Night was falling as the green and white truck glided through the unfamiliar streets of Berserk. The twins drove on without a care in the world while Hiccup and Astrid shared a worried look: the last thing they wanted was getting involved in a vendetta between the twins-who were crazy-and Dagur, who sounded very dangerous. Hiccup felt a definite surge of alarm because he knew a little more about Mayor Oswald and his son from his father...and he knew they were a very unforgiving pair of opponents.
As the truck sped round a corner, the passengers stared up at a huge billboard showing the massive figure of a man with a neat goatee and short greying carrot hair, his pale green eyes kindly...while at his side was a very buff man in his mid twenties, with the similar pale green eyes and cropped carrot hair. The younger man had three car marks tattooed over his left eye and cheek in woad blue. The banner headline read "MAYOR OSWALD-STABILITY AND PROSPERITY FOR BERSERK".
"That makes me feel...bleurgh..." Astrid commented. There were other billboards now they looked, all showing Oswald's picture and bearing similar slogans.
"Classic cult of personality," Fishlegs announced. "Used most commonly in fascist and communist dictatorships..."
"Say what?" Snotlout exclaimed, his eyes bugging out.
"Oswald has been Mayor of Berserk for over thirty years," Hiccup murmured. "No one ever stands against him...well, a guy named Knut did about twenty years ago...but he vanished and all they found was his big toe..." Everyone stared at him. "Dad works in local government, remember?"
"So his son is in charge of the trucking company you want to get back the town where his Dad is basically Odin Allfather..." Snotlout mused aloud. "I'm out..."
"Okay-we'll pull over and you can get out and ask if anyone else will take you to Berk," Astrid snapped. Snotlout paled.
"You can't do that!" he protested. "Tuff!"
"I have to agree with Astrid," the male twin said seriously. "This is a whole-gang mission..."
"So what about him?" Snotlout protested, pointing at Hiccup.
"Hey-he knew about the big toe! He's in!" Ruff exclaimed. "And he is hot hot hot!"
Snotlout's scowl make Hiccup groan audibly.
"Mine," Astrid growled. "Ruff-we talked about this, remember?"
"But he looks so good in leather..."
And the weirdness continues, Hiccup sighed. Aloud he said: "Guys, you're not going to put Dagur out of business by driving to his lot and unhooking a couple of brake cables..." There was a stiff pause and the twins both looked at him.
"You're joking!" Tuff snapped.
"How did you know our super-secret masterplan anyway?" Ruff said suspiciously "Did Miss flappy-mouth tell you?"
" are about to die if you call me Miss Flappy-Mouth!" Astrid growled.
"LOOK AT THE ROAD!" Fishlegs squeaked. Tuff grabbed the wheel and wrenched the truck away from the wall it was heading for. Reluctantly, they pulled over and the twins sighed.
"So what're we going to do?" Ruff asked. "We Thorston-swore that we would make him pay for trying to kill us..." Hiccup paused and his eyes narrowed.
"So he undercuts other competitors and runs opposition out of business?" he asked. Tuff sighed and nodded.
"We only got the Berk Lumber contract because of the Snotdude," he admitted. "And almost every trucking company across the Archipelago is ruined by Dagur..." The auburn-haired man frowned, his fingers tapping unconsciously on his left knee. His emerald gaze flicked to the husky man by his side.
"Fish...I think you and I should take Meatlug for a walk," he suggested. The accountant whimpered.
"I don't think she needs much exercise now..." he protested.
"She looks full of beans to me," Hiccup said firmly, staring at the sleeping bulldog. "Meanwhile, I think Astrid and Ruff can go and have a chat to some see how much security Dagur has around his lot." Astrid and the female twin nodded and clambered down as Hiccup forced Fishlegs to exit the truck. Grumbling, the husky man fastened his coat as Hiccup zipped up his Biker jacket and checked his phone for the location of Berserker Haulage. Then he set determinedly off down the street, Fishlegs muttering darkly behind him. He could see the brilliantly lit lot with the fences high and topped by ferocious razor wire. A dozen trucks were all lined up, painted in the black and red livery of the company.
"That looks very well protected," Fishlegs noted, watching Meatlug urinate on one of the fences. Immediately, a buff guy with a mean face and tattoos all over his very muscular arms ran forward.
"Hey-get that stupid mutt off Mr Oswaldson's property!" he snarled. Fishlegs's brows dipped in a frown.
"She's not doing any harm!" he said more strongly. The man leered, revealing gold-capped teeth.
"She is if I say she is," he sneered. "And if she is, I'll break something..." Hiccup stared at him and gently pulled the big man away. They walked slowly down the sidewalk, thinking.
"Okay, I agree. He needs to be stopped," Fishlegs said in a low voice. "He employs some really mean men." Hiccup cast a glance at the compound.
"Men like that are greedy and cruel," he murmured. "They think they have everything under their they get careless. Sabotaging a couple of sets of brakes won't stop's gonna take something more serious to take him down..."
"Maybe we should just let the twins blow up as much as they want," Fishlegs suggested.
"Or we should try something that doesn't involve blowing anything up," Hiccup replied, his eyes narrowed. "Fishlegs...I want you to look anther accounts. If there is something we can do to put them out of would probably help everyone..."
"Me? How?" Hiccup clapped him on the shoulder.
"An accountant will see what others cannot," he said cheerfully. "I think you..."
The buzzing of a badly tuned bike suddenly closed on them and Hiccup shoved Fishlegs aside as a black-haired teen zipped by on a small motorcycle. The boy skidded to a halt by them and waved a fist.
"Watch where you're going...!" he shouted. He was a bit scruffy and had a rather sad hand-me-down helmet, his grey eyes challenging. But Hiccup just grinned.
"You're misfiring," he said, walking forward. "Mind if I...?" The boy stared, taking in the tall shape in a biker jacket. He kicked down the stand and turned the engine off. He shrugged. "What's your name, kid?"
"Gustav Larson," the boy said body. "And you?" Hiccup grinned and crouched down, peering at the engine
"Harry Hanson," he said cheerfully. "Hmm...let me see..."
"You're not from round here," Gustav commented. "Everyone knows not to mess with Dagur's goons..."
"Really?" Hiccup murmured, fiddling dextrously.
"Yeah. They catch you on their lot and they'll beat you to a pulp...happens to some poor sap every month or so just to remind people not to mess with him..." the teen continued. Hiccup nodded.
"Sounds pretty effective," he muttered. "Is he rich?" Gustav gave a shocked laugh.
"Only owns half of Berserk...drives a huge flash car or three...dresses in really sharp suits...throw hundred dollar bills around like confetti..."
"So rich and cruel...perfect," Fishlegs muttered and Hiccup gave a small smile. "I doubt he's honest." Hiccup gave a final tweak and straightened up.
"Try that," he invited and the boy turned the key...then grinned at the much smoother purr. The teen gave him a grin.
"Thanks..." he said, his face lighting with gratitude. "For outsiders, you're okay!" Then he revved the bike and zipped along the street, skidding round and racing back. Hiccup waved as he shot past and then then turned to Fishlegs.
"Come on," he said, "I have a plan."
"So you want us NOT to blow anything up?"
"Yes, Tuff...I need you, Ruff, Astrid and Snotlout to distract the goons on the perimeter while Philip and I search the office," Hiccup said. Astrid frowned: she could tell he was up to something. She and Ruff had confirmed Dagur always had four men patrolling the lot and they were very free with their fists.
"But blowing several trucks up would be really distracting!" Ruff argued, her face creased in incomprehension. Hiccup face-palmed.
"We need...a stealthy distraction..." Hiccup suggested, thinking hard. "Just enough to get the goons away from the office so we can get in without being seen but not enough to get Dagur or more men rushing in...Do you think you can do that?"
"And you will stop Dagur if we do?" Astrid asked, eyeing the auburn-haired man carefully. He gave her a small, knowing smile.
"I guarantee it," he said.
"Then we'll do it!" Tuff said, "though I'd be happier if would just blow a small something up..."
"NO BLOWING ANYTHING UP!" Hiccup growled.
"Ast-you didn't say he was a dictator!" Ruff accused her. Astrid gave a small smile.
"He's not...he's just a little...grumpy," she explained. "He just wants to get home for Snoggletog...we both do...and this isn't helping..."
"Well, babe...looks like you're with me!" Snotlout said smoothly, sliding an arm around her shoulders. Astrid stiffened.
"Snotlout-do you need two arms? Because if so, remove it NOW or I will break it off...!" she growled.
"And you're with me, Fish!" Hiccup said, once they had put Meatlug safely back in Barf'n'Belch. He watched Snotlout follow Astrid, rubbing his wrist and the twins head round the fence the other way, still squabbling between themselves..
They really haven't changed, he thought, watching them. Have I changed so much that none of them recognise me?
He saw the goons head off the intercept the teams and grabbed Fishlegs's arm and dragged him straight into the office, slamming the door and casting around urgently. The main public reception had nothing of value so they wandered through a small telephone office where it looked like admin staff booked jobs. And then they went into the main back office...the place where the whole organisation was run from...and both men stopped as they faced a whole metal bookcase of ledgers...though interestingly, they were lined up in pairs, two for each year. A whole box file of invoices was open and strewn across the desk. One of the current year's ledgers was open by the pile of invoices.
Hiccup checked that no one was around and beckoned Fishlegs closer, pointing to the invoices and ledgers.
"Think you can make anything of these, Philip?" he asked the accountant. The husky man pushed his trilby back and settled into the seat, fishing out a second ledger bearing the same year. The man's face locked in concentration and his blue gaze flicked from page to page, a finger lightly running down columns of figures...then he shook his head and tutted.
"Oh dear, this really doesn't make any sense," he murmured. Hiccup glanced around and his suspicious mind guessed that this and the other pairs of ledgers were presumably the real ones and the 'official' ones for visiting accountants and tax inspectors. As Foshlegs worked, mumbling and occasional humming, he peered around, flicking through invoices for new trucks that seemed to be paid for completely by the local council, not Berserker Haulage and frowned. Absently, he glanced into the main office and his green gaze picked out a cooling cup of coffee that he had missed on the way on:-with a jolt, he realised that there was still someone here.
"Can you hurry up?" he hissed. Fishlegs glanced up.
"I can...but you may want me to finish this," he said. "I can ensure they have a very unhappy New Year." Hiccup frowned and limped closer.
"What do you mean?" he asked. "I mean, I was hoping you would find something..." Fishlegs smiled smugly.
"Massive tax fraud and evasion,"he revealed. "I just need a couple more years' worth of taxes to build the case..." Hiccup grabbed the most recent two years worth of dual folders and the invoices for the trucks and handed them over.
"There you are," he said urgently. "Look-there's someone here...and he really won't like us being here..." Fishlegs looked up.
"But I mean we're only..."
"Trying to get their bosses jailed," Hiccup hissed. "You know...these are the same people who sabotaged the twins' truck...and Mayor Oswald is pretty much a gang boss here...if you want to leave with the same number of legs you arrived with, I suggest we leave NOW!" Fishlegs started and jumped up, grabbing the ledgers, then seeing a stationery box and packing the ledgers in, scribbling a letter on a piece of blank paper then sliding it in as well and before he taped the box shut.
"We need to get this to the tax office," he said and Hiccup nodded...then grabbed his arm.
"Not here, though," he murmured as they sneaked out of the last room and into the lot. "They would be reluctant to act against the Mayor's son..."
"Especially as the ledgers implicate the Mayor as well," Fishlegs put in.
"So the evidence would probably get lost..." Hiccup murmured, walking quickly across to the fence. "But the Visithug office would love to help convict the Berserk Mayor. They hate Berserk..."
"Everyone hates Berserk..." Fishlegs agreed. "But how are we going to get this to the office before it closes for the holidays...?" The two men paused and then looked at each other.
Hiccup grabbed the box and raced out onto the street to find-as they had hoped-the young black-haired teen driving up and down on his now much smoother-sounding motorbike. Hiccup waved him down.
"Hiya, Harry!" the boy greeted him. Hiccup grinned.
"How d'you fancy a new career? Motorcycle courier?" he suggested. The boy considered.
"What would that involve?" he asked and Hiccup gestured.
"Riding your bike all day, delivering packages..." he suggested and the boy's grey eyes shone with excitement.
"Hel, I'm in!" he said eagerly.
"And we have a first job for you," Hiccup said cheerfully, handing the box to the boy. "This needs to get to the Visithug Tax Office before it closes in forty-five minutes..." Gustav pulled his helmet on and nodded.
"No sweat," he enthused as he strapped the box to his bike.
"And they need to phone me to confirm the box has been received," Fishlegs said, scribbling his cell number on the box.
"How much will I earn?" Gustav asked. Hiccup gulped.
"Um...fifty bucks..." he began, "but there an extra hundred when we get confirmation the box has been received by Philip here..." The boy gave a huge grin.
"Done!" he shouted, revved the bike and shot off down the street. Fishlegs shook his head.
"He really needs some financial advice," he sighed. "He's gone off without the money!"Hiccup clapped him on the shoulder.
"I'm sure you can do that when you hand the cash over," he said, pulling out his wallet and handing over most of the rest of his money. "That should cover it." Fishlegs stared at him.
"Why have you paid?" he asked. "It should be the twins..." Hiccup shrugged his shoulders wearily.
"Look-all I want is to get home...and if we have sorted Dagur and his people out, then it's done and without any destruction or..."
An explosion sounded and then another. The two men shared a horrified look and snapped round to see a second truck explode. Both could see the shapes of the twins running away, whooping and cackling.
"And then that happened," Hiccup sighed. Fishlegs made to come with him but he pointed to Barf'n'Belch. "Get in the truck and stay out of this, Fish. We need you to pay Gustav and confirm the IRS have those ledgers. When we get confirmation, we know we've beaten Dagur..." The husky man nodded, his face relieved: he really wasn't designed for all this excitement. "And look after my stuff and Astrid's-okay?" Fishlegs scuttled off and Hiccup sprinted as best he could to intercept the twins...who were being chased by a trio of Dagur's men. Astrid and Snotlout were much closer and the auburn-haired man saw more men jump them. Snotlout yelled and punched a man while Astrid threw another and whacked a second over the head with tyre iron. He winced. Especially as Astrid was grabbed by a man with a mean face and a thin moustache.
Without thinking, Hiccup launched in, wrenching her free and slamming his cocked fist straight into the man's face.
"RUN!" he shouted. The twins and Snotlout didn't need telling twice as they legged it back to the truck and Astrid glanced at him but he nodded, turning to run after her...and then a man tackled him high. He rolled, kicked up with his prosthetic leg and caught his attacker somewhere really personal. The man's eyes crossed and he folded. Hiccup rolled away, scrambled to his feet and managed about three more steps after his travelling companions before he was tackled again...and this time, four men piled on top of him, pinning him helpless.
"Gotcha!" a horribly familiar voice said and a very buff, menacing-looking man in a sharp suit arrived, his carrot-coloured hair cropped short and pale green eyes feral. Three claw-marks were tattooed over his left eye and cheek, stretching as he leered at the pinioned Hiccup. "What have we here?"
"This wretched little slime has broken into the compound and blown up two of your trucks, Mister Oswaldson sir," the moustached man said, his nose still bleeding.
"Really, Savage? Are you sure your idiot mechanics just didn't mess up again?" Dagur sneered, his eyes swivelling back to Hiccup, who was being unceremoniously hauled to his feet. " I know you?"
"Just got one of those faces," Hiccup mumbled, his lip split from where one of the men had 'accidentally' elbowed him in the mouth.
"He doesn't look like he's up to any sort of carnage..." Dagur mused as the sounds of a truck revving echoed and everyone watched Barf'n'Belch accelerated away, the twins flipping a beautifully coordinated finger at the seething Dagur.
"But he was with them!" Savage protested, seeing Snotlout and Astrid gesturing through the windows as well. Hiccup's heart sank as he saw his ride swing around a corner and vanish. Dagur turned back to him and his expression was suddenly pitiless.
"You were with them?" he growled, cracking his fists. Hiccup gave a self-conscious and very nervous laugh.
"Hey," he said without much hope of being believed, "all I'm trying to to do is get home for Snoggletog!"
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