I'm a boy
I'm an eight year old boy.
I'm an eight year old gay boy
I'm an eight year old gay boy who is asking to date his best friend... Another boy who is two years older.
I'm an eight year old gay boy who has to ask Batman for permission to date his best friend... Another boy who is two years older.
I'm screwed.
I knock on the door to Bruce's office. "Tati can I come in?" Silence.
"Come in Dick. What did you do?" Well great now he's angry.
"Why do you think I did something?" I give him my good boy eyes. Wide and innocent.
"You only call me Tati when you think you're in trouble. Otherwise you call me Bruce. So what did you do?" Welp I need to stop calling him Tati when I'm in trouble now.
"You remember how I am gay?" He looks confused.
"Yes... Did you sleep with someone? You're way too young." He starts to sound nervous and I shake my head furiously.
"I have never slept with anyone. I go to bed every night with Peanut the elephant." Oh God he was going to freak out now that I wanted to date Wally. He sighs in relief.
"Then what is it? Are you being bullied?" How do I answer this.
"No... Well yes, but that's not what this is about. I can handle bullies on my own." He looks furious at this.
"You're being bullied?!?! Why didn't you tell me?!?! I'm calling the school!!!" He picks up the phone and starts looking for the school's number.
"Please can we talk about what I want ed to talk about then can we handle the bullies. It's not that bad really I'm handling it." He stops at this.
He sighs. "Alright Dickiebird. As long as we handle the bullies after. What's on your mind?"
I sigh. "I want to date... I want to date Wally. I love him." Batman looks surprised but then his lips perk up into a smile.
'You are free to date under one condition." I look nervous. "No touching below the waist. Not until you're at least sixteen. Alright Dick?"
Oh thank God he's cool with me dating. I nod extremely excited. "Now I'm going to let you go tell Wally you are dating now but we will discuss the fact you are being bullied later got it?" I smile from ear to ear.
"Thanks Dad I'm going to have him come over to the Batcave right now."
I'm going to do it.How hard can it be?
He accepted I'm gay he should realize I'm gonna date, Right?
I knock on Uncle Barry's and Aunt Iris's bedroom door. "Uncle Barry? Auntie Iris? I have a question. A Big Kid question to ask you?" I hear muttering
"I thought he wasn't *something something* birds and bees *something something something* Condoms *something* You do it *something something* I don't know how *something something* Grown arse man do it" This is getting tiring
"I have access to the internet birds and bees happened when I was seven this has nothing to do with that. And I physically can't actually have sex for a while so I don't think you need to worry about condoms" I heard a few swears before Uncle Barry opened the door.
"Hey kiddo. What do you want to talk about?" He is visibly sweating.
"Am I old enough to date? A boy asked me out and I want to date him." He visibly relaxes to this. He chuckles.
"If I can meet the parents and I approve of you two being around each other than yes you can date. Also no touching below the waist" I look disgusted.
"Gross that's where pee comes from I don't want to touch there." He smile is now from ear to ear.
"So who do you want to date?"
"I want to date Robin." He goes pale at this.
"Okay new rule Batman has to say yes as well for you to date. I'm not dealing with Batman freaking out over this." I nod
"Baby Bird is asking Batman right now if we can date. I hope he says yes."
Uncle Barry nods and Iris calls him in. "Barry, Wally is there something you want to tell me? Perhaps why my husband kept the fact that my nephew was gay?" I start to panic.
"Auntie do you not want me to be gay? I-I can't help it... I just like boys" I start shaking.
Aunt Iris comes over and hugs me "Of course not my little speeder. I just want to know why you didn't tell me."
Barry scratches the back of his neck "He only figured it out rather recently. I was going to figure out the best way for us to tell you. It just hadn't happened yet.Guess it just did."
Iris looks at Barry. "If he just figured it out should he really start dating? Right away I mean? What if he's just confused or curious?"
Barry comes over and hugs us both "He should be able to date anyone he wants Iris... As long as he's not putting himself in danger or being poorly influenced it's our job to support him Iris... We're his parents now we have to be here for him."
She sighs "I guess you're right. Wally go ahead and as long as you follow the rules Barry has laid out you can date."
I called Wally he answered in Superspeed "Uncle Barry and Aunt Iris said yes what did Batman say?" Is what I heard. What anyone else would hear would be "Uncearynuntirisaidyeswutdidbmansay"
"Batman said yes and Wally you're talking at Superspeed again" I chuckle. I find his fast talking quite cute. But he's not supposed to do it when he's not in uniform. So I tend to remind him despite me fully understanding him.
"Sorry Baby Birdy. But he said yes that's great we can start dating now. I'm gonna come get you and we can cuddle in the park... If you want to..." He says the last part shyly as if I'm going to say no.
"I'll be ready in ten minutes I just need to find my shoes, Kid Cutie."
"see you then"
I'm bring this back and it feels great to write a bit of fluff again. Even if Aunt Iris's scene was a little sad. She isn't homophobic. She just isn't convinced that a ten year old fully understands their sexuality. She'll come around. Well I'll try to update again soon
Love You Guys
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