The Second Encounter

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Jake decided to go meets Dan, he already put tracking device on both of Dan's phone. Jake is worrying about Lilly, he knows that Lilly might have feelings to Dan, so he had to makes sure whether Dan the one killed them or not.
Jake arrive at the Hut, he sees no one there, little that he knows Dan is inside the Hut, he hears sounds of the car, he prepared in front of the dor with loaded gun.
Jake is trying to open the front door, once its open, Dan pointed gun at him.
"Damn you Jake, I almosy pulled the trigger." Dan put down his gun and let Jake in and close the door.
Jake grab Dan's collar, pushed him to the wall, took Dan's gun and said, "How dare you!!" And he punches Dan few times in the face. Making bloods come from Dan's nose and lips.
He fell down, and then Jake kick his stomach 3 times, "aaarghh... Ja.. Jake... please stop... please." Dan begged Jake to stop.
Jake stop kicking Dan and he step back. " Did you killed Phil and Cleo?!!"
Dan tries to sits and hold his stomach, "Jake.. I... I didn't do it... he.. set me up..."
"Don't play with me Dan,  the police found a gun in your place, and it matches with the one killed them." Jake yell at Dan furiously.
Dan answer, "You have my gun there... you can shot me if you want.!"
Jake pointed the gun at Dan, "You do know I will pull this trigger if you did killed them."
"Jake.. it was a set up... when I got home from Lilly's the gun is there.. he put it there." Dan tries to explain to Jake what happen at that time.
Jake is getting closer to Dan, put the gun right next to Dan's left eye, Dan says, "I swear to God, Jake I didn't do it."
"Good, you didn't close your eyes, now I know that you're saying the truth." Jake put the gun down and gives it do Dan.

Jake goes to the chair, sits, and called Lilly, "Lilly, if you want you can go to Richy's hut. Dan is here."
Jake hears Lilly cries, "Jake... okay, wait for me there."
"And Lilly, please becareful, watch your back, don't let police or anyone follows you."
"I will Jake."
As he cuts the call, Lilly grab her car keys. Go downstairs, left the apartement and go to her car start the engines and goes.
After 45 minutes driving, Lilly arrive at the Hut, she parked her car next to Jake, gets out of the car, runs to the front door.
Lilly knocks on the door, then Jake opens it. "Come on in Lilly"
Lilly enters the hut, and sees Dan sits on the floor near the stairs, with blood all over his shirts. She runs to him, and hugs him.
Dan is surprised, and he hugs Lilly back, "I'm okay Lilly, don't worry."
Lilly cries on his shoulder, "Dan.. don't do this to me.. I don't want to loose you.. I.. I love you Dan.."
Dan holds Lilly's head, "Lilly.... I love you too." And he kiss Lilly on her lips.
Lilly hels Dan to stand up and goes to the living room, they all sit there, Jake, Dan and Lilly.
Jake asked Lilly, "Lilly, nobody follows you from your apartement?"
Lilly nodded her head.
"Are you sure?" Jake asked again.
"Yes I'm sure Jake, noone sees me ho here.!" Lilly answer Jake. And then suddenly they hear a knocks on the door.

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