"Millicent? Millicent, you had better come downstairs this instant!" Her father shouted through her bedroom door, knocking loudly. When she didn't answer, she could heard him lean against the wood and whisper. "At least allow me to explain."
Millicent huffed and uncrossed her arms. She creaked open her door, allowing her father entrance. He wrung his hands nervously. Millicent scowled. "Well? You promised to sue him, or worse, if he ever came back here. What happened to that?!"
"Honey...sweetheart..." He cleared his throat. "I'm running out on money, the business isn't going well and...Andrew could help us."
"He abused me! Doesn't that mean anything to you?!" Millicent nearly shouted.
"Millie, he's sorry for what he did."
"Is he really, father? Because I don't think he is." She said, tears running down her face. She hugged her father. "He wanted to kill you. My father..."
"It was an empty threat." Her father wiped her cheeks with his thumb and smiled. "He was angry. Give him a chance."
"I can't."
She could see the disappoint in her father's face, but she could understand why. How was he so accepting of letting Andrew back into their lives? The Duke was a despicable man with a cold heart. She could never trust him again.
Her father patted her hand. "I'm sure you will warm up to him again. Give it time."
Millicent felt sick to her stomach, but she managed a small nod. She removed her bonnet carefully and smiled tightly. "I think I will stay home tonight."
"You are sure?"
Millicent sat down on the edge of her bed. "Yes, of course. I feel tired, all of the sudden."
Her father gave her a look, one she couldn't comprehend, before closing the door. Millicent let out a big sigh. She ran her fingers through her hair, messing up her dark curls. Why was life so complicated? She couldn't marry one man because he was despicable and cruel and the other man she couldn't marry because he didn't want someone like her. Her heart was tearing up into little pieces, and she could only watch them flutter down around her.
Copyright © 2016 by Rosanna Parker
All Rights Reserved
Another short chapter, sorry! I'm trying to warm up and get into the story. I'm not really sure where this is going so bare with me. Remember to vote and/or comment! Thanks!
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