I've been thinking about Wally a lot lately but I'm not entirely sure why... I guess it's because he's my only friend I don't know I'll text him when I get home from school though.
"Now class we are going to be learning Functions of y=mx+b does anyone know how to do this already" I do I have been programming for nearly three months now algebra was needed before I could even start.
I raise my hand
"Yes Grayson" Okay what do I say now she asked if anyone knew so I raised my hand.
"Ugh... Um... y=mx+b is the slope-intercept form of line graphs" My voice gets quieter. "The M is the slope and the B is the intercept combining knowledge of both allows you to graph the Function." Batman made me learn all of this before I could even fire a grapple hook and more I've been studying this since before school started this year.
"Oh I see I guess you think you should teach the class then if you are so knowledgeable?" Shoot I did it again I always do this she didn't actually want me to say what I know oh I'm in so much trouble...
"No Miss Jones... Sorry Miss Jones" My third grade teacher didn't like me very much. It's mostly because even though this is an advanced class I pretty much know everything before she teaches it... And I don't know how to keep quiet about information I know.
"Very well class today we will be learning from our books so please open to page 180 and read the passage before doing the work." I did this in ten minutes. It's not like English where I struggle to keep up. I am pretty advanced in most Science Math and Art subjects. But I struggle in English, History and Foreign Language subjects. Good thing I want to be a programmer I don't need to use much French or WW2 knowledge for that.
I start thinking since I have nothing better to do. What do I think about you ask. What I always think about when I'm bored. Wally!!
Why do I think about him so much?
Why is he so cute to me he's not supposed to be cute he's my friend?
Why does his red hair make me so happy to see?
How does he have so many adorable freckles... nope not thinking about this next question.
Does he think I'm cute too... nope not thinking about this either.
Why do I care if he thinks I'm cute though?
Meanwhile in Central City
It's lunch time for me. And when I have lunch I think about Robin. More specifically his eyes. I'v never seen them before but I want to. I know all the questions I keep asking will be cleared up if I can see his eyes. They're the windows to the soul after all. Anyway I finished my lunch and started thinking
I wonder what color they are?
I wonder if they are as cute as I think they are?
Will they really make everything clear?
I hope they do.
I have to know.
I hope they are blue blue is my favorite color for eyes.
I have to know...
I have a plan
That day after school Wally came to the Batcave to see me like we do almost everyday at this point.
I was standing by the door when I hear "Kid Flash B03" and I turn to see him charging out straight towards me he wasn't gonna stop in time "LOOK OUT...UOF" He ran straight into me knocking my glasses off it's the first time I'm seeing him without either glasses or a mask. And the first time he's seeing my eyes.
We just kinda stop and stare.
His hair is even redder without the glasses it's so pretty
Blue eyes my favorite color
Ugh... wait got to get my glasses before Batman sees.
It didn't solve anything I'm still confused.
He has such green eyes they're gorgeous, but I can't tell him that.
I quickly grab my glasses and put them on. "Watch where you're going next time Kid Clutz" Please don't notice how red my face is.
"Indeed but it's a bit late now go ahead and leave the glasses off Robin" I look up to see Batman still full costume in front of us.
"O-Okay..." I look away nervous before pulling them off to see Wally in full brightness again.
"You have pretty eyes don't you Robin." Wally is teasing me now. Well at least he's not making a big deal about it I'll tease back a bit.
"Look who's talking Mr Emerald Eyes"
"Now's not the time I have to speak to the two of you... now." We walk up to Batman to hear a ten minute lecture on being more careful abut using our abilities and how if KF was running too fast I could have been hurt or worse e are lucky that all that happened was my glasses falling off... you get the picture.
Afterward Wally showed me two new movies he brought with him. Finding Nemo and Wizards of Oz. I haven't seen either of them so we sat down and watched them together.
Halfway through Wizards of Oz though Wally feel asleep and I kinds stopped watching the movie and just watched him sleep instead.
I'm such a weirdo why do I do these things.
So now we are in the territory of minor crush just off friendship. Well at some point Robin and KF will get curious about these "weird feelings and maybe talk to their mentors about it. Or maybe they will google it first and go up and say something along the lines of "Am I gay (Bruce/Uncle Barry)?" I'm not sure yet but not for at least two more chapters will they come out. I'm thinking of doing it more along the lines of they don't think it's a big deal as they are kids in a more progressive home environment so they will just kinda say it. Well now that I have over twenty five likes on this I have two more chapters to go. And if DPB reaches 900 views which it seems likely it will sometime this week you will get a third. So
Love you all
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