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Priya stared at Ruhi.

Ruhi stared back.

They were standing at the entrance of Priya's apartment for a minute now, just staring at each other.

Priya didn't think Ruhi would come, but then again, she didn't think she'd end up calling Ruhi when she'd picked up the phone to call Dhruv.

Priya was in her pajama set, face blotched with dried snot and tears and overall, she looked ridiculous. Just the thought of losing her control in front of Ruhi for the second time in a week was enough to bring a fresh wave of tears.

Ruhi looked horrified for a second as Priya started crying again, but then suddenly she was being coaxed into Ruhi's arms, head pressed against the other's neck.

And as much as she wanted to push Ruhi away, to not make a fool out of herself again, she couldn't deny the warmth that filled her when Ruhi starting walking towards the living room, all the while keeping Priya wrapped in her arms, murmuring reassurances. It'd been a while since she'd felt such care and comfort and she let herself be greedy for it, holding Ruhi as if her life depended on it.

Ruhi sat down on the couch, automatically making Priya straddle her. Priya would've blushed at the compromising position had she been in her right mind, but for now she focused on the warmth and the cherry blossom smell Ruhi emitted.

It took her about half an hour to cool down enough to make coherent sentences without crying again. When she did though, instead of thanking Ruhi, all she could let out was a weak, "I'm hungry", which she mentally slapped herself for when Ruhi started cooing.

Ruhi laid her down on the couch and went to the kitchen to see what she could make. Priya had protested a lot, because she was the chef and Ruhi was the customer, so she shouldn't have to make anything for her, but Ruhi had just shushed her quietly.

"Don't worry, baby. You can make something for me when you feel like yourself again, hm?"

Priya had begrudgingly agreed, all the while trying not to swoon at the endearment.


She had (of course) heard the nickname slip when Ruhi was on phone, but she thought that was all it was. A slip. But hearing Ruhi say it so casually now, when she knew Priya was coherent enough to understand, made her way giddier than it had to.


Stop it, you butterflies!

Priya, after twenty minutes or so, was tired of just lying on the couch. She decided to venture towards the kitchen, to check if Ruhi had set it on fire yet or not.

What she'd been expecting to find in the kitchen, she didn't know but it was certainly not this.

"Oh my god! What do you think you are doing?" Priya exclaimed. Ruhi, who was in the middle of adding refined sugar in what looked like a mix for making Maggi, dropped whatever she'd been holding (including the sugar) and turned around to face Priya, hands in a surrender position.

"It's not what it looks like, I swear!" She said frantically. "I just called spurt and he said the best thing to make now would be Maggi. And trust me I know how to make Maggi, I wasn't joking earlier when I said I know how to cook! It's just that there were so many ingredients more in your kitchen than mine, I mean obviously there were. But I got confused and I didn't want to call you and disturb you and―did you know that Maggi isn't actually prepared in two minutes like the ad says? Because I've been here for almost half an hour now and I still can't make it―"

Priya laughed.

It wasn't a simple chuckle or a yeah-you're-funny giggle.

It was a full blown, knee-slapping, throwing-your-head-back laugh. Priya laughed so hard, she started wheezing in the middle of it.

She wanted to stop, really for she didn't wish to die in front of Ruhi because of asphyxiation from laughing too hard, but Priya couldn't remember the last time she had laughed so hard. Probably months ago, before all the drama with Ms. Meena had begun.

And so, she became greedy again, laughing as though it was the last time she'd laugh. Even when the laugh turned into a pathetic attempt of hiding her pain.

Ruhi, who had a dumbfounded expression when Priya started laughing abruptly, which quickly changed to a fond smile the more she laughed, had a concerned expression when tears (not the good kind) started coming out of Priya's eyes.

She wordlessly hugged Priya, didn't say anything when she started full on crying again and Priya appreciated it.

Ever since she had called the other, Ruhi had never once asked what it was that made her this upset. She didn't demand any answers and for Priya, this felt like a breath of fresh air. Finally someone in her life wanted to go with the pace she had set.

Calming herself had been easier this time, probably because of the realization. When she looked up to thank Ruhi for everything, something in the other's expression made her heart clench.

"I won't ask what happened Priya for I respect your boundaries. But just know, whatever it is, you're not alone in it, okay? I'm always here for you. Always." Ruhi said solemnly, wiping a stray tear from Priya's cheek.

Priya knew she'd cry again if she opened her mouth because Ruhi was just so sweet and so understanding. But she didn't want to worry the other again, so she just nodded in acknowledgement, when something else caught her eye.

"Oh my god, move!" She exclaimed, rushing past Ruhi to turn the stove off, which Ruhi had left on while she was talking to Priya. The entire Maggi mix had turned black, completely burnt.

Priya turned around to glare at Ruhi because not only was she still terribly hungry (even more after another episode) but now she also had a big stain to remove from the pot Ruhi had used. (Needless to say, she wasn't a big fan doing dishes. She chose cooking for a reason.)

But Ruhi was wearing a sheepish expression, which turned into a fit of tiny chuckles to a full-blown laugh when she saw Priya's glare.

Priya felt her lips twitch and soon she started laughing too. (It wasn't her fault the other had a contagious laugh.)

This time, she didn't focus on the negative and let herself be free of thoughts and just laugh. This time the tears were the good ones, the ones that made Ruhi a bit proud of herself (or at least that's what Priya thought she saw).

After their laughter dissolved to soft smiles, Ruhi spoke up.

"Priya, what do you think about arcades?"

"I―Why're you asking?" Priya asked, eyes narrowed playfully at the determined glint Ruhi's eyes held.

"Just answer the question."

"Fine, I like arcades. Though it's been a while since I've been to one."

Ruhi grinned at that. "Perfect, then let's go to one, now."

"Now? But I'm hungry!" Priya whined.

"I know." Ruhi cooed. "That's why we'll go there, eat something good first and then play games!"

"I don't know....." Priya was all in for this the moment Ruhi said arcade but watching Ruhi squirm and try her best to convince Priya was too good to be missed.

"Please. Pretty please. Pretty pretty please." Ruhi pleaded, her puppy dog eyes turned on to full force. "Pretty please with a cherry on th―"

"Okay, okay, geez." Priya giggled. "Never thought you'd be such a pushover, Ruhi."

"Only for you, baby. Only for you."

Don't blush don't blush don't blush don't blu

"So can we go?"

Priya realized, in that moment, that even though she'd met the other only a week ago,―no, we don't talk about the stalking era―she still felt comfortable enough to let Ruhi see her at her most vulnerable moments. She wondered if she was finally going insane after months of distress or it was just the Ruhi Effect.

Whatever it was, Priya knew she didn't mind it at all.

"Sure, it's a date."

Hey!!! *inhales deeply* IT'S A FUCKING DATE!!!!!!!!!! *objects falling, unbearable screaming noises* *utter chaos* 

Listen *sigh* Priya has some real deep shit going on and I don't feel comfortable in sharing that just now okay? It's been max a week since they've met and you can't honestly expect me to go into detail just now, right? Let them bond some more and I swear the wait will be worth it!!! 😊😊

See you next Sunday! xx

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love, lavanya <3

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