Dialogue For Characters

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    This one I can sorta kinda forgive but not really. In my book, messing something up with character dialogue is inexcusable! We start learning about how to use dialogue in elementary school! And we keep using it ALL THROUGH MIDDLE SCHOOL AND HIGH SCHOOL!!!!!!! ARE PEOPLE SO FORGETFUL OF SOMETHING THEY HAVE BEEN LECTURED ABOUT FOR MOST OF THEIR ACADEMIC CAREER?! APPARENTLY SO!!!! I mean, honestly! You wouldn't believe the confusion I've had reading some stories because ether FORGOT TO ADD SOME FUCKING QUOTATION MARKS OR THEY MAKE THE DIALOGUE LOOKS LIKE THE CHARACTERS ARE TEXTING EACH OTHER AND NOT TALKING FACE TO FACE!!!!!! YOU CAN NEVER TELL WHICH IS DIALOGUE AND WHAT ISN'T!!!!! Anyways, moving on. If you honestly don't know how to do dialogue, either google it or pay attention in Language class. Ether works wonders. Dialogue is an important tool for writing a story. It helps move a story's plot and it reveals what one character is thinking of another character. Dialogue also helps move a relationship between characters. Words are the most important tool you can use while writing a story and it helps if you know how to properly word a dialogue and how to use quotation marks correctly. 

How to properly write a dialogue

"Hey, Chris! Do you have the book I asked for?" asked Henry.

"Yeah let me go grab it!" replied Chris.

How to not write a dialogue

Michelle: I need advice

Levi: Ok, ask away

Michelle: *sigh* How do I ask the boy I like out?

Levi: *shocked look* I honestly don't know

Michelle: *face falls* Oh. Well thanks anyway

(I have seen people write dialogue like this so many fucking times it's not even funny)

Edit: 11/20/17 Just doing maintenance.

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