Chapter 5 - Never Forgive, Never Forget

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"So what now leader?" Stargaze nudged me smiling.

"Haha, alright everyone listen up!" I yelled to the dragons as we all hovered high in the sky. It was hard to hide because there were no clouds this time but it would have to do. This would be our last raid for Berk this week. The queen has ordered us to raid double time because she needs more food. The dragons had their attention on me. "Right! If we all dive at the same time it will be overwhelming for them so on my mark!" I smiled and they all began cheering amongst themselves ready for the raid. No one was scared anymore because we all lived. I was leader now and that fixed a lot.

"Three?" Stargaze began for me.

"TWO!" Everyone joined in. "ONE!"

"GO!" I yelled as we all dived. A loud horn went off as soon as we reached the ground. Vikings ran out of their homes and began grabbing any weapon they could.

"I'll do the east side you do the west?" Stargaze offered.

"Sounds good." I smiled as I turned to the left and began watching dragons on the west side of the island. I noticed a buff man facing off one of the nightmares. I quickly swooped and fired a blast right next to him.

"NIGHT FURY!" He yelled.

"HICCUP!!! FOR GOODNESS SAKES GET DOWN!" Another man pushed a small boy to the ground before picking him back up and pushing him into what I think is the forge. That was the boy I saw a few raids ago. I see him every few raids. He runs out of whatever building he is in with some large box on wheels but before he can get anywhere another viking orders him back inside.

"Phoenix, we got everything." A Nadder flew up beside me carrying a small sheep.

"Wow, that was quick. Awesome. Let's go." I smiled as the dragons began flying way. They flew ahead of me in a clump all cheering, spinning and diving. I smiled to myself as I watched them.

Wait a minute...where's Stargaze?! I stopped flying and turned around. I sped to the east side of the island where I saw nothing. The vikings were in the main part of the village fixing whatever they were fixing while it stayed dark at the edge of the forest.

I soared above just looking below. I kept turning my head back and forth to not miss a rock or stone. I reached the river where I landed and looked around. Then I saw it. The moment my heart stopped. I swear it's never started since. Laying on the side, just touching the waters edge was Stargaze. Breathing heavily but not moving.

I ran over to her, splashing water as I went. I looked over her where she looked back up to me. Neither of us said anything. Just looked at each other. Her ears were cut and so was her jaw. There were small holes in the end of her wings like they had been ripped. A broken net laid beside her all bunched up. She looked in pain. I walked behind her and laid down. Resting my head on hers. There was nothing to say, nothing to do. All I could do was hope and pray, that somehow she would be okay.

My head shot up from my spot. The sun, blaring in my eyes as my vision slowly came back. I looked down where Stargaze was meant to be. She wasn't there?! I stood up and turned my head left and right but she wasn't anywhere to be seen. I looked to the right where the water slowly trickled down stream. She wouldn't have. Would she? Would she had pushed herself down stream so I wouldn't have seen.... I stopped my thought there. She was gone. She must have... I stopped my thought again.

I felt my legs shake before I fell to the ground. My head hit the sand as I just stared ahead. I couldn't think straight, couldn't see straight. Couldn't even breath properly. That's when it hit me. The Vikings. It's all their fault. Berk! Berk of all places. The Vikings here have taken everything. EVERYTHING from me! I stood up with a frown. Revenge covering my thoughts. I saw smoke rise from my mouth as I breathed heavier. My claws dug into the sand as my tail curled to my right, angrily.

I still remember that moment. Remember every thought that crossed my mind. How much anger I felt. I flew away, not looking back from then. I became a new dragon. I barely spoke, barely ate. Did my job, that was it. From that moment on, I promised myself to never forgive and never forget.

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