Scene 12 "Conference Room" - HSC Battlecruiser Script 1 - "Inception"

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The Sr. Officers were all sitting around the conference room table. They wait for the Captain to bring the alien to the conference room. They're hoping they'll finally be brought up to speed. As Sr. Officer Tina Baker looks around the conference room she notices another crew member is missing. Sr. Officer Winchester isn't to be seen. Just then the door to the conference room opens up and it's the Captain with Sr. Officer Winchester escorting the alien. The crew was a bit shocked to see this alien come in the conference room. Sr. Officer Winchester guides the alien to the chair at the other end of the table. The Captain heads to his chair and Sr. Officer Winchester stays behind the alien, for its protection. The crew tries not to stare at the alien. Even Sr. Officer Bird is quite perplexed by the species of alien it is. The Captain sits in his chair and addresses' the crew.

Captain Phillip: Okay crew, as you can see we have a guest with us. So it would seem that all of us have been sent on a mission without getting the full details. It would seem that Officer Barker was the only one who was given the full details. This young alien here its name is Arian. We don't know much about her, but what we do know is she has been held against her will to do the Generals' bidding. The deal he made it was if we took it to its home planet it would give us secrets to the technology, but the General had other plans. He hoped it would lead us to its planet so we could capture more of them and bring them back to HQ. So I know that wasn't the mission we all accepted. So I felt it right that I bring you all up to speed and let you know what I have planned. We take this alien back to her home planet and hope in return we can get something that will help us return home. Otherwise according to Vine and Barker's simulation. It will take us close to 100 years to travel back at level 10 speed.

The crew looks at each other and not sure what to say. They look back at the Captain. Sr. Officer Katherine Bird is the first to speak up.

Sr. Officer Katherine Bird: Speaking as the resident alien species here in this room with the guest of course. I can say that being an outsider it isn't easy, but Captain I'll say that since you've been on board you have shown that you have your crew and their interest at heart. So I speak for myself when I say I'll follow your command.
Doc: That goes ditto for me, Captain.
Sr. Officer Victoria Vine. Same here, I trust you and I go where you go, sir.
Sr. Officer Jake Winchester: You know where I stand sir.

Scene: The rest of the crew agreed with their fellow crew members. The Alien looks up at the Captain. The Captain makes eye contact with the alien.

Alien: Captain. I would like to speak with your permission.

Everyone looks at the alien in shock and awe. They couldn't believe it spoke. They look back at the Captain to see what his expression is.

Captain Phillip: Arian, you are a free person you have my permission to speak.
Arian: I came to your planet because my home planet was in need of help. I was sent on a mission to try and find someone to come back with me to help save my people. Our Planet is a peaceful planet and we are not prepared for war. However, a species known as the Regits' have come to our planet and has terrorized us and has caused us much trouble. I agreed with your General to help you get here with the exchange of your assistance with our planet. So you see Captain, it is I who has deceived you, and for that, I'm truly sorry.
Captain Phillip: Okay...I think we all would have done the same thing if we were in your shoes. Arian, if we agree to help you and your planet would you be able to help us get our ship back home?
Arian: If you help me save my planet then yes, I'll help you with that request.
Captain: Okay, so if we are all in agreeance to help Arian save her planet then everyone says I?
Everyone: (YELLS) I!
Captain Phillip: Okay Arian, you are going I to get our help. Bird, have you figured out where we are?
Sr. Katherine Bird: We are in the Andromeda Galaxy which is where we're supposed to be. I would need to know where...
Arian: My planet is close.

Everyone looked at Arian shocked by her response.

Captain Phillip: How do you know this Arian?
Arian: It's one of my many abilities. I'm able to know where places are. I think you would use the words "Sense" I can sense it.
Sr. Officer Katherine Bird: Fascinating! So you can know where you are anywhere?
Arian: Yes.
Captain Phillip: What do you mean by our words?
Arian: I'm capable of interpreting data as well. When I was laying in your medical bay I downloaded your linguistics program and was able to learn your language.
Doc: That would explain the brief moment she wasn't showing on our scanners.
Captain Phillip: Well that is amazing and fascinating. Well Arian, since it seems you are more aware of our location. Why don't you coordinate with Sr. Officer Bird here. See if you two can figure out how we're going to get to its planet.
Arian: I believe you would call me.
Captain Phillips: Huh?
Arian: According to your database, based on my qualities you would call me a female.
Captain Phillip: Okay, Bird coordinates with her and come up with the coordinates. Arian I would also like you to coordinate with Sr. Officer Tina Baker and let's see if we can figure some more information on these Regits.
Sr. Officer Katherine Bird: Captain I may be able to help you with that information.
Captain Phillip: Really? How so?
Sr. Officer Katherine Bird: The Regits are the Drapoels natural enemies. We've been at war with each other for many years. It's one of the reasons we left our home word and went searching for another planet. Then we found Nirvana and you know the rest.
Captain Phillip: Okay, then. Bird, Baker, and Arian you three get together and let's get a game plan together. I think we have a planet to save.

The Captain dismissed everyone and the crew scattered to there assigned stations and prepared for the battle for Arian's planet. The Captain didn't know much about the upcoming mission, but he now found a purpose. A purpose that made him feel whole again. Sr. Officer Jake Winchester approached the Captain.

Sr. Officer Jake Winchester: Captain where shall I put Arian for the time being?
Captain Phillip: Uh, put her in the guest quarters.
Sr. Officer Jake Winchester: Okay, what about guards?
Captain Phillip: Uh, just put one there. Just in case she needs help with anything. Other than that I want her to be treated just like any guest we have on board.
Sr. Officer Jake Winchester: Sure thing Captain.
Captain Phillip: Winchester, get her some proper clothes too. I feel it's the best we can offer her. Despite everything that has happened.
Sr. Officer Jake Winchester: Yeah, she does look a little silly walking around in that robe.

Winchester gave the Captain a salute and went to escort the Alien to her quarters and get her properly dressed so she can assist Bird and Baker with the Mission at hand. The Captain ponders on the upcoming mission and hopes that they can help Arian save her home planet. The Captain knows it won't come easy and it will be a very difficult battle, but if the crew can work together and bring peace back to Arian's planet then he knows it will be a very successful mission.

Scene Ends

To Be Continued...

HSC Battlecruiser Series Book 2
"Planet 2110"

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