Dee furrowed her eyebrows and plopped down on the bleachers. "Man, I didn't know it was this serious," she murmured as she watched teachers scurrying around with lists.
"Students, please refrain from leaving the gym or getting near the doors, we have just been informed that there is a tornado warning," a teacher spoke through a megaphone.
Dee pulled out her phone and sighed when she saw it had no signal. "Great," she murmured.
I held the urge to laugh at her behavior and shook my head. "This sucks," I murmured.
"Can I talk to you in private?"
Dee and I turned around only to find Lacey standing next to us, wearing her blue and white cheerleading uniform.
"Yeah. . ." I trailed off and shrugged when Dee gave me a questioning look.
I followed Lacey to the corner of the gym and raised my eyebrows.
"You knew I liked him," she murmured accusingly as her eyes narrowed into small slits.
Bitch, what the fuck?
"You mean Mason?" I inquired and stepped back when she poked me with her manicured finger.
"Yes, you dumb bitch, Mason!" Lacey hissed, "you went in the closet with him even though you knew I liked him!"
I was fucking shook.
My eyes widened in disbelief at the once sweet girl who was know looking at me in pure hatred.
It had been a little more than a week and she was barely confronting me about it?
"Nothing happened," I clarified, raising my hands up in surrender.
You know, I just touched his dick then showered with him. No, biggie.
"Sure nothing happened," she scoffed, "I want you to stay away from him."
At the moment, that wouldn't be a big problem. I had been avoiding him ever since the. . . situation that happened in my shower.
But my stubborn ass wouldn't take it from her.
"You're like 90 pounds. What are you going to do? Beat me up?"
Lacey was a small redhead, she was usually the girl on top of the pyramid since she was so light. I was way bigger than her, about 20 pounds above her, there was no way she could beat me up, right?
"Watch your back," Lacey said before turning on the balls of her feet.
Who was I kidding, she was going to cheer kick me into another dimension.
I turned around and almost let out a scream when I bumped into Mason.
"Fuck, dude, I should give you a bell," I hissed and put my hand in my chest in a sad attempt to slow down my heart beat.
"You're avoiding me," was all he said.
"Hey, Morgan, how are you doing?" I mocked in the deepest voice I could muster, hoping he would crack a smile.
I sighed when his expression didn't change. Typical Mason.
"I thought that you wanted me to leave you alone," I stated and crossed my arms.
Who understood this guy?
"That was before you took a good look at my balls and didn't call back the next day," he murmured, humor lacing his tone, but his expression stayed the same.
My face dropped and my eyes widened. "I thought you didn't remember. . ."
There was a silence before Mason raised his eyebrows. "I was joking, fuckface. Jeez, what the fuck happened last night?"
Oh, fuck.
"Nothing!" I said hurriedly and shook my head, "I was joking too!" I laughed nervously and scratched the back of my neck, hoping he'd take the bate.
He didn't.
"You're a horrible liar," he suggested. His eyes suddenly widened and the color drained from his face.
"We didn't. . ." He trailed off and made a gesture between us.
"No, we didn't, nothing happened," I lied and licked my lips, remembering how he had told me he had ever been with one girl.
"The corner of your mouth fidgets," he mentioned abruptly, as if I would know what the fuck he was going on about.
"When you lie, you start nodding and the corner of your mouth fidgets. That's how I know you're lying."
Observant fuck.
"So why don't you make it easier on the both of us and tell me the truth?" He gestured for me to continue.
I took in a deep breath and let everything out. "I'm- uh— avoidingyoubecauseIsawyourdickinthe—"
"Wait, you what?"
"Students! Stay away from the doors!" I heard a teacher exclaim.
"Fuck off," Mason growled as he flicked his wrist dismissively at her, "what were you saying?"
"Excuse me?" The teacher shrieked in horror and started making her way towards us.
My eyes widened and my hands started to shake, not knowing what to do.
"Did I s—"
Before Mason could finish the sentence, the lights gave out and screams filled the gym.
I took his hand and pulled him into the other direction, praying that the teacher hadn't seen our face.
"Fuck, Morgan, wait," Mason growled as he struggled to catch up from me.
I felt my foot get caught in something and I fell, bringing Mason along with me.
I turned my body upwards, in hopes of saving my face from smashing into the floor, only to have Mason land right on top of me.
Mason had somehow managed to fly a bit farther than me, which had caused his crotch to land right on- you guessed it- my fucking face.
Yeah, add that to the list of awkward things that has ever happened to me.
"Fuck," Mason groaned in pain as he rolled off me.
I, on the other hand, just laid there.
Someone up there hated the living shit out of me.
The lights turned on suddenly and everyone cheered, but I didn't dare move a muscle.
"Come on, get up," Mason murmured in a strained voice from my side while I watched him hold his crotch.
I stood up without saying a word and almost screamed out in desperation.
It couldn't have been anything else, it had to be his dick that smashed right into my face.
His dick had it against me.
"Agree to never talk about this again?" He said as he limped, earning a few questioning glances from some students.
Author's Note
Morgan really has bad luck
This chapter was inspired because there is a literal tornado warning in my area and everything is flooded! I was going to make their faces smash but I thought the latter would be funnier
Leave me a fucking comment because I am very, very lonely
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