Where's Rui?

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(**text** = Something descriptive that Tsukasa obviously can't see but I just wanted to add)


I glanced around, hearing the hasty footsteps of the straggling student's rushing to get to get to their classes. Suddenly, I heard a voice say..


the voice was soft spoken and was definitely a girl. by process of elimination that means it's..

"Nene?" I spoke.

"Have you seen Rui?" Nene had some worry in her voice.

"I'm afraid I have not, we'll look for him after school, ok?"

Nene put her hand on my shoulder.

"Alright, we will do that, yeah.. sounds good." Nene's voice grew a little less worried.

We agreed to meet at the front of the school after our classes. As the day dragged on, I could not stop worrying about my Rui. I wonder if he's alright. I saw him earlier this morning before I left his house, so he has to be ok.

Class was harder without Rui assisting me but I got helped by one of my other classmates. It was not the same as Rui though, he had such a gentle and soft way of telling me what to do but this student treated me like being my helper was a chore. During lunchtime, I made my way towards the rooftop. I sighed and sat on a lonely bench, placing my food besides me. I did not want to eat, I had no appetite but I took a few bites anyways. The food tasted strangely bitter. I painfully gulped down the couple bites I took then threw the rest of my food in the trash. I slowly made my way back over to the bench and sat back down.

"Rui..." I mumbled, worriedly.

He has to be ok.

Soon enough, the school day was over. I went to the front of the school where Nene told us to meet.

"Shall we go now Nene?" I asked her, my voice shaking slightly from worry.

"Yeah" She muttered in response to my question, her voice barely above a whisper.

We held hands and made our way to Rui's home. I could hear Nene's sigh as she slowly opened the door and stepped inside. We both shuffled up the stairs to Rui's chamber, we had hope that he was in here, he had to be. I slowly approached the door and knocked on it.

No response.

I knocked again.

No response.

My body shivered with worry as I pounded on the door hoping for a response.

finally, I heard some noise.

There were small shuffling noises towards the door and then the door was opened. **Rui was standing there, his hair messed up and in his face like he just woke up.**

"Rui?" Nene asked, sounding somewhat worried.

"Rui! You missed the whole school day, you worried me and Nene!" I yelled.

"Sorry, I must have overslept." Rui responded, his voice sounding tired from just have been woken up.

Rui placed his hand on my shoulder and **smiled**.

"I'm sorry for worrying you my star."

I felt a soft smile grace my face as I pulled Rui into a hug. I was just glad to see that he's well. Rui wrapped his arm around me and we stood there hugging for what seemed like ages.

(I have serious writers block rn so sorry if this chapter isn't that well written, I could not figure out what to do)

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