Poe's POV:
The ship takes off and I set the coordinates to Yavin Four. I know the day would come when I would have to go back, but I didn't know today was the day, but I have Rey by my side. I look over at her with a little smile on my face, she sits in the copilot chair with her feet on the chair and her knees pulled to her chest watching the stars. For as long as I've known her she's loved to watch the stars, she used to go it and watch the stars every night before she would go to sleep, when she was on Jakku. I make the calculations for the jump to light speed and then I make the jump.
"Okay just a couple of hours and we'll be there." I say getting up.
I Rey yawns and stretches out before standing up to follow me. I go sit down in the main corridor, Rey sits next to me.
"So what are we gonna do when we get to Yavin Four?" She asks
"Well, I assume that we'll meets some of the governor's personnel. Then they'll show us to our rooms, and then serve us food." I say
"Will we meet any important people tonight?" Rey says yawning.
"No, but be very nice to the personnel because they'll report back to the governor about us." I say
"Okay," Rey says moving to sit down on the ground.
"What are you doing?" I say
"I'm going to meditate." She says criss crossing her legs.
"What's that?" I say
"Come here, I'll show you." She says patting a spot across from her.
I scoot over and sit in the spot she told me to.
"Okay, So first of all you have to cross your legs, one foot over and the. other one under." She says as I maneuver my legs to the right spot.
"Good, now close your eyes and take deep breaths, think about all the anger, hate, and sadness and push it all away. Feel the things around you, and find peace." She says as I attempt to do it.
She soon starts to meditate too, not being able to focus I open my eyes.
"Focus Poe, I can sense your uneasiness." She says in a peaceful tone not opening her eyes.
I try again, closing my eyes and thanking of the pain, the pain of my parents dying, the anger over the first order, the stress of doing my absolute best to be the best pilot in the galaxy. Finding that peace comforts me, I sit there taking it in. In what feels like seconds turns into minutes, which turns into Hours, and suddenly the ships alert system goes off telling us that we have arrived at Yavin Four. Our eyes open at the same area and we both hurry to get up and go to the cockpit, to get ready for landing.
"Please identify yourself." A voice says over the intercom
"This is captain Poe Dameron with Rey requesting for a landing dock." I say holding the intercom button.
There was silence for a while and then the voice comes back.
"Ok you are to land in docking bay 394." The voice says
"affirmative" I say as I fly over to the dock.
The ship lands and we stand up and make our way to the front of the ship. The hangar door to the ship door starts to open.
"You ready?" Rey says grabbing a hold of my hand.
I sigh squeezing her hand and then letting go, when the door opens three people walk towards us, two men and a woman. They wear silk robes, with a hood over their heads and a scarf that's covering all of their face except their eyes.
"Welcome." The woman says bowing.
I bow and Rey for the same.
"I am Hera and this is Sheev and Gilfre. We will take you to your rooms." She says as Sheev and Gilfre take our bags.
She starts walking and we follow walking behind her.
"The governor has been expecting your arrival." She says in a calm voice
"Yes, and it will be an honor to meet with him." Rey says
We walk into a big fancy building, Hera stops at a desk and talked with the secretary. After a while she nods and motions up over,
"here are your keys" she says holding out her hand.
Rey and I take our keys, and she starts walking again and we follow her. She starts walking down a long hallway until we come to two doors. She motions to the left door,
"This is your room captain Poe," she says then pointing to the one on the right.
"And this is yours miss Rey." She says.
"There is a door on the inside, connecting both of your rooms if you wish to open it, or you could come out to this door." Hera says
Sheev and Gilfre give us our bags and they bow at us. Rey and I bow back,
"It was an honor meeting you, and I hope you enjoy your stay here." She says.
"Thank you for helping us, and it was a pleasure to meet you too ." I say as Rey and I bow back.
After all three of them line up and walk down the hallway in sync. Then Rey and I unlock our doors into our rooms. When I open the door I step in and turn the light on, in the middle theres a queen size bed with a living room area and a small kitchen, and over on the other side there's a huge bathroom with a built in closet on the side. Then I walk back out and I see the door that Hera was talking about, I go and unlock my side of the door, and knock waiting for Rey. I hear a click and the door slides open, I see Rey standing there. She walks over to my side and takes my hand and faces me.
"Not so bad yet is it?" She asks putting her arms around my neck.
"Not bad at all." I say putting my hands on her waist.
"I don't think this trip is going to be that bad after all." I say and I mean it.
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