"We're not too big on attention. You saw how many spectators we had watching us fight down there. If we stick around, they'd just treat us like heroes or some dumb crap. Just the thought of it makes me wanna puke." Zoro sassed.
"Alright, we don't need the icky details." (Y/N) stood up, placing her log book back in her bag before walking up to Sunny's railing Shiraoshi was next to. "Even so, Drama King is right, Princess. We don't want to be seen as heroes."
"But why? Isn't it a good thing to be the hero of a nation." Shiraoshi looked down at the Straw Hats with pleading eyes.
"Listen up. I'll spell it out for you." Zoro pointed at Shiraoshi. "A man who shares his sake with other people, now that's a hero. But I want it all for myself!"
"Keep your damn sake!" Nami irritatedly yelled at her swordsman. "And stop putting dumb ideas in her head!"
(Y/N) shook her head. "Why did Luffy give the exact same explanation earlier but with meat?"
"Why won't you join us, Jimbei?" Luffy whined behind the three making them turn to their captain. "I know ya got adventure in your blood! C'mon! It'll be the most fun you've ever had, I swear!"
"He's right! Crew up with us, Boss!" Usoppp excitedly yelled out, throwing his arm in the air. Chopper joined in. "It'll be awesome to have a former Warlord with us! And helpful. Luffy could take a little break!"
'A break from what? Eating 24/7?' (Y/N) blankly stared at her captain as Jimbei sat down on the grass deck. "I told you. It's impossible for me to join you now. But I am still grateful. It is an honor that you asked. I am certain that it would be the adventure of my life to sail with you all, but I am afraid I don't have the luxury to indulge in such pleasures. I have responsibilities that I must fulfill, and I've put them off long enough as it is. Once I've seen to my duties, when I'm free from my swore obligations, I promise that I'll set sail and seek you out, no matter where you may be. And if you haven't changed your mind and still wish for me to become a member of your crew, well, I'll gladly take you up on your offer then, if you see fit to have me."
"You better keep that promise!" Luffy quickly yelled back, creating a silence between the two.
"Woah, hey." Sanji spoke up, breaking the silence. "A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. Give him some time, Captain."
"He'll be one of us, someday." (Y/N) giggled making Zoro chuckle and Nami giggle with her.
"Luffy made it clear you're worth the wait. So if you need some 'me' time, you got it." Franky grinned down at Jimbei from Sunny's upper level.
Jimbei closed his eyes, lightly nodding. "That is very gracious of you."
"So what're we doin' next?" Zoro looked over at Nami. "Where to? The New World, right?"
"I completely forgot that's where we're headed." (Y/N) placed her fist in her hand as if a lightbulb went of in her head.
"You're such a moron." Zoro lightly smacked the back of (Y/N)'s head making her giggle.
Shiraoshi gasped with tears forming in her eyes. "What? You're leaving just like that? I haven't thanked you properly! It's not fair! Why, we've hardly spoken at all!"
"Okay! It's settled, then!" Sanji yelled out with hearts in his eyes. "Let's stay at the Mermaid Cafe a whole week!"
Usopp quickly smacked his chef down. "You got some kind of nosebleed death wish? Sounds fun, though!" Sanji quickly shot back up.
"Hey! Hold on!" Someone yelled at the Sunny making (Y/N) peak over her railing with Usopp, Luffy, Nami and Chopper.
"Who's that?" Luffy questioned aloud. Usopp quickly replied. "It looked like he might be a soldier from Neptune's army."
"Straw Hats! Please wait a moment! The soldier caught up to the Sunny on the fish he was riding. He spoke into a small transponder snail before holding it up to the crew. Neptune's voice came though. "Luffy, my friend. Why did you leave in such a rush? I wanted to thank you—"
"I don't wanna be treated like a damn hero!" Luffy quickly sassed back, cutting of the king.
"Yes, I can appreciate that. But at least let me throw you that banquet that we originally set to enjoy." Neptune explained, catching Luffy's attention.
"Banquet? Sure!" Luffy threw his arms into the air. "We'll be right there! I wanna eat some meat!"
"What? Why did we even bother leaving?" Nami questioned her captain.
"Please, Nami." Brook spoke from behind everyone. "How could we possibly refuse a feast?"
"Yeah! Let's go pick up Hachi and Camie!" Luffy ordered and the Sunny was set on its new course.
(Y/N) walked back to the tree swing and pulled out her log book once more. "Back to writing already, I see." Nami leaned over (Y/N) shoulder, looking down at her logs.
"Yeah. Oh, Nami. I wanted to ask you something." (Y/N) closed her log book, blushing ever so lightly.
"Yeah? What's up?" Nami tilted her head in confusion.
"Could you, uh, style my hair for me? I'm not really sure how to, since I never really had such long hair before. It's okay if you don't wan—" (Y/N) was cut off by Nami's squeals.
"I so want to! Come here!" Nami pulled (Y/N) by her hand and into the Girl's Quarters. Nami sat (Y/N) down in front of the mirror and began brushing her hair. "So, how do you want it styled? I can do pigtails, ponytail, braids, really anything you'll like."
"I'll let you decide. I would just like it out of my face, if you will." (Y/N) awkwardly smiled, pushing her hair behind her ear.
"I think I have the perfect hairstyle in mind and it shouldn't take me too long." Nami smiled and go to work fixing (Y/N)'s hair. After a few minutes, Nami spoke again. "So... why'd you grow it out so long?"
"I just never felt like cutting it." (Y/N) shrugged. "Every time I did, I ended up having to train so I just put my hair in ponytail or bun. And before I knew it, my hair was this long. I must have got my hair length from one of my parents."
"Wait... are you telling me you never grew your hair out this long before? It was just accidental?" Nami scutched her face up in confusion, looking at (Y/N) through the mirror.
"Yeah..." (Y/N) looked down, playing with her fingers a bit. "I was never allowed to grew it out and I guess that rule stuck with me until I found you guys."
"Well, I'm glad you did." Nami ran her hand through (Y/N)'s hair once more. "Because it's beautiful, just like who it belongs to." Nami kissed (Y/N)'s head making the two women giggle. "Anyways, you're all done. What do you think?"
(Y/N) spun around in the stool she sat on, looking at her hair in the mirror for a few seconds.
"It's gorgeous! Thank you, Nami!" (Y/N) hugged Nami when she pulled away, she felt her red sweater come off her. "Huh?"
"You're not walking around in that tore sweater anymore. Your fit looks gorgeous without it anyways." Nami giggled before pushing (Y/N) towards the door.
"Wait, but I don't have anything incase I get col—" (Y/N) was cut off when she was pushed out of the Girl's Quarters. She watched the rest of her crew turn towards her, practically undressing her with their eyes. (Y/N)'s face grew red with blush.
Nami peaked over (Y/N)'s shoulder. "I told you, you look gorgeous."
"Shush it..." (Y/N) sighed off her blushed before walking back to the grass deck. Soon enough the Straw Hats picked up Camie and Pappag, even Hachi and Camie's friends: the Medaka Mermaid Quintuples. And soon, the Sunny made her way to the Ryugu Palace. Neptune and his guards were the first thing the Straw Hats saw. "Welcome to the palace, Straw Hats." Neptune spoke up. "I'm honored you've chosen to join us. And I'm eager to speak with you during the banquet. The long flounders will be arriving to take you to the hall."
Luffy leaned over Sunny's railing as two long flounders with large air bubbles on their back arrived. "Woah, those are some huge rays!"
Zoro quickly replied. "They're flukes."
"But I thought he called them flounders." Usopp blankly stared at his captain and swordsman. (Y/N) joined him, sighing. "He definitely did..."
The Straw Hats and their friends boarded the long flounders and were taken into the palace once again. (Y/N) sat next to Camie and Nami as Nami spoke up. "We're underwater? It's so dark!"
"So surreal. They're really letting us in?" Camie stared ahead of her in slight shock. "I'm kinda nervous."
Hachi looked down at the flounder beneath him as he nervously spoke. "Nyu. It's the royal palace! This is nuts!"
"I've seen it before, but it still amazes me." (Y/N) smiled up at the water flowing above the flounder's air bubble.
"Hey, where's the meat?" Luffy questioned aloud from the second flounder.
"Look! The heroes have arrived!" A soldier yelled out before an uproar of cheers were heard below the flounders.
(Y/N) peaked over the edge of the flounder. "Woah, look at all the soldiers down there!" Chopper spoke in shock from the second flounder next to her. (Y/N) adding in. "It's a whole sea of them. This is insane!"
(Y/N) watched all of the soldiers cheer for her and her crew before they started chanting 'Heroes!' over and over again. "This is exactly what we didn't want." (Y/N) sighed and sat back down on the flounder.
"Shut up!" Luffy grabbed onto his air bubble, yelling down at the chanting soldiers. "We aren't anybody's damn heroes! We just wanna eat some meat!" Zoro sat up from his slumber, joining his captain. "Yeah! And drink all your sake too!"
"They're not going to stop, so don't fight it." (Y/N) crossed her arms, sassing the two.
"First, look at the stage!" Shiraoshi swam in front of the Straw Hats, pointing behind her as she swam out of view. "This way! You see?"
(Y/N) leaned over the flounder once more. "I don't see a stage..."
"Ladies and gentlemen!" A Fishman announcer spoke through the stage's loud speakers. "We'll soon commence with the banquet in celebration of the Straw Hats. But first..." A light turned on, revealing a beautiful large Fishwoman on the stage. "...we proudly present the greatest diva of the deep sea, Maria Napole!" The soldiers loudly cheered as Maria held up her arms to her audience.
(Y/N) sat back, smiling at the singer. The cheering died down making suspense grow. The stage lit up, revealing a band that soon began playing their instruments. Maria began her beautiful singing, starting the show. The announcer spoke up again. "And her backing band, the Swing Jazz Orchestra!"
(Y/N), Nami and Usopp cupped their face in their hands as Maria sung. "Wow! She has a voice of an angel! It's beautiful!" Nami shouted out. (Y/N) and Usopp joined in. "Yeah! Sing it, girl!"
"You're rocking my soul right out of this world!" Brook yelled out. "Oh, yeah!!"
(Y/N) happily smiled, closing her eyes as she enjoyed music. "Now! Please welcome our special guests." The announcer spoke again. (Y/N) opened her eyes, watching multiple different colored spotlights shin of the stage's curtains. Her jaw dropped when she saw the most gorgeous group of mermaids appear on stage. "Their beauty has stolen the breath of countless sailors and pirates alike. The Mermaid Cafe Dancers!"
(Y/N) fell back as blood poured from her nose. "Ah! (Y/N)?! What's wrong? Chopper! We got a woman down over here!" Usopp yelled out as he leaned over (Y/N). Nami joined him. "Her bisexual radar is off the charts right now!"
"I'm actually pansexual." (Y/N) sat up, holding a thumbs up as blood continued to seep from her nose.
"That doesn't make it any better!" Usopp pulled out his handkerchief from his bag and handed in to (Y/N). "Stop your bleeding before you pass out."
"Thanks." (Y/N) held Usopp's handkerchief to her nose as she watched the Mermaid Cafe Dancers put on a beautiful show with Maria. (Y/N) looked over at Sanji when he started screaming, she busted out laughing when she saw Jimbei, Luffy and Chopper holding back the chef from leaving the air bubble. "At least I'm not as bad as him!"
Usopp and Nami laughed as Usopp stood up and started dancing to the music. Nami leaned over the flounder. "Look at the fish!" (Y/N) brightly smiled as fish swam around a mermaid dancer.
The fish left the dancer as she turned to the founder (Y/N) was on. "Camie!" She winked down at her friend.
"Ishilly! I'm so glad you're okay!" Camie waved at her friend.
(Y/N) quickly scooted back to Camie, clasping her hands together as she begged the mermaid. "Please introduce me to your friends."
Camie giggled. "I'll be happy to introduce you to them after the banquet."
"I can die happy." (Y/N) happily cheered as she threw her arms in the air.
Mermaid waiters swam up to the Straw Hats, serving food and drinks. "Thank you." (Y/N) smiled up at the mermaid waiter pouring her a drink. The mermaid lightly blushed before nodding and swimming away. (Y/N) happily sighed and looked back at the stage. 'I don't like being seen as a 'hero', but I definitely can get used to celebrations like this.'
"Do you care to give a toast before the feast, King?" The announcer spoke as the music and singing died down.
Neptune cleared his throat. "Well, before we drink, I'd like to take a brief moment to express my humble gratitude." The Straw Hats looked back at the King, holding their glasses in front of them. "The Straw Hat crew, without your help—"
Luffy jumped up into his flounders air bubble, successfully cutting the King off. "Let's dig in!" The Straw Hat Captain held his mug high into the air.
"To peace!" Nami, Usopp and (Y/N)
clasped their drinks together, yelling with everyone. Nami held her drink back to Camie. "Now, drink up!" (Y/N) chugged her drink, happily laughing with her friends.
"I know, I know. No one cares about the rambling of a sad old ma—" Neptune was cut off again by his own Ministers. "Bring out the food already!"
"Food! I'm starving!" (Y/N) happy smiled as more waiters brought out food to her and her crew.
(Y/N) walked up to Hachi, Zoro and Franky as Zoro downed his drink. "Oh, yeah. That's it baby. The spot is hit." Zoro practically growled as he held his drink. "I almost forgot how good this sake is."
Franky wore a confused look before realization stuck him. "Hey, that's right. You got busted for stealing some, huh?" Zoro quickly leaned towards Franky as the two looked like they were about to fight.
"C'mon now! That's all ancient history!" Hachi waved off the two men, trying to defuse the situation.
"Ah, let 'em have their fun. Even if it's childish." (Y/N) giggled and sat next to Hachi. "I'm ready to drink tonight!"
"Ha! Don't end up puking, light weight!" Zoro laughed and drank more booze.
"Talk all the crap you want, alcoholic. I'm ready to drink more than you." (Y/N) grinned back at Zoro as he chocked on his drink.
"Oh, yeah? Are you challenging me?" Zoro grinned back as the two had an intense stare down.
"Woah, (Y/N). Are you sure about this? Remember the time you challenged Rayleigh?" Hachi nervously scratched his face, lightly blushing from the thought.
"What happened last time?" Franky questioned looking down at (Y/N) in confusion.
"You don't wanna know." Hachi and (Y/N) quickly replied.
(Y/N) sighed before grabbing one of the large bottles of sake next to her. "I could care less, Hachi. I'm ready to make Zoro eat his words." (Y/N) chugged the large bottle of sake for a few seconds before slamming it back down on her thigh. (Y/N) huffed a bit as sake dripped from her mouth. She wiped her mouth clean, grinning up at Zoro. "Let's do this thing."
Zoro, Hachi and Franky wore blush on their face as they stared at the (h/c) haired woman in silence shock for a few seconds. Zoro broke the silence with a chuckle. "You're so on, Yurei."
(Y/N) looked back at her captain as he yelled out. "Cheers!" She held up her large bottle of sake as Neptune, Shiraoshi, Usopp and Luffy held up their drinks together. "Cheers, indeed. Let's forget the speech!" Neptune happily spoke making everyone laugh.
"Hey, Shiraoshi!" (Y/N) stood up, waving the Mermaid Princess over to her. "Let's take that photo now. Ya know, the one with all my crew."
"Sure! I would love to." Shirahoshi smiled and swam towards (Y/N).
(Y/N) pulled out her vision dial and asked one of the mermaid waiters to take the photo. "Make sure to keep it in an air bubble, thank you." The mermaid waiter nodded and took the vision dial. (Y/N) looked over at her crew mates on the flounder next to her. "So, uh, how are we gonna do this?"
"We can come over." Luffy happily spoke up. Robin giggled. "We'll be cramped, but it should work."
Soon, everyone grouped together and the mermaid waiter snapped a few photos before giving the photos and vision dial back to (Y/N). After the others went back to their flounder, (Y/N) held up on of the photos to Shiraoshi. "For you, Princess."
Shiraoshi gasped. "Thank you, (Y/N). I'll cherish this forever!" Shirahoshi took the photo, quickly swimming off.
"And... she's gone." (Y/N) blankly stared at the direction the Mermaid Princess went off in.
"She'll be back." Neptune laughed. "She's going to put it in her room before it gets damaged, just like the last photo you gave her. Thank you for bringing a smile to my daughter, it's been a while since she's smiled so much." (Y/N) smiled up at Neptune before rejoining Hachi, Franky and Zoro.
Halfway through the party, (Y/N) fell forward, hiccuping. Hachi leaned over her. "(Y/N)! She needs a doctor!"
"Nope! I'm just fine! Hehe! Where's my drink." (Y/N) sat up, drunk blush kissing her face. "Gimme, gimme." Her crawled over to Franky, reaching up for the drink him is hand.
"Yeah. I think that's enough sake for you, little lady." Franky held up his drink higher so she couldn't reach it.
(Y/N) flew up, hugging the big bottle of sake in Franky's hand. "Nooo. I, hiccup! I barely had any. Gimmeee."
"That's enough." Zoro grabbed (Y/N) and threw the (h/c) haired woman over his shoulder before leaving the party.
"Where are we going, hiccup?" (Y/N) happily sung as she waved off her crew in the air bubble she was in.
Zoro didn't respond til they made it outside the palace and landed on a small balcony with a large air bubble. "You were getting wild back there, and bound to do something you're going to regret."
"Hiccup. Sureee. Like when I nearly made out with Rayleigh. Now that's a story I'll take to the grave!" (Y/N) slid off Zoro's shoulder, roughly falling on the ground. "Ow."
"You did what?" Zoro whipped his head back to
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