Chapter 7: Retake Trost

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   I saw everyone starting to prepare for our plan, this could be the very first step for humanity's victory.

Pixis: Good, you're all here.

   I was standing next to some elites, I don't know why I was put here, but I'm apparently with them.

Pixis: You have one mission and one mission only. Protect Eren Yeager. Any risks associated with this operation are yours to eliminate. Which, I'm sure you'll surmise, means out of everyone, your jobs are the worst.

   Ah, thank you for putting it that way. I sure as hell thought it was going to be a piece of cake.

Pixis: Our success or failure will depend on you. In fact, it's safe to say, the fate of mankind will reflect your own.

Y/N: Sir, exactly why am I here? I'm just still a Cadet, while there are many elites who could be better suited than me.

Pixis: I need someone who is close to Eren to keep a good eye on him, make sure he does his job. And that's where you come in, make sure he reaches his goal and doesn't back out.

Rico: Sir. May I ask something?

Pixis: Of course.

Rico: Are you certain about this?  Pinning our hope on Yeager, I mean.

Ian: Rico don't.

Rico: I'm sorry. I assume we all have our doubts.

Mitabi: Sir, please. With all due respect, the kid's abilities are an unknown quantity; we don't have the first idea what he will or won't do. If he can't lift the rock, or worse, he goes rogue, a lot of lives will have been lost for nothing.

Pixis: You make a good point. Perhaps we ought to just give ourselves up to the titans willingly. Personally, the idea makes me sick. I'm a sore loser. You'd think I'd be used to it. I've been stuck on the losing side since day one. I'm a stubborn old fool, though. Just once I'd like to know what victory feels like. Even if I have to resort to extreme measures.

Y/N: Today will be the day then. You'll taste what victory is like once Eren plugs the gate. I promise, with all my life and my friends' lives.

Pixis: Then I suppose we'll just have to wait and see. The boy's abilities may be an "unknown quantity" I'll give you that... But I'll take it over the known quantity of our options. 

   Hell, if I didn't know the people in the scouts, and didn't want to follow my friends. I sure as hell would have joined the Garrison. Even though it seems quite boring at times.

Gustav: Sir. It's time to get the decoy operation on its feet.

Pixis: Ian Dietrich. Rico Brzenska. Mitabi Jarnach. Y/N. You are the Garrison Regiment's best and brightest. As for you Y/N, the same goes for you as a Cadet. Win this one for humanity.

All: Sir!

   We all saluted to the Commander. I'm determined we will win this. I won't allow us to lose any longer, we will fight to save our family and take back what's ours.

 Pixis: excellent. Ian, I'm assigning you, squad leader. On-site contingencies will be yours to deal with. 

Ian: Uh. But, sir. That is-

Rico: I have no objections.

Mitabi: Neither do I.

Ian: Please, sir. I'm not competent enough. 

Pixis: Now, now. You appreciate alcohol, do you not?

Ian: Sir?

Pixis: You know a good vintage. You know a shoddy one, as well. After all, what would like Cadet Y/N to take over as squad leader? I didn't think so. There it is.

Y/N: You know I'm right here, right?

Ian: Sir!

   I left the Garrison hanging to see what my friends were doing. They weren't too far from where I was. To be exact, 12 feet.

Armin: I'm so sorry, Eren. I was just talking out of my head. It wasn't my intention for you to be pulled into all this. 

Y/N: You need to stop second-guessing yourself, Armin. You need to realize you have a gift for strategy and you know it. I believe, no we believe in you, Armin.

Mikasa: Ereh. I really think I should-

Eren: You're not coming with me. You're on the decoy squad. Period. 

Mikasa: No way! I'm not leaving you alone! I won't take another chance-!

   Eren was about to headbutt Mikasa again, but I tripped him before he could.

Y/N: Eren, calm yourself now. Don't need you to be riled up before this mission. And it's okay Mikasa, he isn't alone. I'll be there to make sure he doesn't do something dumb as always.

Eren: Hey! I'm right below you!

Y/N: Exactly, below me.

Eren: Shut up!

Mikasa: Wait Y/N. Can't you assign me to your squad as backup? After all, you are one of the people watching Ereh, and Pixis put his faith in you to make the right decisions. 

Y/N: Uhhh... I'm... not too sure about that. I mean, I might be able to? I don't really have that type of power-

Ian: Ackerman. I want you on the squad that'll be providing Yeager with backup. We'll need your skill. Hop to. Let's get this started.

   I looked at Mikasa to see all her worry for Eren was gone. Wait a minute, you heard all of that didn't you Ian? You just wanted all the credit to yourself! I was going to put Mikasa in my squad, but I'm also worried about her too.

Y/N: Well will you look at that, Mikasa. It looks like I wouldn't have gotten in trouble if I brought you, I was going to bring you anyway by the way. And Eren, stop being lazy! Get your ass off the ground!

Eren: You made me stay down here!

Mikasa: Come on boys, we don't have all day.

   See you later Armin. Don't let the emotions get the best of you again, use that gifted mind like always. We started to run into position, away from the titans and close to the gate.

Ian: Let's get this straight right now. Whatever you are, all I care about is you getting that rock in place. Can we count on you?

Eren: yes, sir! I won't let you down.

Mikasa: You're absolutely sure you're gonna be alright to do this?

Eren: I got it!

Mikasa: Seriously?

Y/N: Mikasa, as many times you want him to say it, his answer isn't going to change. We just have to do our jobs.

Rico: Look, now's not the time to be playing house.

Eren: Come on, it isn't like that.

Y/N: Wait, you understand that?!

Eren: Of course I do! I'm not always an idiot! Wait I didn't mean-!

Y/N: Haha, nice going idiot.

Eren: Come on! Why do you always have to have the one up on me!

Mitabi: I'm gonna say what we're all thinkin' here. The fact the fate of mankind depends on a little brat like you doesn't make me hopeful.

Y/N: HAHA! That was funny, but that exact reason is what makes me hopeful.

Ian: All of you, stop it, right now! We're about to be in the range of the giant boulder! I'm not seeing any titans nearby. The decoy strategy must be doing the trick. 

Rico: Something I want you to be aware of, Yeager. Make no mistake. More than a few of our comrades are going to die today trying to pull this off. Their blood's on your hands. I'm talking friends. Captains. Lieutenants. Peons. Yes, they are soldiers. They are prepared to die. But remember, every one of them is a flesh and blood person.

Y/N: What did you just say?!

Rico: Look, every one of them has dreams. Hopes. Fears. Every one of them has a name. Alyosha. Dominic. Fine. Isabel. Ludwig. Martina. Guido. Hans. They're not pawns. They're people. Some of them have been living together like family since their cadet years. This may well be the end of them. Whole families snuffed out in a moment. Whatever you think your mission is, Yeager, your first and foremost concern today is making sure their deaths mean something. Whatever happens, you keep that lodged in your mind. Take everything that comes with deadly seriousness. 

Eren: Right!

Y/N: Alright looks like we're here. 

   We stopped as Rico shot the flare into the sky. Letting them know we are here. We jumped off as we made our way quickly towards the bolder. We made it and Eren had some lighting, making him turn into a titan. You got this buddy! You may not be the strongest, but you got the will! Wait why isn't he lifting it? And why is he looking at Mikasa...

Y/N: Mikasa watch out!

   I got in the way before Eren could punch Mikasa in his titan form. What the hell?! And damn the hurt, I have a small cut on my neck now. 

Ian: Lookout!

Y/N: Shit let's go!

  She and I got up quickly avoiding another punch. I got to his face and glared at him.

Ian: Y/N! Get away from him. That's an order!

Y/N: Eren! What in the hell are you doing dumbass!? You hurt Mikasa! Once you get out of there, I'm going to give you an ass beating! Get a hold of it, and pick up that damn boulder!

Rico: We've failed. It was foolish to pin our hopes on something we didn't fully understand.

   I looked over to see Rico fire the red flare, that bitch!! And you Eren!

Y/N: Dammit Eren! Listen to me! You need to fight for your-!

Ian: Get out of there!

   I looked down to see Eren about to punch me again, he tried to but he missed and punched himself. You damn idiot, you can't even hit me too, and you hit yourself?! He fell to the ground.

Mikasa: Y/N! Are you alright?! You have a scar because of me.

Y/N: I should be the one worrying you. He got a scar on your beautiful face and tried to kill you.

   I realized what I said and looked away. What the hell was that Y/N?! Real smooth of you!

Mikasa: Tha-thank you... for your worries Y/n.. but I'm okay.

Mitabi: What the hell? You tellin' me the kid was a regular titan all along?

Y/N: Eren! Don't just sit there! You haven't even tried to do anything you lazy piece of shit!

Elite E: Captain! We've got two titans bearing down on us from the front; a 10-meter and a 6-meter!

Elite F: Heads up! There's a 12-meter closing in on us from the rear!

Mitabi: Ian, that's it. Please. Just look at him. We need to get out of here; the plan's a bust.

Rico: Agreed. Full withdrawal. We have to leave him as he is.

   Mikasa gave them a death stare, and for once. I wasn't going to try and stop her from killing someone.

Mitabi: Ian! snap out of it! What are you waiting for? Give the order! Hey, it's not like this is your fault! Come o! Look, this plan was doomed from the start! We all get that. Was it worth a shot? Sure, whatever! We did the best with what we had! But all we've got left is going back over the wall.

Y/N: Mikasa, for this time only. I won't stop you from almost killing someone.

Mikasa: Thanks, that's good to know.

   She got out her blades and started to charge at Mitabi. Ian put a stop to her by having an arm in front of her.

Ian: Easy. Now's not the time. Team Rico, take out the 12-meter approaching from behind. Team Mitabi and I will handle the two front-runners. Team Y/N, you stay watch on Eren and make sure no titans we missed gets to him.

Y/N: Thank god our squad leader is smart.

Rico: Are you nuts?!

Ian: In case you've forgotten, I'm the one in charge! Now, do as you're ordered, soldier! We are not leaving Yeager defenseless, period. Change of plans. Our job now is to keep the others off him until he can be recovered. Whether we like it or not, he's is still our last best chance. We're not about to abandon him. We're expendable; he isn't. He can't just be replaced.

Rico: Please! Don't talk to me about our last best chance! He's a failure countless soldiers have died because of! Just look at him, Ian! Are you saying you want more of us to die saving that?

Ian: That's right. Down to the last man! If that's what it takes, so be it!

Y/N: That's damn right! So let's go already!

Rico: Ian, you can't be serious!

Ian: What other hope against the titans do we have? Do you know something I don't? This is it. This is all we've got, and you damn-well know it! I am making a judgment call here! If you have a better plan, speak up! How else are we going to get out from under their feet? I'm all ears here!

Rico: If you're asking me how else we'll defeat the titans, obviously I have no idea.

Ian: See? That's why we can't afford to beat a retreat. Not just yet. We may not know what else is in there, but there's hope. And as long as that's the case. We're gonna fight to the bitter end. Look at us. Always scraping by. Always on the run. Don't you-don't you want it to be over? Don't you want to make a stand? Well, this is how it's down!

Rico: This is just-this is madness.

Ian: Hey!

Rico: I think you're right. If we're to stand this is the only way. Just this once. Let's fight a fight that's not just a battle of attrition. Let the bastards taste humanity's wrath. Right. My team will address the 12-meter titan coming from the rear. 

   They both started to move to their locations and take out the incoming titans.

Mitabi: Well? We got the two in front or don't we?

Ian: Right.

Mikasa: Thank you, Captain. That was brave.

Ian: No, it wasn't. There is no thanks needed. The fact of the matter is I was petrified of the mess you were about to get into. But you're free now. So do your thing. Make good use of that inborn skill. 

Mikasa: Sir.

Ian: Go save the man you love. 

Mikasa: It's not like that, I'm not... 

Y/N: Oi Mikasa! Help me get him up!

Mikasa: Y/N! What are you dong?!

   I was kicked his head to have him wake up, and for hurting Mikasa.

Y/N: Kicking him for hurting you. And to wake this bastard up! Now is not the time to be having bedtime stories Eren! Pick your ass up and move the boulder! Mikasa, I need you to help the other squads take out the titans coming our way!

Mikasa: I'm on it.

   I kept kicking him, even though it wasn't working. Dammit, Eren, you promised me you could do this, so stop napping! I looked over to my right to see... Armin?! What is he doing here?!

Armin: Eren! Come on, what are you doing? Wake up!

Y/N: Armin?! Why are you here?! Shouldn't you be luring the titans on the other side?!

Elite E: It's a 13-meter! And from the looks of it, he's about to pounce on Yeager!

Elite F: Heads up! We've got four more coming through the gate! All of them 10-meter at least!

Armin: Y/N? Why'd the plan go belly-up? Why are on earth is he just slumped here like this?

Y/N: I don't know, he just started to act like a mindless titan, and hit himself! We need to wake him up somehow! He's been lying here for a couple of minutes, and my guess is he can go haywire again!

Mikasa: Armin?! Get away. It's dangerous!

Armin: But the plan?

Mikasa: We've had to shift tac. Right now all we can do is protect him. He's defenseless. And there's-there's just so many. I don't know how much longer we can keep this up!

Y/N: Armin what are you doing?

   He got where I was and went to the nape, pulling his blade out.

Armin: From the back of the head to the nape of the neck, one meter high and ten centimeters across!

Mikasa: Armin!

Armin: I'm pulling him out of here! You just gold off the other titans as long as you can! 

Mikasa: But-

Armin: When Eren first emerged from this form, it was from the weak spot. I dunno. But something tells me that's a big part of the picture. How these damn things work. It'll be alright. As long as I don't hit the center. This won't kill him. But, well, it is going to hurt. A lot.

Mikasa: No!

   Armin stabbed him near the nape and Eren started to go a bit haywire.

Y/N: Hey Armin! Calm yourself here! I'm still on him dammit!

   I got off Eren and went right next to Mikasa. Making sure I didn't get hurt myself.

Mikasa: Stop it! You'll get yourself killed!

Armin: I'm fine! Just do what you can to keep the rest at bay! Trust me, there are tons of other people you should be worried about! Now leave Eren to me and go do what you do best!

   I grabbed Mikasa and started pulling her to the gate.

Y/N: Let's go, Mikasa! We don't have much time, and we need to put our faith in Armin and Eren! 

   We started running to see one of the garrisons be grabbed by a titan. Ian came swooping in and killed the titan.

Mitabi: Yeah! That's what I thought, you bastard!

Y/N: Watch out! Two more coming in!

   The titan slammed its hand onto the roof they were on.

Ian: Get some distance!

Y/N: Mikasa! I'll distract it, and while it's distracted kill it! 

Mikasa: I've got this!

   I went up to the titan and started to distract it, it was sure as hell was trying to hit me like a damn fly. Mikasa came flying in and killing it.

Y/N: Mikasa you get the ones coming north, I'll get the ones coming south!

  I started to make my way towards the south, but I could see a lot coming in. Dammit, I need support, screw it. I don't just be like Mikasa. One titan came out of nowhere and almost grabbed me, I jumped on its arm and ran up it. I started to spin a bit and sliced its nape. Damn more are coming my way!

Y/N: Hey bastards, why don't you ugly pieces of shit come after me!! What are you just too lazy!

   It looks like they got pissed at me, and the five titans that came from the gate came after me. Shit run faster Y/N, you have to god damn run! I looked behind me to see them coming up close. I heard footsteps and a roar, the same roar I recognized. I quickly got onto a rooftop to see Eren carrying the boulder.

Y/N: Hahaha! Finally, you woke up, go and get them!

   Oh yeah, I need to make my way towards Armin and Mikasa. I made my way over and found them.

Y/N: Armin you did it, you bastard!

Armin: I don't know how I did, he came out of it somehow! We're set! He's determined to see the mission through to the end! As long as we've got his back while he heads for the wall, victory will be ours!

Ian: Defend him! To the last man if that's what it comes to! Eren must reach the gate! I don't want a single titan anywhere near him! The three of you, go! I want you with Eren immediately! Hop to, soldiers! That's an order!

Y/N: On it Captain!

Ian: Team Mitabi! What are you doing?

Mitabi: The ugly sons-a-bitches have lost all interest in us! We need to get close enough to grab their attention! 

Elite E: Hey big guy, over here!

Mitabi: You walking away? Maybe you want us to shove our blades right up your smelly asses?

   Well, that sure as hell got them. They're still three after Eren. We can take them out ourselves.

Armin: They're insane! Setting foot down there is suicide! If they get cornered somewhere there'll be nothing they can do!

   I dropped down and started to make my way to the three titans.

Y/N: What's up guys! Missed me again! You're as ugly as ever, hell how did you get even uglier in just a few minutes?!

Armin: Y/N!

Mikasa: Come on. We need to go.

   Damn, I was distracting some of them, but I could watch a lot of them die. Goddammit, fight! 

Armin: There's still on ahead of us!

Y/N: Then take it out!! I already have as much as I can handle!

Mikasa: I'll take care of it!

   Damn these titans sure as hell want to kill me. Man fuck you guys, why can't you eat yourself. I looked over to see Rico come flying in to kill the titan blocking the way.

Rico: Die!!

   The titan fell to the ground making a clear way for Eren now. Hurry up I can't handle this many. I heard a loud crash and to see what it was, Eren have blocked the gate. Rico shot the yellow flare,

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