11: Epilogue- You remember my son Hiccup Haddock?

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Astrid stared at her reflection in the mirror and smiled. Snoggletog had been far better than she could have imagined and being back with her family, with two dozen welcoming and fiercely loyal Hoffersons had made her feel...normal once more. Of course, her parents, younger brother Ivar and Uncle Finn had all been incredibly supportive about her divorce and all of them had promised that she would be safe and welcome with them for as long as she wanted to stay. But she had spent the few moments during the day-long party she hadn't been bantering with her family missing a sparkling pair of emerald eyes and lopsided smile.

She checked her lipstick and flicked her golden braid over her left shoulder. She was back on the stunning blood red silk dress though she was wearing rather more modest plain black stockings and the blood red killer heels because a tiny corner of her hoped that she may see Harry somewhere as they drove through Berk to the party. She brushed her skirt down and grabbed her purse, then grabbed a shawl and raced downstairs. Her parents, Ivar and Finn all stared at her appreciatively.

"That Bryan was a brainless fool," Finn growled, eyeing her with a smile. "My favourite niece has grown up into a beautiful Valkyrie!"  Astrid blushed, dipping her head. It sounded weird when her Uncle said it...because she really wanted to hear that gentle, slightly-nasal voice that had said the words with such complete sincerity it had made her heart judder...

"We're late," Halvard Hofferson said slightly impatiently and the family dutifully filed out to the SUV, wrapped warmly. It hadn't snowed yet but was forecast for later and the family wanted to be safely at their destination by then. They with their friends the Ingermans, the Thorstons and of course, the Jorgensens were all going to Mayor Stoick Haddock's sixtieth birthday party. It was a family affair with only close friends present but Astrid and her generation were expected to attend as well. She sighed: an afternoon fending off Snotlout was coming ahead, though at least the twins and Fishlegs would be there. She guessed they had all got home safely...though she still smiled at the way Harry had punched out the irritating Snotlout. Gods, that had been something that had been coming for years!

"The Mayor's son will be at the party as well," Ingrid told her daughter and Astrid glanced up. She had forgotten that Hiccup would be there. She had ignored him at school but he had vanished three days after graduation and it had been his example that had prompted her to make her own move. After all, if useless Hiccup could sum up the courage to flee Berk, then certainly 'Fearless' Astrid Hofferson shouldn't allow anything to hold her back. Unbidden, Harry's words rolled round her memory:

Would you have gone for a guy like me before? Or would you have chosen the jock?

Yet Harry was an amazing guy-sarcastic, clever, patient, inventive...and he was certainly no jock. She sighed. She should give Hiccup a chance: after all, what had she to feel superior about? A failed marriage, no home or car and an empty bank account. Her escape from Berk had failed and she was now back home with all her worldly possessions in two suitcases that she had needed Harry's help to drag home. 

She touched her fingers to her lips once more and smiled in memory of that searing final kiss. She would greet Hiccup like an old friend and treat him as he deserved-like one of their gang, a fellow graduate from Berk High and escapee from Berk. They had treated him poorly for too long and now she was back, it was time to make up for past mistakes.

The SUV pulled up outside the house, seeing the others' cars already there. The Hoffersons swiftly rang the doorbell and Valka let them in, kissing everyone on the cheek and taking coats as they entered. Astrid and her family went into the main drawing room, greeting old friends and collecting drinks. She grinned at he twins and Fishlegs and tried to avoid Snotlout, who had two black eyes, a swollen nose and a huge bruise on his chin. She grabbed an egg nog and drifted over to the twins and hugged Ruff in greeting, before bumping fists with Tuff.

"You got home okay?" she asked and they nodded.

"Erm...yeah," Tuff said distractedly. Astrid frowned.

"Is everything okay?" she asked. Ruff frowned and then nodded.

"Sure..." she murmured. Astrid slammed her egg nog down on the table and folded her arms across her chest, scolding.

"Okay, spill!" she snapped. "What's bugging you?" Ruff looked at Astrid and there was almost...pity?...in her eyes.

"Um...you know Harry?" she began. Astrid nodded.

"Well, duh! Travelled halfway across the country with him!" she said sharply. "Ruff?"

"What's she's trying to say is...he's here..." Fishlegs said. Astrid's face lit with delight.

"Where?" she asked urgently. The big accountant sighed and gestured.

"Over by Stoick," he said and Astrid grabbed her drink and sped across the room. He looked over at Ruff. "How do you think she'll respond?"

"Astrid doesn't like being lied to," the female twin replied. "Shame...because he actually seems perfect for her..." Tuff tilted his head and grabbed a mouthful of potato chips.

"Mmmm mphtl mmm mmumbbb..." he said. Fishlegs scowled in incomprehension.

"What?" he asked in confusion. Ruff shrugged.

"He said-don't bet against it. Astrid has grown up as well..." she sighed. "Hope you're right, mutton-head. Because I really want her to be happy..."

Astrid walked swiftly through the small groups of adults, her eyes searching for the tall, lean shape, her eyes finding the huge shape of the Mayor. She smiled brightly and he beckoned her over, accepted the kiss on the cheek in greeting. The Mayor was in fine form, grinning cheerfully, an enormous grey jumper with a fat snowman straining across his enormous girth.

"Astrid-how wonderful to see you...and you look ravishing," he said gently. 

"It's an honour to be here, sir," she said politely. "And many happy returns of the day. Are you having a good birthday?" Stoick grinned and nodded.

"Though the best present has been the return of my son for the holidays," he admitted. He turned his head towards the buffet table. "Hiccup? There's someone you should meet!" A familiar shape glanced up, dressed in a green jumper with a knitted Rudolph on the front, his brown jeans cleaned and pressed and brown converse replacing biker boots on his feet. Stoick completely missed the widening of her azure eyes. "You remember my son, Hiccup Haddock?"

Hiccup walked up, his emerald eyes warm with amusement as he gave his lopsided grin. Astrid mouthed the word 'Harry' and he nodded.

"Astrid Hofferson," he greeted her warmly. "You look utterly ravishing...like the most amazing Valkyrie in the history of the Nine Realms. Where have you been my entire life?" She stared at him.

"Oh you know...marrying the wrong man when I should have been looking for a man with a classic bike, his own apartment, a loyalish cat named Toothless, two degrees in Engineering, killer sarcasm and an amazing ability to make a plan out of nothing!" she murmured.

"While I was just looking for a Valkyrie who can't drive that well, knows nothing whatsoever about basic vehicular maintenance, is stubborn, fiery, brave, loyal, uses up all the towels, packs her cases with bricks and...maybe would forgive someone who was afraid to tell her his name in case she rejected him for who he had been, not who he was..." His voice was wary, his eyes brilliant with his hope and his naked affection of her. 

"Well, after my divorce, I would need to know a guy pretty well before I trusted again," she said thoughtfully, seeing Stoick glancing from one to the other, utterly confused. "Say...that he was sarcastic, rather neat, obsessed with his bike, a bit whiny, chivalrous, generous, has a prosthetic leg, is a fabulous kisser and has loved me unrequitedly for years. Oh and who would sabotage Snotlout's car and punch him out to protect me..."

"Can't think of anyone like that," Hiccup said with a smile, walking slowly towards her. He stopped inches from her. "Do you want to go out with me?"

"I thought you'd never ask!" she told him and slammed her lips against his, her hands grabbing the jumper across his chest as his hands slid down to her waist. Snotlout, who had seen her enter and was expecting her to reject Hiccup for lying, froze as he caught sight of them, a cup of egg nog in each hand. Both fell to the floor with a crash.

"Princess-nooooooooo!" he moaned. Stoick's face split in a huge smile.

"That's my boy!" he exclaimed loudly as Valka and Gobber walked up...and both gaped in shock.  "That was quick work!" 

The twins and Fishlegs whooped in celebrations, high-fiving and cheering at the sight of the kiss between their two friends. Despite everything, Hiccup had been a friend to them on the journey, helping every one of them on the way. Unconscious of everything except her body pressed against his, Hiccup slid his hand up to gently stroke Astrid's cheek, staring lovingly into her azure eyes.

"I love you," he murmured. She nodded. 

"I know," she breathed. "I-I think I knew anyway...especially when you kissed me when you saw me safely home.  And...I think I love you too."

"It's okay, Astrid," he said gently. "We'll just take it one day at a time...and one date at a time." He gave her another small kiss. "We'll see what the future holds...and what our journey together will be..." She sniggered.

"As long as I don't drive, right?" she teased him. 

"You read my mind," he smirked and nuzzled against her cheek gently. 

"Merry Snoggletog, Hiccup," she said, smiling. He grinned back, emerald eyes brilliant with happiness.

"Merry Snoggletog, Milady," he said.

The End

A/N: And Happy Snoggletog, Christmas or Holidays to you all!

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