Chapter 6

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Poe's POV:

       My team and I are training  in the gym to get ready for our mission on Takodana. Most of my friends from different missions, then I have Jack who right now is not starting off as a good reputation, and Rey. She's probably the most hardworking person I know. I have a good feeling about her on this mission, and when Jack said those things about Rey and about women in general, it pissed me off not just because I have feelings for Rey, but because my mom was one of the best pilots in the galaxy before she died. I shake it off and go see how my teams going.
I go over to Rey who seems to be getting really tired. I go over and slow her speed down to 6, but she gives me an angry look so I shrug my shoulders and change the speed up to 9. After I walk over to Liam and turn his machine up to 10, but he looks at me with tiring eyes so I turn his machine back down to 8 and then nods.Then I go over to the shooting range where Jack and Chi. They are pretty good shooters and have only gotten off target once or twice. I make a mental note if I need snipers I know who to call. Then I walk over to self defense where I see Shane, Josh and Sam taking turns showing them different defense moves and trying them out on each other. Then I go over to boxing and I see Wesley and Mason who are punching the punching bag like if you stop you die. We work out switching stations about 5 times before we have a break for lunch, I tell everyone to get back here in an hour.
        After everyone gets back, I decide that everyone has had a lot of boxing and self defense training so time to put it into play. When the whole group gets back I tell them the plan.
" We have been working on Self Defense and boxing all day. Now it's time to see who was paying attention and working hard. You will go against the person you were working with, but if you were in a group of 3, one of you will sit out ad will go against the one who wins.So if you don't know already the groups will be, Jack and Chi, Rey and Liam, Wesley and Mason, Sam and Josh, and Shane will either fight Sam or Josh depending who wins."

I say hoping everybody knows what we're doing."

"We will start with Sam vs Josh. You will go untill one opponent says stop. Josh Sam step into the ring."

"Ready....Set.....FIGHT!" I say in a imitating voice that they use when people go against each other in public events.

In the corner in my eye I see a certain brunette smile. Then I realize that Rey is versing Liam he was one of the best boxers I've worked with, and Rey has to fight him! I know I shouldn't worry about it, Rey is a very tough person mentally and physically. I can't help it though! I found out when I started liking Rey, when you care for someone you think about them and worry about them all the time. Just then I realize that Sam is yelling

"Stop STOP!" In a distressed tone.
I say

"Good job Josh, Shane your up." I say in a bored tone.

I knew that this fight wasn't going to last very long, I knew Shane he's one of the best fighters in the Resistance and in less than 5 minuets I hear Josh yelling.

"STOP,STOP I SAID!" In a panicked tone.
I give Shane a grin as I say alright

"Jack, Wesley your up!" I say in a excited tone.

Again I see that delightful smile and I find myself smiling too, but quickly wipe it off my face.

Wesley and Jack were a good match for each other both sting and fast, but after about 20 minuets of fighting Wesley gets tired and Jack takes over, and takes Wesley down in a heartbeat.

"Ok the last fight of the day, Liam versus Rey." I say in a worried but calm tone. I look at the expressions on Liam's face who looks like he just got the easy road, then I look at Rey's face who looks focused and relaxed.

I finally realized that they've been standing there for a while and and I quickly say.

The fight begins it all starts out with them circling each other. Then Liam quickly moves in and takes the first punch, but Rey quickly ducks her head and sending a punch right into Liam's stomach not even phasing him. I can tell that makes Liam mad because he quickly steps up his game moving faster and sending a punch right into the side of Rey's head, sending her stumbling to the side. She quickly gets back up shaking it off but then Liam sends a kick that goes right into Rey's stomach. Sending her to the ground. Then I hear Liam say

"Have enough yet little girl? Ready to go back to getting your hair done and showing off in bars for entertainment?" I hear Liam say in a imitating voice.
Then Rey stands right back up like nothing even happened and said.

"Not yet,are you ready to go back to being a poor lonely man who only gets a woman to touch him because she has to fight you to get away." Rey says back to Liam in a imitating angry voice.

Right when Liam was about to say something, Rey punches him right in the trachea sending him stumbling backwards out of breath. Before Liam has enough time to catch his breath, Rey sends out a kick going strait for his side but Liam grabs Rey's leg sending her plummeting to the mat. Then kicks her right in the face. Rey struggles to get back up and I say.

"Ok! That enough for today, I say as Rey slowly gets up with a swollen eye and a bloody nose looking at me with anger in her eyes.

    "None of us said stop though!" Rey says annoyed.

Right then Liam sends a fast and hard punch right into the back of Rey's head, knocking her to the ground hard and she didn't get back up. Liam walks out of the ring grinning, then  walked out of the room with the rest of the guys. I immediately go over to Rey shaking her to see will wake up on her own or if I need to call medical.

    "Rey! Rey!" I call her name in my attempt to wake her up.
     As I'm doing that I can't help but look at her face up close even with the bloody nose and swollen eye she looks beautiful. She has a few stray hairs in front of her face and I move them out of the way. I keep shaking her and right when I'm about to call medical she opens her eyes and sees what's happening and where she is and says.

      "I'm still fighting! I haven't said stop yet!" Rey says in a confident tone, and sits up.

Right when she sits up she flinches and her hand goes to the back of her head. As she's doing that she looks around and then looks at me. I say.

      "Everyone already left, they left when you blacked out. I say calmly.
      Rey looks at me with anger in her eyes and says.

" I wouldn't have blacked out if you wouldn't of distracted me by saying that the fight was over." She says in a Angrily tone.
       I look at her and say,

" I know I'm sorry but it wasn't really my fault Liam shouldn't have thrown that punch.

Rey was about to say something else but then I look at her eye, and reach out to touch where the bruising has started but right when I start to feel how bad the swelling is, Rey moved her head away and says

"Hey! That hurts don't do that!" She says. I say

"I'm just trying to see how bad the swelling is." Say and then a second later I jump in again and say.

" Just a second wait here if we don't take care of your eye it's going to go black!" I say as I rush off to get the Med kit.
     I give Rey a Kleenex for her bloody nose which quickly stops then give her a ice pack for her head and her eye. She looks at me and says

" Thanks for this morning saying what you did I hate the kind of people who think that Women are just entertainment." She says in a soft voice filled with gratitude.

I quickly say back.

" Yeah, me too, and it's true women just aren't entertainment, There sting and hardworking people just like men." I say back as Rey and I make eye contact and then quickly look away. As I think of another thing to say.

" If our group can't start to work together our whole plan is screwed." I say with worry.

" I just don't understand I have the same mindset as them but a different body, so what?" Rey says in an angry voice.

"That's makes me think of my mother she was just like that, she was in the Resistance when there could only be Men as pilots. So my mom disguised herself as a man and went to pilot school, and just after a few years she was one of the best pilots in the Resistance but then Leia found out her secret but she didn't tell anyone. Then another pilot found out and later he became my dad. Later when Leia became General she said that a male or a female can become a pilot. That's when my mom told everybody that she was a woman.2 years later I was born and when I was in 4th grade of pilot school,my mom went on a mission but she never came back." I say sadly but proudly being able to tell my moms legacy. Rey and I make eye contact and she says.

"What happened to your dad?" Rey says hesitant but curiously.
"He died when I was 16, the first order killed him because they wouldn't give him any information." I say sadly as I look down at the mat.

" Poe I'm so sorry" Rey says with pity.

" You probably had it worse you didn't even know your parents." I say

" I like to think that I don't have any parents, that I just came out of mid air and was in the wrong place at the wrong time and got left on Jakku." Rey says strait forward.

" Well everyone comes from someone." I say in a laughing tone trying to lighten the mood.

"Well then I guess i was made out of air" Rey says smiling and taking the ice pack off of her eye and head.

" I think I'm done with this, how does it look? Will I have a black eye tomorrow?" Rey says as she hands the ice pack back to me. I say,

" I don't know you might have a little swelling, but not as much as there would be if you wouldn't of put ice on it." I say as I start to stand up.
Then Rey holds out her hand and I stand there looking confused and she says.
"Aren't you gonna help me up?" She says laughing.

"Oh!" I say as I grab her hands as she stands up putting us face to face. In an awkward position, but we stand there for a couple minutes, and I swear you could feel some chemistry between us. Then Rey says

    "We'll see you tomorrow Poe." In a soft voice almost like a whisper.

" Yep see you tomorrow." I say in the same tone.
      As she gets down for the ring and starts for the door,and right before she's about to leave I say.

     "Rey! Don't be late again same time tomorrow! I say

" Iey Iey captain." She says in a laughing tone as she salutes me.
       I watch her walk out the door and I cant help but think about the chemistry I felt between us as we stood face to face and if Rey felt it too.

Few! That was a really long chapter! Total words 2,100! Hope you enjoy things are going to get really exciting soon!

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