73. I Want That

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After just ambling around for a while, I decided to ask, "What do you want for you want for your birthday?"

He shook his head, "I don't need anything."

"Well, you may not need something, but surely there's something you want."

"Nah, I'm good, really."

I groaned, "David, please tell me one thing! You're always so thoughtful with your gifts and I feel terrible for never getting you anything! Let me pay you back!"

"Angel, I get you things to make you happy. Seeing your smile is the only thing I want in return, I don't expect physical items."

I stopped walking and put my hands on my hips, "Charming, I am getting you a birthday present and that's final. I'll buy whatever you want, just tell me if something catches your eye and it's yours."

He chuckled, "You sure are set on this, huh?" I nodded and he sighed, "Oh, alright." He slowly turned in a circle and after a moment, his face lit up. He grabbed my arm and dragged me into the nearest clothing store, pulling me around as he looked for who knows what. Finally, he must have found what he'd been searching for because he stopped abruptly, almost making me crash into his back. He stood by my side and pointed, "I want that."

I followed his gaze and it landed on a mirror. I raised an eyebrow at him, "Feeling a little vain today, are we?"

"No no no, I want what's in it."

I rolled my eyes, "But that's still you."

He shook his head and pulled me closer to it. When it was an arm's length away, he put his finger on the smooth surface, pointing to me. "I want that."

I smiled at him sheepishly, "Well, you already have that."

He raised his eyebrows, "I do?" I nodded and he grinned, "Then there's nothing else I could possibly want."

I groaned, "David!"

He smirked and pulled me close to him, "I'll pick something out if you really want me to. Honestly though, all I could ever want or need is right here in front of me. With you, my life is complete."

I smiled and hugged him, "You're my favorite part of me, you know that?"

"You're the only part of me that matters," he murmured.

We held each other a little longer and I glanced at us in the mirror. I loved the sight, we just fit together like we were made for each other, although a lot of people would beg to differ. Seeing our embrace from this outside perspective somehow made it feel even more special. I slowly slipped out of his arms, giving his cheek a peck as I did.

"Let's go find your perfect present, shall we?"

He rolled his eyes but took my hand and we found our way to an electronics store. He finally decided that he wanted a new vlogging camera so I bought it for him and as soon as we were in the halls again, he started ripping it out of the box. He put the batteries in it and quickly skimmed over a few of the instructions before throwing the packaging away in a bin we passed.

I shook my head at him, "What are you doing?"

He grinned, "Well I wanna try it out!"

"Want me to film you?"

He held it out in front of us, "Nope, I want you to be in it!"

"Alright, as long as this doesn't go on your channel."

He shrugged, "This first test one won't. I just wanna see how the audio is and all that."

I nodded, "Then go right ahead."

He flipped the screen so we could see ourselves and pressed the button to start recording. "Hello everybody! And welcome back tooooo, SquiddyVlogs! Look who I've found!"

He shoved the camera in my face and I made a silly expression, "Sup peoples? Elsie is here!"

He pulled it back out so we were both in the frame, "I'm here in the Mall of America, spending the day with my lovely girlfriend."

He kissed my cheek and I pushed him away teasingly, "Oh, stop."

"I came to visit for our birthdays and I must say, I'm having a pretty good time. Would you agree, Elsie?"

"No way! You forced me to touch weird sea creatures!"

He smirked, "You're touching a weird sea creature right now."

I opened my mouth to protest but closed it again. I sighed, "I suppose you're right." I turned a smile back to the camera, "In all seriousness though, I'm having a blast. This boy knows how to show a girl a good time."

"Well, one girl at least."

I nodded in agreement. "So, what's the plan for the rest of the day?"

"Not really sure. We could go to Nickelodeon Universe if you want."

I laughed, "Oh yeah, I know you're just dying to go on all of the spinny rides, huh?"

He shook his head vigorously, "Nuh uh! I hate spinny things!"

"I know."

He frowned, "You do?"

"Yeah, you'd be surprised how many random things you say about yourself when you're recording."

He wiggled his eyebrows, "You saying you still watch my videos?"

I blushed, "No..."

"Aww, you're still a fangirl! After all this time!"

I scowled at him, "I am not! I only watch them when I miss you."

"Sure, sure. Whatever you say."

I scoffed and pointed my thumb at him, "Can you believe this guy?"

He waved it off, "Anyways, this has just been a quick test to see how the new camera works. Here, let's see how it is with scenery." He turned it around and zoomed in on random storefronts and decorations around the place. "Hmm, very nice. Very nice indeed." He flipped it back to us, "Anything else you'd like to add before I end it?"

I smiled sweetly into the lens, "I love you future David that's watching this right now!" I blew a kiss to the camera, but he wrapped an arm around my waist and turned me to him.

"Oh, I think we can do him one better." He pressed our lips together and I grinned, reaching out my hand to turn off the recording. I linked my fingers behind his neck and pulled him into me, enjoying our quick moment of intimacy as much as I could. After a moment, my stomach rumbled and I pulled away embarrassedly. He chuckled, "Hungry?"

"I guess so," I mumbled. An idea suddenly came to me and I asked excitedly, "Can I pick where we eat?"

He nodded, "Sure thing."

I quickly found a map and located where I wanted to go, then pulled him along as we made our way there. He tried to ask where we were going but I refused to say anything, mostly to get back at him for all the times he'd done it to me. Eventually, I spotted it and a grin stretched onto my face. My feet moved quicker and I was soon standing right in front of it.

I turned to him and held out my arms proudly, "Ta da!"

He quirked an eyebrow at the place I'd brought us to. "Dairy Queen?"

I nodded, "When I saw that quest episode where Stampy was like, 'or another suggestion for something we could build is a dairy queen,' I was like, 'uh, why is that special?' and then you were like, 'what?!' and I was like, 'what...?' So yeah, I found out that you didn't have them in England and pretty much flipped out. DQ is life man. Come on, you have to try some of this."

I tugged him up to the counter and the young girl at the cash register smiled at us. "Welcome to Dairy Queen. What can I get for you?"

"He'll probably need a minute," I told her, "he's never been here before." She seemed surprised but I'd expected that. I turned to him, "No matter what, you need to get ice cream. It's what they're known for."

"You go ahead and order, I'll just be a few seconds." So I told her what I wanted and then waited patiently for him to pick something. When he'd made his decision, we paid and took the food when it was ready over to a table.

We were overlooking the indoor theme park and it was quite loud from all of the kids talking and screaming, but it was a nice site and I enjoyed seeing all of the bright colors. Rides had never been my thing, I hated the feeling you get when you're falling down a rollercoaster, and I knew they weren't his favorite either so we probably wouldn't go down there today. After just watching over everything for a bit and picking at my food, I turned to him expectantly.

"Well? Did you try the ice cream yet?"

He shook his head, "I'm saving it for dessert."

"But it'll be melted by then! Go on, just give it a try."

So he picked up his cone and licked the signature swirl off the top. He smacked his lips a few times, as if pondering the flavor, and finally grinned, "This is really good!"

I smiled, "Mission accomplished!" He started taking huge bites and I laughed, "Woah, dude, slow down. You're gonna get a-"

"Ah! Cold! Ow!" He grimaced and pressed his hands against his head.

I sighed, "Brain freeze." I couldn't help chuckling as I watched him wait for the pain to subside. I slid a spoonful of my blizzard along my tongue and smiled at the taste, when I saw a couple of girls approaching us. They looked about thirteen and were acting really nervous, pushing each other forward as if to say, "You first."

They finally made their way up to the table and one of them managed to stutter, "H-h-hi... A-are you-u, Elsie?"

I set down my cup and gave them a friendly smirk, "Indeed I am." She glanced at her friend excitedly and I said, "May I ask your names?"

"I'm Kendra and this is Ginny, we're really big fans of yours."

"I can't believe you're really here!" Ginny squeaked. "I mean, when we found out you lived in Minnesota we were hopeful that one day we'd run into you... but we never thought it would actually happen!"

David groaned and I looked over to see him massaging his temples. He shook his head as if to clear it and looked up, blinking in surprise at the two girls. "Oh, hello. Who are you?"

I rolled my eyes, "Don't mind Squid, he just had a brain freeze."

He frowned, "Squ..." His eyes widened and he grinned, "Oooohh, fangirls, okay. I'm up to speed now." He stuck out his hand, "It's nice to meet you both."

They exchanged confused looks and hesitantly shook his hand. They quickly turned back to me and smiled, "I'm really sorry if this is weird but we're like freaking out right now."

I waved it off, "It's all good. You want a picture or something?"

Their mouths gaped open, "Really?"

I shrugged, "Sure, why not?"

Almost instantly their phones were in their hands and they held them out to David, "Can you take some shots for us?"

He blinked at the devices a few times and then glanced up at me. I was struggling not to laugh and he narrowed his eyes at me teasingly. He finally took them and the girls crouched down next to me, grinning so wide I was afraid their faces might crack. After taking a few goofy pics, he handed their phones back to them and they scrolled through their galleries. I looked at Charming and could tell he felt kind of down that they were fangirling over me instead of him.

I whispered to the girls, "Do you think maybe we could take one with Squid? It would help his ego."

I gestured to him so they could see his sad expression and they giggled, "I suppose."

"Yo, Squid Nugget," I said to get his attention. I waved him over, "Come take a selfie with us."

He grinned and came around to our side of the table. He set his hands on my shoulders and put his head next to mine, making a silly face for the picture. That seemed to satisfy him because he sat back down and just watched us for a while. The girls seemed relieved by that and went off asking me a bunch of random questions. It was a pretty good time and I was actually a little sad when their guardians came over and told them they had to leave. I quickly signed something for them and they thanked me as they walked away.

I turned back to David and he was smiling warmly at me. "What?" I asked.

"Your fans love you almost as much as I do."

I shrugged, "I love them too. Without them, my life would be a whole lot different right now."

"Good different or bad different?"

"Who knows? Life is unpredictable, it could've gone either way."

"But it chose to go this way." He gazed at me hopefully, "Do you, like this way?"

I smiled and leaned across the table, "I wouldn't change a single thing."

He met my lips and sighed contently, "Me neither."

When we finished eating, we walked around for a while longer. He did film a proper vlog and I spoke in the background a bit, but I didn't let him get any shots of me. We bought a few more things and did other random mall stuff before finally heading back to the hotel.


For reals, how can you guys in the UK live without Dairy Queen?! (if you actually do have them I'm going to feel like such a numpty xD) I go there like once a week, I love it way too much. But anyways I linked the video she referenced to this chapter in case you haven't seen it or forgot about it. Quick warning, it's kinda loud at the beginning so listen with caution lol. "What color means caution, class?" *groans* "Yellow..." "Yes! Very good!" XD One of the only things I've learned from driver's ed. Sorry, that was really random. Oh well, I'm a random person, and if you haven't learned that by now then you need to work on your perception skills. Deal with the randomness! Embrace it! And if you can't do that, then get out! Lol I'm kidding plz come back! Dang it, they already ran away. Ah well, it was gonna happen eventually.

Thanks for reading peoples ;) ☮ Peace ☮ - Elsie

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