22: New Beginnings

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"Say, 'goodbye Ginny!'" Tonks said to nearly five month old Teddy. He was still sporting blue hair most of the time.

"I can't believe it's already time," Ginny said, waving to Teddy who was in Tonks' arms.

"We've still got plenty of work to do, but all the classrooms are in working order," Harry said, straightening his glasses.

"Minerva will be delighted to have the students back. It will be another step towards normalcy," Arthur nodded.

"Remember Ginny, you've got your N.E.W.Ts come spring. Study hard!" Molly said.

"I will, Mum," Ginny said, exasperated.

"Best be going, the train leaves in fifteen minutes," Arthur checked his watch. Molly and Arthur stepped into he fireplace first, using Floo powder.

"Bye Ginny," Harry said, and kissed her goodbye.

"Write to me!" Ginny said as she stepped into the fire place.

"Everyday!" Harry joked as Ginny erupted into green flames.

Teddy watched, mesmerized as she disappeared.

"Da!" He shouted, his hair turning as green as the fire.

"Wasn't that fun? You get to go to Hogwarts too, in eleven years!" Tonks tickled his tummy and he giggled.

"Well, I should be off to work," Hermione said. "Lovely to see you all. We'll be together this weekend, yes?"

"Of course," Remus said with a smile.

"Have a good day, I'll see you at home," Ron kissed her goodbye.

Tonks smiled and looked up at Remus. The end of the war had brought about so much more love.

"And I'll be staying for lunch, thank you very much!" Harry said, flopping onto the sofa.

"Haven't you got Auror duties and whatnot?" Ron asked.

"I've given him the day off. He gets to be all mopey now that his girlfriend has gone off to school," Tonks teased.

"Da-Da," Teddy said, reaching for his father, who lifted him from Tonks' arms.

"All done with Mummy, are you?" Remus teased as Tonks gave him a look.

When Molly and Arthur returned from dropping Ginny off and King's Cross, and the seven of them had a lovely lunch in the back garden. 

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