1: Don't punch him in the face

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Guyss! There is a prologue! For some reason when you click on the story it doesn't take you to the first part, but just so y'all know😘


Dee raised her dark eyebrow at me and shook her head. "Girl, I knew you had a few screws missing when I met you, but I didn't know that it was this bad."

"I'm serious, Dee," I hissed as I fiddled with the food on my plate, "he was in my room."

Dee scoffed and turned to look at Mason, who was sitting alone with his head down.

"You want me to believe that that hot piece of ass was sitting in your room last night?"

I nodded and took the note from my pocket with messy handwriting sprawled all over it. "I don't know when he left but look."

Thanks, Maddy- M.

"Who the fuck is Maddy?" Dee questioned as she took the paper in her hands, "and why the fuck does he have such messy handwriting."

"I don't know, Dee. That doesn't matter," I groaned as I threw my hands up for effect.

Dee shook her head and set the paper down, grabbing onto my hand, she smiled at me apathetically.

"Honey. . ." She trailed off, "I know your titties are all riled up, but there's no need to make stories up. There is no way Mason fucking Hunter was in your room last night because he was too busy getting it on at Richard's party."

I ripped my hand away from her and stood up. "I'll prove it."

Before Dee could utter another word, I darted towards Mason's table and sat next to him.

I could feel eyes staring at me. Not everyone had the fucking balls to approach Mason when he was in a shitty mood.

"M-Mason," I said shakily then cleared my throat and said in a more confident tone: "Mason."

His head shot up, revealing a pair of sunglasses. He probably had a bad hangover. Judging by his physique: messy hair, clenched jaw, and bruised knuckles, I could tell he wasn't having a great day and I wasn't making it any better.

"You left your jacket at my house."

I expected him to smile at me after last night but he snarled. "Who the fuck are you?"

I looked at him in disbelief and felt anger course through my veins, wishing I had kicked him to the streets last night.

The fucking audacity of this fucker!


He sighed. "Look, if I fucked you last night, don't get the wrong idea, I fuck everyone. It doesn't mean we're dating."

My mouth fell open and I searched for the right words to say. What did you say to that?

Oh, yeah, no biggie.

"No, you didn't. . . You don't remember anything?"

He lowered his sunglasses and narrowed his eyes. "If I remembered, I wouldn't still be here playing fucking charades with you."

"I have your jacket," I hissed through gritted teeth as I clenched my fist.

This boy made my blood boil.

"Do you have it right now?"

I shook my head and he rolled his eyes, pushing his sunglasses on the bridge of his nose. "Then stop wasting my fucking time."

Before I could register what I was doing, my hand flew past me and straight to his face.

The cafeteria grew quiet as I drew my aching hand back. His sun glasses had flown off his face and he slowly turned towards me, his golden eyes bore into my dull brown ones.

"Run, bitch, run!" I heard Dee curse from the other side of the cafeteria.

Mason had never hit a girl, but he also had never been assaulted by one, so who knows how he would react.

His face neared mine until it was a few centimeters away. His eyes flashed with anger, but his lips quirked up to a smile. "Get the fuck out of my face."

Shit, don't need to tell me twice.

I lurched up at his words and stumbled to run the other direction.

He was going to fucking assassinate me, fuck me. I was too young. There were so many thing that I needed to do like— okay, not any I could think of right now but I'm pretty sure I had a bright future ahead of me. . . maybe not but I still wanted to live!

I sat back down with Dee and watched as he put his head back down.

"Girl, you're in some shit," Dee shook her head.

"I know."

I sprang up at the sound of my window clicking shut and searched frantically for the cause of the sound.

My blood ran cold when I caught sight of Mason, sitting on my window sill with a cigarette in his hand.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, I needed to call the cops, I needed to scream for help, I needed-

"You should really lock your windows, Maddy, I'm sure you don't want a psychopath breaking into your house."

My parents weren't even in the house! They went to go see a movie, who the fuck was going to hear my screams? My brain searched for endless escape routes.

Maybe if I just jumped out the window. . .

Mason stood up and kneeled next to my bed, he reeked of cigarettes, soap, and alcohol.

"Don't hurt me, please," I murmured as I inched away from him, "I'm sorry I hit you, I didn't mean to—"

"I'm not going to hurt you, Maddy," he smirked as he put out his cancer stick on my nightstand, "not physically anyway."

Phew! Wait, what?

I turned to look at my alarm clock and winced at the time. 11PM.

"Then why are you here?"

He smirked boyishly and inched his face closer. My heart sped up as he halted dangerously close to my face, our noses were touching.

I instinctively closed my eyes, waiting for him to close the space.

Then he was gone.

"I was here to get my jacket," he stated as he took the leather jacket from the chair positioned next to my desk.

I stared at him dumbfounded, no doubt my cheeks were flushed. Had I really closed my eyes? What kind of fucking idiot am I?

I heard my window open again. "And Maddy, please lock your fucking window."

I stared at him as he began to climb out of the window gracefully, as if he had done it many times before.

"My name's Morgan, asshole."

Author's Note

Yaaay! Did you like? I hope y'all have read up to this point!

Please leave a fucking comment because I am very, very lonely.

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