It hurts. I hurt. What hurts? Why does it hurt? When can I stop hurting? It burns. It Burns.. IT BURNS! WHY DOES IT BURN?! WHY AM I BURNING?! STOP! STOP BURNING! PLEASE, I- I BEG! I NEED IT TO STOP BURNING!
You scream in agony, sitting up and hugging yourself. Your body felt like you were on fire. Why were you on fire? Why did it burn so much. You hugged your knees, curling into a ball. Your body hurt so.. so much. You took a deep breath and opened your eyes to see fur. Pink fur? Why pink fur? Thinking nothing of it, you reached out to touch it, only to see a yellow hand reach out inside of yours. Panicking, you stand up. As you do so, the pink fur moves with you. Standing up, you smack your head on the hanging light. Why? Why did you hit that? You could never reach that before, why now? You walk towards the door, catching a glimpse of yourself in the mirror.
You scream, running out of the room in a wonky way, like a baby deer trying to walk. You look around for Huggy, scared and confused. Why?! Why did you look like this?! You start to cry, wanting answers, wanting Leith. You wanted to go home, you wanted to eat, you wanted sleep. You jumped when you felt a hand touch you. Looking back, you saw Huggy. Throwing yourself at him for a hug, you cried harder. "Why?! Why do I look like this?!"
"..You were dying Y/N.."
Your heart sputtered, looking up at him while sniffing. "W-what?" He patted your head. "Your body was dying.. I wanted to save you so we put you into Kissy Missy (for females)/ Kister Mister (for males and yes I know it sounds weird). I couldn't lose you again! You're my life Y/N, you're everything to me! I couldn't stand by and watch as you died, I finally got you back! I only had the tapes I recorded to keep my company as I was made into this! I love you Y/N! Too much to loose again.." he hugged you tightly.
"Oh.. oh Leith.." You lean up and kissed him, which was pretty awkward at the moment. You pulled away after a while of making out, holding yourself close to him. As you were just holding eachother, you two heard the front door open. "I am pretty hungry.. wanna snack on some trespassers?" You smile, holding his hand as you two walk to the front to eat the poor soul who thought to wonder in here.
The end! I know it's short, and I'm so sorry! Finals are this week and it's stressful, BUT I will be making another book on the show Arcane! Maybe- depends on what you guys want to see me write next! This was SO much fun! I appreciate the support and the patience from you guys! I love you all so much and hope you enjoyed it! Also Y/N had cancer lol
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