06 - Same, part 2

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Once he got out of the meat hall, Braan started to search for the young viking blondie in green tunic. This one shouldn't have gone far away by the time, but the new berkian's face didn't memorized yet the village pattern.

Twilight was starting to replace the daylight, the villagers were carrying on their activities as if they were going to stay awake the whole night. Braan wondered if it was always like this, yet he still felt the night would be peaceful and quiet.

He walked the streets for several minutes before he spotted light at the back of the forge, in the little workshop. He remembered seeing Gobber just a few minutes earlier, walking in the opposite direction, so it couldn't be the black-smith. He smiled when he understood it must have been Nuffink, then run to the window, from where he saw the young viking.

Nuffink was sprawling on a desk, sighting and talking to himself with a seemingly tired expression on his face.

''Do they really think I'm not aware of why mom's keeps me here ? Of cours I do. When will I finally have a chance to prove myself ?''

''Nuffink...'' The boy hesitantly said while climbing over the window.

''Braan !''

Nuffink started and straightened, knocking down some charcoal and paper in the operation.

''You scared me. I thought you would stay with the others to... break the ice.''

Braan shrugged with a small smile the viking didn't know how to read. He seemed happy, he may have got along with the group.

''Cool...'' Nuffink said with a bit of sadness in his voice. ''Then what are you doing here ? You should go back, they must be waiting for you.''

''No thanks, me no like them.''

''Do you ? You're not joining them ?''

Braan shook his head vigourously, he seemed a bit sulky. He burried his hands in the pockets of his pants, frowning and pouting.

''You kidding ? Them horrible, me like you more.''

Nuffink couldn't help but laugh in a mix of relief and emotion. So he really had a chance to befriend the boy, hadn't he ?

''Thanks, Braan.''

''No prob.''

His frown disppeared as his bright smile and natural energy showed up again.

''You come forest with me ? Help me search ?''

''Huh... searching what ?''

''Search dragon, duh.'' He told while rolling his eyes, still smiling.

Nuffink got amused but found the situation ironic when he came to rely.

''Dragons live in Drakanheim, the hidden world. I was very lucky to see one once, even more to doble-score. I highly doubt the gods would grant me another time.''

''But it said 'When two come three'.''

'' 'Things come in three', you mean ?''

''Come ooon...'' The boy whinned.

The young viking smirked at that. He rolled his eyes in good measure, but he was only amused. Why did he seem not able to refuse anything to this boy ? Braan laughted a bit then grabbed his sleeve to pull him outside. The two started running and laughing. While passing by, Hiccup heared laughter, then saw them. His gaze followed them until they disppeared behind a house. The chief couldn't help but smile.

This was the first time he saw his son playing with another kid his age. He was relieved at the idea he was making a friend on his own, even if said friend remained a complete mystery.

Nuffink followed Braan outside the village, then he took the lead when they reached the woods. The last time he saw the dragons, it was on the path to the Stairs. He knew it was a long way, and night was coming soon, but he couldn't care less. His mom could scold him as much as she wanted when they would come back really late, but he had all possible excuses since he was hanging out with a potential friend. It was worth all the scolding.

He didn't expect much from this little journey, he just wanted to bound with the boy, who seemed in another mood.

Night was falling around them, but Nuffink couldn't decide to go back home. How could he when Braan seemed so hopeful ? Why did he seemed so impatient ? How could he be so ecstatic to see a dragon ?

Nuffink suddenly stopped when he noticed the silence. He didn't hear Braan's steps behind him anymore. Puzzled, he looked over his shoulder, then noticed he was alone. He looked around, but nothing.

''Braan ?'' He called out.

No answer came, only complete silence. Everything was quiet, except for some owl's howling and cricket song. But Braan was nowhere to be found. Where was he ? Did he get lost ? Was he caught by a wild animal, without the viking even noticing ?!

He called out again, but still no answer. His heart started beating like crazy, his blood rushing through his veins. His hands became sweaty and shaky. Did he really lost the boy ?

He tried not to panick and started runing in every directions, calling out and shouting his name. He completely forgot he could attract animals to him by making so much noise, he only thought about the lost boy.

''Braan ! BRAAN !''

He shouted so much he began to cough, but still kept on running. When he heard some rustling, he overturned and rushed to the source of the noise, still finding nothing. Then he felt something on his shoulder, like a light tap. He turned again, still nothing. He tried to reassure himself, saying it was the boy making a prank, it was obviously that, but he couldn't be sure.

It looked like the mean pranks of the Hisinger twins.

''Braan, it's not funny ! Show yourself already !''

He made some few steps, heard another rustling, but when he turned again, he foudn himself face to face with two big dark eyes. He screamed loudly and fell backwards.

Sprawled on his back, he heard a loud guffaw, just above his head. He rised again and see it was Braan. The boy was hanging head below, his legs wrapped around a tree branch, holding his sides as he laughed hard. The viking, otherwise, didn't laugh. He was rancurous, he just had a heart attack and the worst fera he could remember, yet the boy he thought dead for a second, was guffawing to the extend of sheding tears.

''It's not funny !'' He protested.

''It is ! It is ! You seen yor face, haha !''

He was really crying, Nuffink even more vexed. Somewhere, deep in his heart, he was relieved the boy was safe and sound, but he didn't like be made fun of. Yet, he could see Braan's prank was innocent while the twins were always mean. Fart and Dart would have already call him mean names like 'nutter' or 'feeble'. On his side, Braan was just laughing.

This helped Nuffink calming down, yet he got angry at himself, angry that he had already forgiven him. He still wanted some apologizes, or pay-back, maybe he could fake being angry at him ? No, it wasn't possible, not with this smile creeping on his lips without his permission.

He thought about it for a couple seconds before he came closer to the boy. Braan was too busy laughing to notice him, so the viking grabbed his arms and pulled him out of the branch. Braan let out a so high scream it became ridiculous for a boy, he landed on the grass but couldn't even understand what was happening before he turned into the victim of a revengeful tickling attack. Nuffink relished in this pay-back while the boy giggled even more, fidgetting like a maggot. Protests mixed with the crying laugh, but none of them stopped the playful wrath of the young viking, even when the boy struggled to breath.

''Y-You stop, haha ! Nuff- Nuffi- Hahaha !''

''Apologize, then I might stop.''

''N-No way, hahaha !''

''Fine, I don't mind doing this all night.''

Braan kept on struggling, guffawing, crying, and Nuffink had a hard time suppressing his own laugh. It took a couple minutes of tickling torture for him to finally obtain the apologizes he wanted, even if they were shorter than expected.

''Ok- haha ! Okey, me sorry ! Me sor- hahaha ! You stop now ! Haha !''


He finally released his giggling victim, now panting and trying to calm down the still going on laughter. He needed a couple more minutes to go back to normal, yet his face remained red for a little longer. Nuffink laughed at it, earning a playful light tap on the shoulder, then they resumed their walk.

When they reached the place where Nuffink had found Braan, he told him so. The boy walked to the exact point, then bent to the ground, searching for prints in the earth.

The moon wasn't completely full, but it shone bright despite the remaining dusk colors on the horizon. It was dark, but not enough for them to get blind.

Braan soon found some footprints, Nuffink couln't help but compare these prints with the white dragon's paws. As the boy followed them turning around them wihout any apparent logic, the viking found others, differents prints. These were more smaller, round, and the claws were shorter. Was it Toothless' prints ? Most likely.

All his toughts died and the two young boys froze in spot when they heard something. It seemed to be near them, but the noise surprised Nuffink. A low and vibrating sound, but too high to be a bear. A familiar sound...

''That... That can't be... ?''

''Dragon !'' Braan smiled.

He didn't left time for Nuffink to reply as he dashed through the woods, in the direction where the sound came of. Nuffink panicked and hastily followed him. Considering how the night fury reacted when he spotted the blonde viking, he didn't want Braan to scare them, or worse, receive the same treatment. For him, the boy had been shaken enough.

As they were running, dodging different obstacles, the young viking noticed again how the smaller boy was faster and more agile. He jumped above trunks, rocks and tree stumps with such ease he seemed to have done that his whole life. Sure, Nuffink already noticed Braan was faster than him, but this agile ? This proved the boy to be stronger than he seemed, he wasn't just a scrawny little thing, and that made the viking smile.

Yet, his smile faded as two figures came into view. One blanc, and another taller white. Was this these dragons again ? But what were they doing on this island, for Thor's sake ?! Why weren't they in Drakanheim, and on this particular island ?

Nuffink froze in his race when the white dragon popped up its head, hearing them coming. The black dragon did the same, but the four-winged one was quicker to react.

It launched itself towards the boys. Eyes widdening in fear in front of this charge, Nuffink couldn't quite understand why Braan was running towards it too ?! He panicked even more and rushed faster, only thanks to adrenaline, until he grabbed Braan's collar and threw them to the ground.

The white dragon, dragged by its own impulse, went above them and stopped as he could on the other side, earning a loud laughing-like-sound from the night fury. Nuffink was shaking like crazy, panting heavily and hurting his throat in the process, sweating more than necessary, clenching the green collar of the boy to the extent his knuckles turned white.

On his side, Braan was breathing loudly too, but he wans't the least worried or afraid of the beast that nearly crushed him. He rose his head towards the viking and talked with a perfectly steady and calm voice.

''Why you do that ?''

''W-Why did I do that ?!'' The viking snapped, half still frightened and half angered. ''Why did you do that ?! A giant dragon charges at you, and you, you just run to it ?!''

Braan blinked one time with surprise all over his face, just before irrupting in laughters, throwing his head backwards. The viking suddenly blushed in embarrassment and confusion, why did he suddenly felt stupid ? Braan calmed down and slowly patted the hand still strongly clenched at his now distorted collar, smiling.

''Thanks to worry, but you no need.''

Nuffink got surprised one more time with the boy's reaction, and slowly let go of him, even if his hand was a bit too shaky to be obedient. He barely heard the running heavy foosteps nearing them.

Then came what the young viking feared : the white dragon came back and rammed into the chestnut boy, dragging him some steps farther. Nuffink jumped on his feet and rushed to them, only to find an unlikely scene.

He thought the dragon would attack the boy, eat him, burn him maybe, but instead, the beast was skylarking and licking the boy's chest and face while he was giggling.

''Haha, calm ! Yes, yes, me too happy see you ! Stop, mo-''

His phrased was cut out but a wet tongue on his cheek, making him laugh again. He softly pushed the big head away, but it came back again, this time just rubbing against his. Braan threw his arms around it, the beast was so big he was only holding its cheeks.

Nuffink couldn't believe it. This mighty dragons, gigantic and seemingly so ferocious, was acting like an innocent animal, and as if Braan and him knew each other, as if they were kind of... friends ?

What surprised him the most was the sound that left the dragon's throat, it was long and vibrating, a bit higher than the others he produced. If he had to describe it, he would say it was between a chortle and a purr. Was the dragon purring ?

He stayed frozen in front of this seemingly reunion, but as soon as the dragon saw him, his rounded pupils became slids again, he crouched menacingly and growled at the viking. Nuffink started but Braan immediatly stepped in between them.

''No no, mommy, calm ! No danger !''

'' 'Mommy' ?!'' Nuffink almost yelled.

The brown-haired boy just laugh seeing his flurried face, but the viking didn't feel like laughing. Why in the gods' name Braan was calling this dragon 'mommy' ? Said boy settle down and made some signs between the viking and the dragon, introducing them.

''Nuffink, Snow. Mommy, Nuffink.''

The young viking remained still, petrified, confused. The stared at the white dragon and saw his sharp eyes inspect him up and down, visibly distrustful. It curled its mouth upward, showing snow sparkling white teeth and growling. This time it was a bit softer, Nuffink just hoped it was good news. Braan stroke its head just above the snoot.

''Him friend. Look.''

He extended his free hand towards the viking, still frozen and hesitant.

''Give yor hand.''

''What ? Erk, no...''

''Come on.''

When Braan took his hand, Nuffink felt weird. He was too old for holding hands with others kids at school, especially with a boy. Moreover, Braan's hand was chilly.

He was really reluctant and didn't understand what Braan was doing, until he pulled him near them. Well, near the dragon.

''W-w-wait... What are you doing ?''

''Trust. No danger.''

Despite his still-present reluctantness, Nuffink decided to play along. He decided to trust him. After all, he still wanted to be friends with him, and friends trusted each other. Plus, he had dreamed of dragons for so long, it was not the moment to back up. Braan slidded his hand to hold his wrist, placing his palm towards the dragon, and slowly closing the gap between the two beings.

The beast rose its head a little bit, making their line of look meet. Its neck seemed twisted to maintain this level, and Nuffink stared with fascination at its eyes. The pupils got round, just like the night fury's did the day before, yet their eyes were completely different. The white dragon's were pale and bright blue, with some silver ribs in it, and its pupils were surprisingly white. Everything in this dragon reminded of snow and ice...

Braan placed the viking's hands only a step from the dragon's scaly face, and left him there. Nuffink found himself alone in front of this mighty and wonderful being. Time seemed to stop in this surreal moment as their eyes met. He instantly felt pulled in another world. He felt a bit confused, as if he had already experienced something life this. But when ?

He closed his eyes, trying to understand this familiar feeling spreading within his core, then another scene played behind his eyelids.

Water. A boat. A big dark figure in front of him. Green eyes. Two stretched out hands. One was his, the other... Zephyr's ? Their hands seemed so small, how old were they ? He also heard his father's voice, reassuring and encouraging.

'Hold your hands up, like this. That's it. Let him come to you.'

The green eyed creature then put its snout against their hands, and the wet and rugged sensation matched the one he suddenly felt in reality. The only difference was the temperature. In his dream, the muzzle was warm, this one was cold.

He opened his eyes again to see that the white dragon has put his – or rather her if he correctly understood this 'mommy' thing – snout against his palm, on her own. Her eyes were closed too. This moment lasted for what seemed a soft forever, then the contact broke. The white dragon backed up and rose her head, opening her eyes again. Nuffink still felt like in a dream, he couldn't do anything else than contemplate this amazing creature. Then, return to reality went harsh and noisy as the night fury joined them.

He rammed into the boy, tackling him to the ground too, and licked his face with even more slim and even more laugh in return.

''Toothless !'' The boy guffawed, trying to escape.

Nuffink stayed abashed. So abashed he couldn't even move. One dragon would have been believable, but two ? Adults back on Berk didn't joke when they said dragons were just big loving things.

How could creatures si mighty and threatening could be so soft inside ?

After few minutes of daydreaming and deep thoughts, Nuffink helped the boy by hesitantly pushing the night fury. The black dragon stepped aside obediently and lightly shook his head in the viking direction, as if he wanted some affection from him too. Nuffink was surprised again, and Braan finally could stand up.

''Him know you ?''

Nuffink hesitated, thinking. He remembered what he had learnt about this dragon, and this new-found memory of his young childhood.

''Huh... We already met, and...''

He tentatively stretched out his hand towards the black dragon, who sniffed at it before rubbing his head against his palm, closing his eyes with a joyful expression. Nuffink couldn't help but smile.

''... and he knows my father. They were best friends before the dragons left for Drakanheim.''

''Were they ?'' Braan gasped.

He turned a surprised glance to the black dragon, who was cooing in agreement. Braan tilted his head to the side, confused.

''So... yor dad ? Hiccup ?''

Hearing this name, the night fury suddenly bounced around them, tongue hanging out of his mouse ecstaticly. Braan eyed him with raised eyebrown, he looked impressed.

Nuffink didn't know what he just understtod, but the boy's face lighted up with on his bright smile, then he bounced too.

''So cool ! Yor dad first flyer ! First earn dragon trust !''

''Eh... yeah.'' Nuffink shrugged.

The young viking suddenly felt a mixture of embarras and extreme proud. Yes, his father was a legend. It was thanks to him vikings made peace with dragons. Admit he was related to this legendary figure made him blush, because he didn't really felt he lived up to this legacy.

Legacy... This simple word ended up his toughts to create new ones. The white dragon was turning around Braan, rubbing her head against his face and back, and sniffing the green tunic he was wearing. She seemed to mollycoddle him, and he called her

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