling. "What the hell did you do to piss her off?!"

"(Y/N), are you alright, my dear? We can talk about your problems with Zoro, if you have any." Brook reached out for (Y/N), but was quickly stopped by Zoro's yells.

"Don't touch her!" Zoro stood up, wiping a small amount of blood off his lower lip. "She's not herself, right now. I don't know why, but she's turned into a bloodthirsty, killing machine."

"You can thank my good friend, Monet, for that." (Y/N) chuckled before quickly dashing towards her target. She clashed her blades with Zoro over and over again, not showing any intent of standing down. (Y/N) shot off Zoro, widely smiling at him. "C'mon, quit blocking my attacks. You'll get no where with that, Roronoa."

Zoro's huffed a bit, glaring back at (Y/N). "You're not my geksei, she'll never address me like that." He chuckled, reading himself again.

"We don't have time for this! (Y/N), snap out of it!" Nami desperately shouted out.

Nami's cries were ignored by (Y/N). She quickly ran towards her target, reading herself to strike. "Just die already!" (Y/N) irritated yelled, but right before she reached Zoro, she was roughly kicked on her left temple and set flying into the wall besides her. (Y/N) dropped her blades, stumbling backwards until she fell on the ground.

(Y/N) groaned, looking over at Tashigi clashing her sword with Zoro's. "Well hello, Copycat. A captain now, huh?" Zoro looked up at his new opponent. "What's wrong? Don't want to fight me? Or you're just trying to protect me from my own crew mate?"

Tashigi and Zoro shared a glance before Zoro took off running, grabbing the half unconscious (Y/N) and throwing her over his shoulder. Tashigi glared back at Zoro. "No. Get the hell out of here."

(Y/N) attempted to pull herself off of Zoro, but he tightened his grip on her waist making her groan in pain from her wounds. "D-Damn it. Let me go... I-I'll kill you the first chance I g-get." (Y/N) groaned out, clearly suffering from a plethora of injuries.

"Just shut up. We'll figure out what's wrong with you soon. Take a nap or something." Zoro sternly spoke back.

(Y/N) felt light headed. 'What did I just do? Why was everything so red? I can't even control what I'm saying right now, and my head... that woman kicked me hard.' (Y/N)'s eyes began to water as she screamed out. "Let go of me! I'm going to kill every last one of your, damn Straw Hats!" (Y/N) looked up at Brownbeard, Nami, Sanji and Usopp with tears pouring from her eyes. 'P-Please, help me... I don't know what's wrong. I can't control anything I do.' She desperately tried to say aloud, but only curses and slander came out of her mouth.

Kin'emon grunted. "I'm sick to death with all this running!"

"What, you tired?" Zoro sassed.

"No!" Kin'emon snapped back.

Brook frantically yelled out. "I'm not a samurai, so I have no problem saying it. I'm TIREDDD!!"

"Your comrade! Why is she acting in such a matter?" Kin'emon shouted out to Zoro.

"I have no idea. She ran off and came back like this. I'm hoping we can find Chopper soon and figure out why." Zoro sternly spoke, still holding onto the squirming and crying (Y/N) on his arm.

(Y/N) started to feel unconscious wash over her. "Stupid.. w-woman." Was the only thing (Y/N) could mutter before falling asleep on Zoro's shoulder.

(Y/N) stirred and groaned awake from the sounds of conversation. "Hey! My back's not a lounge! If you're not hurt, get down and run for yourselves! I mean it!" Brownbeard shouted.

"I'm feeling a bit hungry." Brook calmly spoke.

Kin'emon replied as (Y/N) slowly opened her eyes. "A samurai is trained to endure the pangs of hunger."

"Brownbeard, do you have any snacks stored back here?" Brook innocently questioned.

"Shut up, idiot!" Brownbeard irrigated shouted back. "As soon as we get back to the post where my men are stationed, I'm bucking you all off and going my own way!"

"Why am I on a giant lizard?" She groaned out. She tried moving her hands, but soon realized she was tired up with rope. "The hell?!"

"'You're finally awake." Zoro spoke with annoyance clearly presented.

(Y/N) looked up at Zoro. "You..." She practically growled, glaring up at Zoro with anger brining through her eyes. "Get me out of these damn things already so I can take care of you and move on to the rest of your damn crew!" (Y/N) shouted, trying to pull herself free from the ropes wrapped around her. She looked back, noticing she was tied to Brownbeard's belt making her growl in frustration.

"Just like I thought." Zoro spoke up. "She has no control over her power, or else she would have freed herself by now."

"Power? I'm not a damn wizard! And where the hell did those knifes go?" (Y/N) scanned the back of Brownbeard, searching for her sickles.

"Fat chance! We're not giving you your weapons back when you tried to kill us." Usopp irritated replied making (Y/N) growl at him. He quickly scooted back from her anger. "Geez. She still looks deadly even when she's restrained."

"How strange. She doesn't even recall what her blades are called." Robin calmly spoke.

Sanji held his cig in his mouth. "Yeah, but she's fully capable of using them. Like it's muscle memory."

"What's even stranger is how she knows our names, but doesn't remember she's apart of the crew." Brook sighed, looking at (Y/N) with sadness.

"I don't know who you are, talking skeleton. I only know Roronoa out of this bunch." (Y/N) looked over at Robin. "Also the Demon... no, Devil Child over there. You're next after I deal with Roronoa. And I'll never join a damn pirate crew!" (Y/N) grinned her teeth in anger and went back to pulling on her ropes.

"It's like her mind is all scrambled." Usopp spoke with concern. "I have a bad feeling one of Caesar's men drugged her with something."

"She mentioned her 'good friend, Monet,' back when she was fighting Zoro. Perhaps that person was the one that drugged her?" Robin questioned her group.

"That's the only logical idea I can come up with. But who's 'Monet'? And what kind of drug will make someone like this?" Nami sighed in frustration. "Someone has to keep an eye on her. She's bound to break out of those ropes and go on another rampage if we don't."

"I can!" Sanji happily sung with hearts in his eyes. "I'll happily protect my princess!"

(Y/N) tired to lounge at her chef. "Don't look at me with those lustful eyes, pervert!"

Sanji fell on his hands and knees, sulking. "She's never called me a 'pervert' before..."

Usopp laughed. "You had that coming for a while now, and you know it."

(Y/N) sat criss-cross, irritatedly glaring at Sanji for a few seconds before glaring down her crew. "What the hell do you guys want with me anyway? Shouldn't you just left me behind in that purple smoke? It would have been easier for all of you."

Zoro chuckled. "Her mind is definitely scattered, major deja vu there."

"You're lucky they rescued you. You should never being harm to your own comrades." Kin'emon sternly scolded, looking down at (Y/N).

"Why would you think I'll be comrades with damn pirates! Scum of the earth! I'd rather die than be one of their comra—" (Y/N) cut herself off, hanging her head as her tears forming in her eyes. 'Why am I still saying stuff like this? That damn drug hasn't wore off yet. Monet said an hour, so I have to be this unhinged for an hour?! No, I have to do something before I say something stupid!'

"What's happening? She looks sad now." Brook questioned as his crew and himself stared at (Y/N). Usopp joined in. "Maybe it a side effect of the drug?"

(Y/N) breathing became erratic as she whipped her head back and forth, attempting to fight the drug. "Stupid pir— Stop it! Shut up! These are my friends!" (Y/N) closed her eyes tightly, groaning out in pain and tilting back her head. "UGH! Scumbags, all of you! NO, NO! Shut up!" She jerked her upper body to the side, clearly in distress and pain. "Someone help me! This isn't me! This is you, now shut up!"

"What's happening to her?" Kin'emon questioned, but no one had the answer.

"Get out of my head!" (Y/N) shouted out before roughly biting down on her tongue, as if she was trying to bite it off.

"Oh crap! What is she doing now?!" Sanji stood up, looking at Usopp. "Do you have a rag or something?!"

"Uh, let me check!" Usopp rummaged through his bag.

Robin stared at (Y/N) in shock. "I think she's trying to fight off the drug. It's like she was given an alternative personality."

(Y/N) groaned in pain. "Help me! Please!" She whipped her head back. "Fuck off! Go to hell with the rest of them! What are you trying to do? Kill yourself?!" (Y/N) huffed again before shouting out. "If that's what takes! I won't let you

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