Rey and James stayed in the Infirmary for 3 days. All of their friends came to see James, Finn and Rose couldn't stop holding their now nephew. Luke came by and smiled when he saw the child, he thought he could feel some mediclhorians in him already and thought he'd be strong in the force just like his mom. Leia stayed the longest, wanting to spend more and more time with her god child. When they told her about his middle name she shed a tear, and smiled.
When they brought James home they were in for a treat, having to get up almost every three hours to either comfort, change, or feed him. By the third day they were exhausted but their love for James kept them going. Soon they get used to it and made a cycle where they wouldn't get tired.
He was talking by age one and a half he said his first word. They were walking down by the X-wings and James says "wing." While pointing a chubby finger at a x-wing.
At age five he started using the force, Rey found him picking up his toy blocks in the living room. Rey brought him to Luke right away and together they help him learn and understand his power.
When he became old enough he became a pilot, his dad and him fought side by side, becoming the two best pilots in the galaxy.
They grew up together, living a good life, with a lot more adventures to come. Rey and Poe's biggest fear was James getting taken by he first order, they both said that they would risk their lives if it came down to saving them or him. They keep him safe though, and trying to give him the best life they can. As they live Mom, Dad, and Son. They thought their life was perfect and didn't want anything to change, they love watching him do what they love and would until their very last breath. And it all started when Poe flew into Rey's heart.
Thank you guys so much for reading my book! I hoped you enjoyed it!
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