Chapter 23

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(3rd POV)

Ever since that eventful night, two weeks had gone by in the blink of an eye. Nothing interesting had happened in the meantime, only that Kirishima hadn't exactly been his manly self.

Either that or he tried to hide it behind fake smiles. His friends had of course noticed how conflicted Kiri was, but tried to give him as much space as needed since only he could resolve such problems.

His conversations with Mina weren't as cheerful as they would usually be nor as long as before, so other classmates had one after the other secretly found out or deduced what could have happened between the two.

Right now, Kaminari was visiting him in his dorm room since Bakugo had disappeared somewhere unknown. Most likely to see Midoriya nonetheless.

Kaminari: Hey man, I think we need to talk.

Kirishima: What is there even to talk about? And you sound kind of serious, which is in a way alarming.

Kaminari: Yeah, yeah, keep making fun of me if that would at least shake that moody mood of yours.

Kirishima: Just go on with your idea.

Kaminari: I wanted to point out your behavior. Almost everyone is now aware of what happened. We agreed to give you space, but someone has to step in to help you out.

Kirishima: And that's what you're tryna do now. I guess that wouldn't be so bad.

Kaminari: First on the list, you need to figure out what is your type, but let's keep it simple on either one gender or both. So first question, do you still like boys?

Kirishima: I think? Do I anymore? I thought I had a thing for Bakugo but it's not as if I can't deny the fact that Mina is great too.

Kaminari: So you are BI. Noted. Now tell me, have you ever before had a crush or relationship?

Kirishima: Never. I may have thought of some girls being cute and all, but then Bakugo came into view and it all changed. His confidence, bravery, manliness, not to mention how hot he can look sometimes. Also, he has a soft side that doesn't show to many. Despite all that, Mina is cheerful and caring. She loves helping others and her smile is breathtaking which is amazing, but she is hurting as much as I do, especially after I friendzoned her...

Kaminari: Yoooo, hold your thoughts and let them out one at a time. We already have one Midoriya that rambles day and night, no need for two.

Kirishima: Sorry.

Kaminari: "Sigh" Don't worry man. As I said, I am here to help and in my opinion, you like both but one is taken. This leaves us with one last option of inviting Mina out.

Kirishima: I... she deserves better...

Kaminari: I think when a girl confesses to you, that means she already sees you as someone worthy of her, and believe me, I got plenty of comments saying I wasn't even worthy of talking to them.

"knock knock"

Kirishima: Who could it be?

Kaminari: That might be Shinso, hope it's ok that I invited him as well. I imagined how at some point I would be at an impasse with giving good advice, so I asked for backup beforehand.

Walking to the door to open it, Kirishima saw the purple-haired boy just as Kaminari predicted, standing in the hallway looking down at his phone through what seemed to be his social media.

Shinso: Yo. Thought I should come crash this small party of yours.

Kirishima: Hey man.

Kaminari: Thank god you arrived, I think I just hit a brick wall in this conversation.

Shinso: Reason for why I am present. Tell me what's the problem.

Kirishima: I...

Kaminari: The story on short goes like this, he thinks both Bakugo and Mina are cool, but since Bakugo has a boyfriend his only option left is Mina. To top it off, she confessed her love to him but since it happened right after he made up with Bakugo and Midoriya, he friendzoned her since he was still sad and confused.

Kirishima: I still told her that I would consider it!

Shinso: And how long ago did you have that conversation?

Kirishima: Umm... T-two weeks ago?

Shinso: That poor soul. Want me to use my quirk on him so he can at least confront her? Can't make him talk, but that would be a start.

Kaminari: Your idea isn't that bad, but we will have to leave it as our second option. I am saying that because he has to do it all by himself if we want their moment to be truly romantic!

Shinso: Fine. Although word of advice, I'd suggest you do this pretty soon. I may or may not have heard the girls of 1A talking about a specific someone thinking to get over this.

Kaminari: Then we do it tonight!

Kirishima: A-are you insane?! I only just became aware of my feelings like five minutes ago and you already want me to go confess?

Kaminari: What is there to lose?

Kirishima: Umm... I don't know... her?

Kaminari: Exactly! Which is why I am about to tell you what you should do tonight...

At the same time, in another room, Mina was also having her heart-to-heart conversation with Izuku and Katsuki.

Mina: This thing is sooo messed up! Look at you both, I am never going to have something like this!

Katsuki: If you keep up this shitty excuse of an attitude, then of course you won't.

Izuku: Kacchan, don't be mean to her. Don't you see how bad of a situation this is?

Katsuki: Just get over it already. He rejected you so what's the point?

Mina: Maybe, but he still said he would reconsider. Which still gives me at least a small glimmer of hope.

Izuku: He isn't a bad person, maybe you just caught him off guard. How about talking to him?

Mina: But when? It has already been two weeks now!

Katsuki: Try maybe fucking tonight! Otherwise, he might lose his last gram of interest in you if this gig keeps up any damn longer.

Mina: And where would we meet, what would I even say? Hey Kirishima, have you finally found your interest in me and are ready to be my lover?

Katsuki: And here you were bragging to me about knowing all and getting the boy you wanted was a piece of cake for you.

Mina: You shut up explosion boy! Without help, neither of you would have been here.

Izuku: Just try to calm down for now. How about you just act natural? A casual hello and then step by step you get to the subject you want to talk about.

Mina: We must devise a plan of attack and-

Before she could finish her sentence, a ringing was heard from one of their phones. Mina looked at her desk and her face was in pure shock and fear as she saw that her phone was the one going off.

Izuku was wondering what had made her take a step back and not say a word, so as he got up to see who was calling, he understood what was happening.

Izuku: K-Kirishima?!

Katsuki: So dumb hair is calling, who would have thought?

Izuku: Y-you need to answer!

Mina: What could he possibly want from me?

Katsuki: We'll never know unless you pick up already!

Not wanting to wait any longer, the angry blond got up from his spot on the bed, went to her desk, and picked up her phone for Mina.

He answered it and tossed it in her hands as she caught it not letting it hit the floor. With a quivering lip, she answered the voice that spoke with her.

Mina: H-hello?

Kirishima: H-hey, Mina. How's it going? "Ow"

Mina: Good, good. What about you?

Kirishima: N-nothing special either, although I was wondering about something. Are you by any chance free tonight?

Mina: Yes I am. Is there something you want to talk about?

Kirishima: You... you could say that. Meet me behind the building in an hour?

Mina: Sure thing. See ya.

Kirishima: Ok, bye.

As the call ended, she slowly moved her hand down and collapsed on her knees. Izuku went to her side only to be met with a grin and a look that was staring into nothingness.

Katsuki: I think he broke her.

Izuku: M-Mina? A-are you ok?

Mina: Seems like I will be meeting him tonight after all.

Time kept passing on as both parties were encouraging Mina and Kirishima. They were nervous, who wouldn't be, and yet this time seemed different than two weeks ago.

It was almost time for their encounter so they took off with the last bit of confidence left in them and headed down the stairs. One took the stairs as the other went on the elevator.

Kirishima was the first to arrive which was good seeing that he was the one who invited Mina to come out, and so she appeared only a few minutes later. As they met eyes, they stared for a minute until one broke the silence and so they averted their gazes.

Kirishima: S-so... I am glad you came.

Mina: Since you asked me to, I had no reason to decline it.

Kirishima: Yeah. So umm... the thing is... god am I bad at making conversation.

Mina: No worries, I know how you must feel.

She approached him just a bit to get closer and slid down the building on the cold grass. She patted the patch next to her indicating him to do the same, and he gladly took the offer.

Mina: Look, what I did back then two weeks ago was all rushed. You felt pressured, and I did as well... I didn't even consider your feelings and in which response they would manifest. I was dumb.

Kirishima: Stop blaming yourself for back then. You also tried to cheer me up and did so. But now I am the one who feels bad for what I did. I thought it over this time, and I also concluded. Even Kaminari said it was bad I thought that way... but I just feel like I am not good enough for you.

Mina: What are you even saying?

Kirishima: I did those nasty things, tried to break my friends' relationship, almost lost them...

Mina: Has Kaminari also mentioned how stupid you can be?

Kirishima: In a way. He is the one who made me call you so we would finally clear things up, yet my words find themselves hard to come out.

Mina: First tell me... should I prepare myself in a bad way or... there can be hope

Looking at her seeing concern filling those gold irises, he stood up, took a big deep breath, and held out his hand to her.

Kirishima: M-Mina! W-Would you like to go out with me?

She looked petrified for a moment, and yet her heart melted and grabbed hold of his hand so hard that she got up too fast and lost balance.

The next thing they knew was they lying on the cold grass, one above the other, their laughter filling the starry night sky. Catching up their breaths, they finally got to look at one another and blush began creeping up on their faces.

Mina's cheeks were painted a light shade of red and Kirishima's ears looked just as if he came inside the house from the cold winter.

Courage came over and Mina pressed down her lips touching his own and melting into the warm sensation. It took them a few minutes to break from it and start panting for air.

Mina: Next week. On Friday. You pick the time and place.

Kirishima: Done deal.

They finally got up from their spot and not long after beginning to walk back, they interlocked their hands keeping close. He walked Mina to her dorm and said a final good night before fading into the dark halls of the building.

She rapidly went inside and fell to her knees, forgetting about her two companions who were eagerly waiting for her to come back. Same thing with Kirishima and his two buddies.

Izuku & Katsuki: So? How did it go?

Shinso & Kaminari: How was it?

Kirishima & Mina: It went great!

Don't beat me for not posting...


The next chapter is the last!!

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