01 - Something in the sky

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 ''This is New Berk. it's located nine days east from the edge of the world and a few degrees below constant freezing to death, strongly anchored in the middle of wild seas.

Yes, I know, not really catchy, but this wet rock has its surprises. Like a viking village, for instance. Oh yeah, vikings, there's a lot all the way around. You surely have already heard about our natural rought formwork charms.

Our eight generation clan has encountered many catastrophic events. Storms, giant creatures, armadas... But we survived it all, because we're vikings, we're just unflagging.

However, there is something we, berkians, has that noone else does. Or rather, we had.


Berk is the land of vikings, and memories of dragons. How many times did the ancient from the village told us about these fabled winged creatures ? I lost count, but they still amaze me.''

The full moon was high in the sky, bathing the whole island with its smooth glow, according enough light to see where to go. Everything was quiet, no light emitting from the houses, except for the torches of the two patrolling vikings.

There were no presence in the dark, no outsider, no thief, no wandering wild animal, nothing. But what these vikings didn't know, was that there did was something, or rather someone, tiptoing between the houses and down the streets, eyeing them to sneak out.

This was nothing to worry about thought, but a ten years old boy. He was pretty small, and pretty slim too. He was quite a twig, his thin arms and legs making people call him a fishbone. Wrapped in a warm green cloak with some white furs, he was hiding his face and bright blond hair into his hood and slowly making his way out of the village.

His forest green eyes were long accustomed to the dark, making him discreet enought to go unoticed, his path only guided by the moonlight.

''My name is Nuffink. With my sister Zephyr, we are part of the 'dragon heirs', children of the mighty dragon trainers of Berk. Indeed, our father, Hiccup Haddock the Third, is the one who instaured peace between dragons and our people. At the age of fifteen only, he had trained the most dangerous and fearsome dragon, a night fury. The last know one.

After that, he didn't need much time to establish peace, to build the dragon training academy, and a lot of others mighty deeds. It is said he even lost his leg fighting a mountain size dragon. Do I believe it ? Yes, I do !''

The boy kept on going into the forest, his thoughts as only company, until he reached the location he went at every full moon : the great waterfall on the west side of the island, only a ten minute path from the village. He sat there and looked up at the sky, watching and waiting in silence.

''Our parents often say that dragons left because they were in danger. Our world wasn't a safety place for them, because there were people who couldn't accept them. It is said they live at the end of the world, in a hidden one bellow ours, and it is said that they'll only comeback when they could live in peace.

At the village, the ancient ones say we, the eighth generation, are lucky we didn't know them, that way we aren't hurt and we can't miss them. I don't know, isn't it better to have known and lost than never know ?

This is what I believe, and all these stories just make me belive even more.

The former dragon trainers and riders often recall the tales of their crazy adventures with the winged creatures. Some like to say that their friendship lives on even with the distance.''

Several hours went on, but nothing happened. Still, the boy stayed determined. He tightened his cloak around him and burried his nose into the soft fur, keeping him safe from the bitting cold, keeping his tireless eyes to the sky.

This wasn't the first time he went there, watching the sky, and it surely wasn't going to be the last one. He coud spend hours like this without getting tired. One time, he stayed until the first light of dawn before quickly going back to his bed.

But this night, it was really cold. Winter was coming, the temperature were decreasing day by day, night by night. He could feel it, his cloak wasn't warm enough. His kness started to shake and his teeth to chatter. He wondered how much time he could hold on like this, there was no way he would go back home get another fur.

This would be the exact time a dragon would choose to fly over the isle.

Every full moon night, for years, Nuffink was leaving the village to the west cliffs, watching the sky in case he could get a sight of a dragon. Every full moon night, he was hoping to see one, just to make sure they really were out there, and to know they were coming back with them.

But every night, he was seeing nothing. Sometimes he happened to see something, but it was never a dragon.

The cold was nipping his nose and ears, the bitting cold air seeping into his clothes, irritating his throat. But he stayed.

''Once, our parents took us, my sister and I, to the entry of the dragon world. I was too young to recall it, I was only five. Zephyr was eight, but she doesn't remember much either, or at least she doesn't talke about it. Daddy and mommy told us often what happened there, how we flew on the dragons back, but I'd really like to remember it. So I can be sure it's more that that : stories.''

Cold and tiredness was slowly mixing and seeping into the boy's mind, his eyes slowly closing. When his head suddenly fell forward, he woke up jumping and instantly lift his head back up to the sky. He sniffed, wiped his nose on his sleeve and blinked a couple times to wake up properly,

He never counted how much he spent there, he never knew how many hours went by, all he could see was the mouvement of the stars in the sky, and the non-existent dragon.

He sniffed again and started to pout, knowing he would go back home empty handed this time too. He really hoped he wouldn't, so he prayed all the gods he knew.

And the gods heard him.

All of a sudden, Nuffink saw something. First, he thought it was just a bat, but this bat has a strange color, as if it was white. Bats weren't supposed to be white, right ? They were grey, weren't they ?

And this one was pretty fast... and moved in a strange way ?

Understanding his wishes were granted, the blondie forgot the cold and sunk into enthusiasm and pure joy. He hopped on his feet and quickly grabbed a telescope he 'borrowed' from his father.

Moonlight was not bright enough for him to see this form in details, but he still could tell it was definitively not a bat.

Four legs, four wings too, a long and slender body and neck, really long and thin tail, horns along the back... It was a dragon ! It was a dragon !

Nuffink tried to look closer, pushing his eye against the glass, but he could see better than that.

This dragon far far away, but it seemed pretty tall, gigantic even. The horns on his head and back were glowing, sparkeling, occulting its shape and making it difficult for Nuffink to identify the beast.

It was white, it was uge, but what kind of dragon was that ? Nuffink knew a lot about dragons thanks to all the stories and lessons he had about it, but this one... He knew nothing about it.

The most noticeable thing about it was its four wings. They seemed even larger than it, and the way he moved them made it quite ethereal : how could it fly with so many wings without being emcumbered ? Actually, that seemed to make it even faster.

Nuffink had some troubles to follow it, he almost lost it when a blue light suddenly flashed through the sky, startling him. He fell backwards, butt on the grass, letting go of the telescope and trying to understand what just happened.

He didn't bother to pick up the glass object, he just looked at the sky, trying to see the dragon again, but not to avail. His smile disppeared when he couldn't find the white figure. It seemed to have just... disappear ? How ?

He panicked and got a hold of the telescope, looking through it to see better... or trying to. The glass was broken when it has fallen, blocking out the vision.

The nervous boy searched for a couple minutes, but he couldn't find the dragon again. He could have been saddened by that, but actually, he was quite exhilarated. He just saw a dragon ! He really did saw a dragon !

Endless joy and proud sank into his core, his face enlightening with the purest and brightest smile he could show. His heart pundered loudly in his tiny chest, his gesture becoming nervous and quick. He just couldn't keep this to himself, he needed to share this with his family.

He shouted in pure happiness, throwing his arms in mid-air, and run back to the village, yelling his discovery at the top of his lungs.

He totally forgot what time of the time it was, and the fact that people were sleeping. He kept on yelling, louder and lourder, drawing lights in the houses on his path, until he reached his own.

Some voices followed him, groaning about the time, calling him anoying or just asking for him to quiet down.

When the boy finally reached his house, his parents were standing at the door, his big sister just behind them. All were still in night clothes with shaggy hair. His parents seemed worried and in a hurry, as if they were about to chase something threatening their child.

''Nuffink !'' His mom yelled while running to him and wrapping her arms around his small and tiny self.

She squeezed him with relief he was safe and unharmed but the boy couldn't calm down.

''Mom, I saw a dragon ! I saw-''

''Where where you ?!'' She groaled and release him with a glare that could scare a bear, keeping her hands on his shoulders.

He didn't like seeing her like this, her anger was always more of a wrath. He tried to answer but she cutted him out to scold him.

''I told you not to leave the house during night, especially without inform us ! What if you were hurt ? And where have you been ?!''

''I went to the cliffs'' He told her with a really shy voice. ''I wanted to see if I could see a dragon, and I saw one !''

''Oh, sweety...''

She breathed out and hugged him again, her voices softer, only filled with relief. She hugged him and let her hand stroke his hair.

''You know dragons went to Drakanheim. They have no reason to leave it, and would certainely not go near an inhabited island. ''

''But I saw one !''

He pushed against his mother's shoulders to free himself from her embrace, his brows furrowed and his little face scrunched in frustration.

''He was huge and- and white ! He had sparkling horns and his tail was a long as his whole body ! And... and four wings !''

''Snow white with four wings ?'' A voice smirked within the crowd.

Nuffink looked behind him to see a whole gathering in the middle of the street. He tensed up with guilt seeing he has woken up that much people. A lot of them seems angry, sleepy, especially the Jorgenson family. Spitelout was crossing his arms, frowning his bushy grey brows while groaning.

''Never heard of a dragon like that. Stop joking around, kiddo.''

''Is this really why he made that much noise ?'' A women grouched.

Other people started to complain, making the little boy even more guilty and uncomfortable. He was sensitive and tired, making him shed some tears. Astrid, his mother, put him behind her and made herself ready to take his defense, but her husband was faster than her. Raising his arms to the crowd, he spoke calmly.

''Guys, calm down please. We should all go back to bed, we'll find an explanation tomorrow. Sorry for the disturbance, good night to all.''

Some complainings persisted but, eventually, everyone went back to their house. The chief family did the same, letting the fire warm Nuffink up. They all gathered and sit across the fire.

''But I did saw one...'' Nuffink cried, trying to wipe his tears and snot into his sleeves.

Astrid tried to comfort him, but she couldn't believe a dragon would venture that far away from the hidden world. Hiccup joined them, sitting next to his daughter, who just didn't know what to do nor think.

Being a pre-teen, she had the urge to make fun of her brother, but at the same time she couldn't bare see him cry like this.

''You must have mistaken the dragon with a bird, or something.'' Astrid assured.

''No ! It was a dragon !''

Since Astrid's way didn't seem to work, Hiccup tried something else. He patted his son's head, wainting to meet his reddened and tearfull eyes, before smiling.

''Okay, it was a dragon.'' He told.

''Really ? You believe me, dad ?''

''Yes, I do. But I doubt he would come back around anytime soon, you really were lucky to see him.''

The smile now creeping on the boy face warmed the heart of his family, no doubt he was doing better now.

''However, as you know it, the world isn't safe for dragons. So it would be better if we keep this for ourselves. Do you understand ? To protect them.''

''To protect them !'' The boy repeated, smiling and lifting his fists as if he was going to fight.

This gesture reassured and amused his family. Hiccup came closer and kiss his forehead, then Astrid and him took their children to imbed them. Zephyr was too grown up for that but she didn't say anything since it was obvious her brother needed it.

Once the light was blown out and the parents back to their own room, the girl got up and made her way to her brother's bed. He was already fast asleep, but she knew sleeping alone would only make him have some nightmares about this dragon.

Downstairs, in their room, the royal couple went to bed too but couldn't sleep.

''Do you really believe he saw a dragon ?'' Astrid asked, concenr in her voice.

''I don't know. I don't think so, but I won't take any risk. If a dragon ventured that far away from Drakanheim, something must have happened. I should go there tomorrow, to make sure everything's fine.''

''I'll go with you. Plus, I miss Stormfly.''

They smiled at each other, then kissed before blowing out the candle. They snuggled into each other's arms, but still coudln't sleep.

After a long silence, Astrid spoke again.

''Do you think we should take the children with us ?''

''I think Nuffink is already confused enough. Maybe we should stop tell Zephyr and him all these stories and instead help them focus on the village's life.''

''Maybe, yes. We spent wonderful years with the dragons, but now we are by ourselves. It's like waking up after a dream. But we have to get up and go on living.''

After that, Astrid finally fall asleep, but not Hiccup. The words were replaying into his head, reminding him of how tough it was to move on from the dragons. Eventually, he made it since he wasn't alone. He had Astrid, their friends, and the clan. And he knew the dragons were together, too. They were living in peace in Drakanheim.

However, a whole new anxiety had just woken up inside of him : what if something did happened at Drakanheim ? What if the dragons were in danger ?

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