"Wally I have something to tell you" Robin is staring at me intensely. Blushing.
I look back at him we are close but I close the distance a bit more "What is it, Robin?"
I'm blushing 'Does he like me too? Is he about to tell me that he does? Am I reading too much into this?'
"My name is Dick Grayson. And Batman's name is Bruce Wayne." He leans down on my shoulder after saying this "I've wanted to tell you since we first met on the roof that night... But Batman wouldn't let me."
"Wow Batman trusts me enough to let you tell me this" Well it's not exactly what I hoped but it's still pretty cool. I know Robin's secret identity.
"Err... No... I just didn't tell him I was telling you, hahaha. But we don't have to tell him I told you do we?" Welp I'm dead. Batman is gonna kill me. I know about the one rule but it doesn't change the fact I'm the walking dead right now.
"Eh-hem... As much as that would be nice I heard the whole thing Dick." In comes Batman... Or should I say Bruce as he's not in costume. "Well Robin is gonna have an extra twelve hours of training this week and Wally come with me we need to talk.
"Tell Uncle Barry I love him" I whisper to Dick causing him to giggle.
"Good luck" He whispers back. Givivng me a hug before I walk away with Batman.
One forty minute lecture later
"So you will not be revealing this information to anyone, correct Wallace?" I barely hear him
"I will not be revealing this information to anyone." I tried but I've long checked out from boredom. Give me a break I'm ten and it's been forty or so minutes of talking about grown up stuff and I only have so much attention to give before my brain turns off.
"Very well why don't you go finish your movie with Dick I'm sure he's tired of waiting." I perk up at this and rush out of the room.
Well I did it I told Wally my identity.
Noe the one thing keeping me from potentially telling him how I feel is out of the way and no longer an issue. It's still gonna be a while till I tell him after all I still have to make plans on how to tell him.
I'm thinking I'm going to take him to a restaurant outside of Gotham and tell him after treating him to a nice dinner. I know a place that will let us eat without adults around. This will be fun.
Or maybe I'll get a cake that says 'Will you go out with me' and give it to Wally with a note from me. It will have to be his favorite flavor and color. In other words chocolate and red and yellow.
Or maybe I'll climb in his lap give him puppy dog eyes and kiss his cheek before saying 'I love you Kid Cutie will you go out with me'
So many possibilities I just have to figure out which I'm doing.
I have to pick the perfect one so he'll say yes.
This is so exciting.
Just then Wally comes back in
"Hey well that was a long lecture I hope we can still finish the movie before bed"
"We have time come on" I pat the couch next to me and he sits.
I cozy up next to him leaning on his shoulder.'How is it he hasn't figured out I like him yet we are always cuddling' Wally wraps his arms around me and we begin the movie Kubo and the two strings it's scary and has dark creepy moments but it's a good movie.
By the end I look up to find I had somehow during the movie ended up on Wally's lap. "Um... Sorry"
"It's fine you should sit on my lap more often. We are both super cuddly after all" I smile at this and snuggle down in his lap.
"That's true we are both cuddlers" I say putting my arms around his neck.
"We should probably go to sleep though it's late and we have to stay on a good sleep schedule right?"
"Haha good point" I walk over to my bed "Um... Wally I know you usually stay in the guest bedroom but would you like to stay with me we could cuddle till we fall asleep." Okay I messed up. Wally is going to think I'm a weirdo.
I look over to see him grinning wildly "YEAH... I mean if you want to" We both grin ear to ear and hop into my bed snuggling down and soon falling to sleep.
That night I had good dreams. I usually have terrible nightmares but with Wally there my dreams were sweet and filled with the red haired boy I adored.
Well now I have three more to go.
And yes they are MAJORLY crushing right now and now that they've accepted their crushes they feel them more intensely. Few ore chapters till they ask each other out but I'm probably not ending the book there. Instead I'm going to show more things like them finally taking care of those bullies and starting a relationship and maybe some more characters will deal with crushes in the background. Maybe there will be action I'm not sure yet but it's gonna be fun.
So to the fans thank you and vote and follow. Three more votes and I'm gonna have to give you four more chapters. Well most readers have three votes they could give on chapters as I'm pretty sure most of you haven't voted on every chapter so one person could get you another chapter.
Well I'm off to get more ideas together and get ready for DND
Love you all
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